Figure 3. Proximodistal distribution of theta coherence in normal and epileptic rats. A, Schematic representation of the entorhinal input pathways converging into the dorsal hippocampus. The temporoammonic pathway originates in layer III of the entorhinal cortex to target the SLM of CA1 region. Layer III neurons from the LEC project to distal CA1, i.e., close to the subiculum. Layer III neurons from the MEC project to the proximal CA1, i.e., close to CA3. The perforant pathway originates in layer II with LEC cells projecting to the MLo and MEC cells projecting to the MLm of the DG. LEC and MEC presumably process different aspects of information. B, Proximodistal distribution of theta coherence among SLM–MLo, SLM–MLm, and MLo–MLm for both LFP (left column) and CSD signals (right column). Individual data obtained from rats implanted at different mediolateral and anteroposterior locations are represented by dots scaled according to coherence (cohe) values (scale at right). Data from n = 10 control (black), n = 9 epileptic rats (blue). The approximate limits between proximal and distal CA1 are marked by discontinuous lines. One epileptic rat recorded at proximal coordinates had a defective site at MLo and could not be included in the SLM–MLo and MLm–MLo analysis. SUB, subiculum. C, Mean LFP coherence values per group at distal (n = 5 control, n = 4 epileptic) and proximal coordinates (n = 5 control, n = 5 epileptic). Data are represented as mean ± 95% confidence interval. Asterisks indicate significant differences between groups (one-tailed Welch's test); *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005. C′, Same for CSD coherence values. D, Mean group layer-based coherence matrices for LFP and CSD signals recorded at distal locations together with the statistical contrast matrix (Welch's tests) for comparisons among SLM, MLo, MLm, and MLi layers as in matrices shown in Fig. 2. The level for Bonferroni correction is at 2.25 = −log10(0.05/9). D′, Same as in D for rats recorded at proximal coordinates. E, Within-group comparisons (control) of distal (n = 5 rats) versus proximal (n = 5 rats) CSD coherence values. The contrast matrix shows only significant values (Welch's test). The level for Bonferroni correction is at 2.25 = −log10(0.05/9). E′, Same as in E for proximal (n = 5 rats) and distal (n = 4 rats) comparisons within the epileptic group. GCL, granule cell layer.