Figure 2. 7CK fully inhibits NMDAR-mediated currents and calcium influx but does not interfere with LFS-induced NMDAR-dependent LTD. A, Representative traces of uncaging-evoked postsynaptic NMDAR currents (uEPSCs) before (black; stim) and after (red; stim+7CK) 7CK. Whole-cell currents were recorded at −65 mV in ACSF containing the following (in mm): 0.1 Mg2+, 3 Ca2+, and 0.01 NBQX. B, NMDAR uEPSCs (black filled bar) were blocked completely by 7CK (red filled bar) to levels indistinguishable from baseline (open bars; 44 spines/10 cells). C, Red fluorescence image of a dendritic segment (left) from a cell transfected with DsRedExpress (red) and GCaMP6 (green) and overlays of red and green fluorescence line-scan images in the absence (middle; veh) or presence (right; 7CK) of 7CK including the target spine (sp) and neighboring dendrite (dend) from the region indicated by the white dashed line. The time of glutamate uncaging is indicated by the yellow arrowhead. Ca2+ transients corresponding to the images shown are displayed below. D, Ca2+ transients (black bar; 20 spines/7 cells) were completely blocked by 7CK (red bar). E, LTD expression, induced by a 1 Hz, 15 min stimulus in acute hippocampal slices from P18–P24 mice, was normal in the presence of 7CK (7 cells) but blocked by the glutamate binding site NMDAR antagonist AP-5 (7CK+AP5; 5 cells). Inset, Representative traces of responses obtained before and after LFS. Scale bars: 10 pA, 100 ms. F, 7CK completely blocks synaptic NMDAR currents (4 cells). NMDAR EPSCs were recorded at 40 mV in the presence of 10 μm NBQX. Inset, Representative traces of baseline and post-7CK responses. Scale bars: 50 pA, 200 ms. ***p < 0.001.