In the article “Removal of Perineuronal Nets in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Impairs the Acquisition and Reconsolidation of a Cocaine-Induced Conditioned Place Preference Memory” by Megan Slaker, Lynn Churchill, Ryan P. Todd, Jordan M. Blacktop, Damian G. Zuloaga, Jacob Raber, Rebecca A. Darling, Travis E. Brown, and Barbara A. Sorg, which appeared on pages 4190–4202 of the March 11, 2015 issue, there were errors in the y-axis scales of Figure 7, C and E. The y-axis scale on Figure 7C should be the y-axis scale on Figure 7E, and the y-axis scale on Figure 7E should be the y-axis scale on Figure 7C. This error does not affect any of the conclusions or interpretations in our paper. The correct Figure 7 is shown below.