In the article “Motion Makes Sense: An Adaptive Motor-Sensory Strategy Underlies the Perception of Object Location in Rats” by Inbar Saraf-Sinik, Eldad Assa, and Ehud Ahissar, which appeared on pages 8777–8789 of the June 10, 2015 issue, several errors were discovered and are corrected below.
In Figure 8, the following corrections were made: A, p values truncated at “p = 1,” as required when applying a Bonferroni correction; C, H, and I, legends' abbreviations for the word “Arrangement” rewritten in a consistent format; G, the label of x-axis aligned to the middle; and I, the label of x-axis changed from “θ̇W,max (deg/s)” to “θ̇W (deg/s).”
On p. 8786, in Table 3, the second parameter in group IV: changed from “θ̇W,min” to “θW,min.” In the footnote, “Figure 5A” changed to “Figure 8A.”
On page 8786, right column, 11 lines from the bottom, Figure 8B changed to Figure 7B. The corrected sentence is: Accordingly, these variables were kept invariant during early localization (Fig. 8B–E), which indeed maintained the coding power of Δtonset (Fig. 7B).
These corrections do not affect the main conclusions and interpretations of the paper. The errors have been corrected on the online PDF version.