In the article “Zac1 Regulates the Differentiation and Migration of Neocortical Neurons via Pac1” by Lata Adnani,1,4,5* Lisa Marie Langevin,1,4,5* Elodie Gautier,6 Rajiv Dixit,1,4,5 Kari Parsons,2,5 Saiqun Li,1,4,5 Gaurav Kaushik,1,4,5 Grey Wilkinson,1,4,5 Richard Wilson,3,4,5 Sarah Childs,1,4 Minh Dang Nguyen,2,5 Laurent Journot,7 Colette Dehay,6 and Carol Schuurmans,1,4,5 which appeared on pages 13430–13447 of the September 30, 2015 issue, the affiliations for Drs. Laurent Journot and Elodie Gautier and Colette Dehay were inadvertently reversed. Their corrected affiliations are: Elodie Gautier6,7 and Colette Dehay6,7: 6Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute, INSERM U846, 69500, Bron, France, and 7University of Lyon, University of Lyon I, 69003, Lyon, France; and Laurent Journot8: Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle, UMR5203 CNRS — U661 INSERM — Université de Montpellier, 34094 Montpellier Cedex 05 France. This error does not affect data interpretations or conclusions. It has been corrected in the online PDF version.