In the article “Is Parkinson's Disease a Vesicular Dopamine Storage Disorder? Evidence from a Study in Isolated Synaptic Vesicles of Human and Nonhuman Primate Striatum” by Christian Pifl, Alex Rajput, Harald Reither, Javier Blesa, Carmen Cavada, José A. Obeso, Ali H. Rajput, and Oleh Hornykiewicz, which appeared on pages 8210–8218 of the June 11, 2014 issue, a couple of errors were discovered and are corrected below.
In the Materials and Methods section on page 8212, left column, first paragraph below Table 2, line 6, the function in the sentence listed as “25 μl 4 nm (±)-a-dihydrotetrabenazine [2-3H]” should be corrected to read as “25 μl 12 nm (±)-a-dihydrotetrabenazine [2-3H].”
In the Discussion section on page 8216, right column, the first word in the legend for Figure 5 needs to be changed from “Protein” to “Proton.” The corrected Figure 5 legend is listed below.
Figure 5. Proton gradient measurement on synaptic vesicles prepared from putamen of patients with PD and controls. Synaptic vesicle preparations (47 ± 4 and 48 ± 7 μg protein for controls and PD, respectively) were incubated with 2 μm acridine orange and acidification was measured by quenching of fluorescence at 493 nm (excitation) and 530 nm (emission) after addition of 0.5 mm MgATP at 60 s and proton gradient abolition by addition of 1 μm carbonyl cyanide FCCP at 300 s. Shown are mean values of fluorescent traces shifted to 0 fluorescence at the time interval 0–58 s ± SE (gray area) of four controls (A) and six PD patients (B).
These corrections do not affect the main conclusions and interpretations of the paper. They have been corrected in the online PDF version.