Figure 1. Tests for expression of NRG1, NRG2, and ErbB4 in hippocampal newborn GCs and for shRNAmir-mediated depletion of NRG2. A1, Extraction of cytoplasm for single-cell RT-PCR. Left, Retrovirus-infected newborn GCs were identified by EGFP fluorescence at 5–6 dpi. Right, Cytoplasm was sucked into the whole-cell pipette with negative pressure. Arrowheads, EGFP-positive newborn GC; arrow, patch pipette. Scale bar, 10 μm. A2, Representative example for single-cell RT-PCR. Bands for NRG2β and β-actin (as a positive control) were detected at the predicted size of 282 and 414 bp, respectively. The leftmost lane is a size marker. B1, Immunostaining of endogenous NRG1 in the hippocampal slice culture (7 dpi) shows that NRG1 signal is weaker in dentate gyrus (DG) than in CA1 and CA3 regions (top). Bottom, Corresponding DIC image. Scale bar, 300 μm. B2, Double staining of ErbB4 transcripts (magenta) and DCX (green). Boxed regions of DG, CA3, and CA1 in top left panel are magnified images. ErbB4 signal was negative in the DCX+ cells (arrow) in the DG. Note that there are many ErbB4 fluorescent spots in DCX− ErbB+ cells (arrowhead). Hoechst33342 (blue) was used for nuclear counterstaining. Scale bar, 40 μm. C, Schematic of the tetracycline-inducible shRNAmir expression cassette. EGFP and rtTA3 are constitutively expressed under the control of promoters, the 5′ LTR, and human ubiquitin-C promoter (pUbiC), respectively. The rtTA3 binds to TRE and activates the transcription of shRNAmir in the presence of doxycycline. Ψ, Packaging signal; rtTA3, reverse tetracycline transactivator; TRE, tetracycline response element; pCMVmin, mini-CMV promoter; WPRE, wood-chuck hepatitis B posttranscriptional regulatory element. D, shNRG2mir was cotransfected with NRG2-myc into HEK293 cells. When Dox (2 μg/ml, 48 h) was applied to HEK293 cells, shNRG2mir almost depleted NRG2-myc, but shNTmir did not. The blot of β-actin is shown as a loading control. TF, Transfection. E1, F1, NRG2 and NRG1 immunofluorescence (magenta) of the dentate GC layer (7 dpi) in organotypic cultures infected with retrovirus encoding EGFP plus Tet-On/shNRG2mir. Slice cultures were treated (Tx.) with Dox started at 4 dpi (bottom) or untreated (top) and then fixed and immunostained at 7 dpi. Somata of EGFP-positive GCs are indicated by arrowheads. Scale bar, 20 μm. E2, F2, Mean values for the NRG2 and NRG1 immunofluorescence intensity in the EGFP-positive regions of Dox-treated and untreated slices were quantified at 7 or 14 dpi. Dox treatment was from 4–7 dpi or from 10–14 dpi, respectively.