Figure 3. PrV and SpVi representations of intensity are optimized at different contexts. A, B, Correlation coefficients for all PrV (n = 41) and SpVi (n = 45) neurons with population average and SE as crosshairs. In each panel, the correlation for a higher-stimulus intensity context is presented against a lower-intensity context. C, D, Comparison of mean correlations between stimulus velocity and response for the PrV and SpVi obtained using linear (C) and sigmodal (D) fits. E, F, Averaged responses of PrV (E) and SpVi (F) neurons as a function of stimulation velocity at the three intensity contexts: low (blue circles), medium (orange squares), and high (red diamonds). Although unadapted responses (black circles) are similar for both nuclei, PrV codes stimulus intensity more linearly at the high-intensity context and the SpVi better codes the low-intensity context. G, H, Population responses as in E, F as a function of normalized velocity (Z-scores).