Channel-Mediated Lactate Release by K+-Stimulated Astrocytes
Tamara Sotelo-Hitschfeld, María I. Niemeyer, Philipp Mächler, Iván Ruminot, Rodrigo Lerchundi, Matthias T. Wyss, Jillian Stobart, Ignacio Fernández-Moncada, Rocío Valdebenito, Pamela Garrido-Gerter, Yasna Contreras-Baeza, Bernard L. Schneider, Patrick Aebischer, Sylvain Lengacher, Alejandro San Martín, Juliette Le Douce, Gilles Bonvento, Pierre J. Magistretti, Francisco V. Sepúlveda, Bruno Weber and L. Felipe Barros
Journal of Neuroscience 11 March 2015, 35 (10) 4168-4178;