Figure 7. Mutating the ATP-binding site annuls the effect of synapsin IIa on synaptic depression. A, Neurons were stimulated 900 times at 10 Hz and their synaptic responses were recorded. Shown are representative responses for control neurons expressing Venus (control, black) and for TKO neurons expressing EGFP-SynIIa (red) or its K270Q mutant (blue). Every 15th response in the stimulation train is shown. B, Normalized end-point subtracted semilog plots of mean ± SEM EPSC responses to stimulation trains as in A (n = 11, 7, and 11, respectively). Depression is deferred by the expression of EGFP-SynIIa, but not of EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, compared with the Venus control. Furthermore, the rate of depression, once initiated, is slower for EGFP-SynIIa than for the K270Q mutant. For clarity, symbols and error bars are shown for every 10th stimulus, and down to ∼5% of the initial amplitude. Solid lines denote single-exponent fits applied starting 5, 10, and 9 s after the first EPSC, respectively. C, Average time constant of synaptic depression, calculated by fitting the EPSC amplitudes with a single-exponent decay function as shown in B. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc analysis. Control versus EGFP-SynIIa, ***p = 0.0008; control versus EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, p = 0.39; EGFP-SynIIa versus EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, *p = 0.014. D, Because synaptic depression follows complex kinetics, the t1/2 of depression was calculated. EGFP-SynIIa delays depression, whereas the K270Q mutant does not. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc analysis. Control versus EGFP-SynIIa, ***p = 0.0005; control versus EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, p = 0.32; EGFP-SynIIa versus EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, *p = 0.013. E, Cumulative charge transfer during EPSC trains. Although EGFP-SynIIa significantly increased the charge transfer throughout the train, the K270Q mutant was ineffective in this respect. n = 6, 6, and 8, respectively. Repeated-measures ANOVA using every fifth EPSC value within the 200th-500th stimuli range, followed by Tukey's post hoc analysis. Control versus EGFP-SynIIa, *p < 0.049; control versus EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, p = 0.99; EGFP-SynIIa versus EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, *p = 0.033. F, Synapsin IIa progressively increases the ratio between the charge and amplitude of each EPSC during stimulation trains, consistent with a gradual desynchronization of synaptic release. The K270Q mutation annuls this effect. Repeated-measures ANOVA, followed by Tukey's post hoc analysis. Control versus EGFP-SynIIa, **p = 0.002; control versus EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, p = 0.92; EGFP-SynIIa versus EGFP-SynIIa-K270Q, **p = 0.006.