Figure 1. Tone-evoked membrane potential responses of neurons in mouse auditory cortex. A, Schematic of experimental design. Left, Whole-cell recordings were obtained from Exc neurons (black), SST (blue) and PV (red) interneurons in L2/3 of A1. Middle, Two sound frequencies f1 and f2, distributed around the BF, were chosen from the tuning curve. Due to asymmetry of the tuning curve, f1 and f2 typically differed in their evoked response amplitudes, referred to here as preferred and nonpreferred frequencies. Right, In an oddball paradigm repeated standard tones of one frequency (f1 or f2; gray) were interleaved with rare and irregular tones (Oddballs; black) of the other frequency. Use of f1 and f2 as standard or oddball tones was swapped between stimulation blocks. For analysis, oddball-evoked responses (Odd) are compared with responses evoked by pre-oddball standard tones (PreOdd) and those by the first standard tone of each block (First). B, A1 was located using red-light intrinsic optical imaging. Left, Example image of exposed cortical surface. Right, Localized tissue reflectance decreases upon presentation of pure tones (8 kHz). C, Example images of an excitatory pyramidal neuron and tdTomato-expressing SST and PV interneurons (left to right) filled with AlexaFluor-488 (green) via whole-cell recording pipettes. D, Pooled data for average membrane potential (Vm), input resistance (Rin), and AP half-width for the three cell types (n = 21, 20, and 11 for Exc, SST, and PV neurons). E, Example Vm responses in Exc, SST, and PV cells evoked by tones of their respective BFs (Exc: 11.3 kHz; SST: 26.9 kHz; PV: 11.3 kHz). Top row, Individual (gray) and average (colored) traces of the original Vm responses. Middle row, Estimated subthreshold Vm obtained by removing APs with median filtering. Bottom row, Colored lines show the average of the corresponding FR and the colored shades their SD. F, Comparisons of the BF-evoked peak Vm amplitudes (ΔVm) and maximum FR changes (ΔFR) during 100 ms after tone onsets between Exc (n = 22), SST (n = 17), and PV cells (n = 11). D, F, Open circles indicate responses from individual neurons, and bold lines with error bars represent mean ± SEM. **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05.