Figure 1. Location of viral injection site and optical probes. A, qRT-PCR amplification curves showing detection of VGluT2 mRNA from individual VTA microdissected neurons expressing mCherry under the regulation of the VGluT2 promoter (65 neurons). B, Expression of ChR2-eYFP at the viral injection site (VTA). VGluT2-eYFP neurons are localized to midline VTA (green), whereas TH-immunoreactive neurons are localized laterally (red). C, D, Example of an optical fiber placement in a ChR2-eYFP mouse. Yellow line indicates the optical fiber. eYFP fluorescence indicates axons from VTA VGluT2 neurons. b, Blood vessel. E, Distribution of implanted fibers. F, G, Example LHb c-Fos immunoreactivity (brown/black puncta; F′, G′, arrowhead) in ChR2-eYFP (F) and control (G) mice. H, Light stimulation of VGluT2-mesohabenular fibers significantly increased c-Fos immunoreactivity in LHb but not paraventricular thalamus (PVT), in VGluT2-ChR2 mice compared with VGluT2-control mice [data are mean ± SEM (error bars)]. *p < 0.05. Scale bars: B, F, G, 0.25 mm; C, 1 mm; D, 0.2 mm; F′, G′, 0.025 mm.