Figure 1. Density and distribution analyses of nestin fate-mapped cells in the adult corpus callosum. A, Coronal brain section of 3-month-old NCER mice immunostained for EYFP 1 d after completion of a series of TM injections (i.p., 180 mg/kg body weight, daily for 4 consecutive days), showing EYFP+ cells are restricted to the SVZ. B, C, Experimental design: B, 3-month-old NCER mice received TM injections and were then killed at later time points (40, 120 or 270 d). C, Immunohistological analysis was done on coronal brain sections at 1.0 mm anterior, 0.0 mm and 1.0 mm posterior to the bregma (anterior, middle, and posterior corpus callosum, respectively). D, With increasing time post-TM injection, the density of EYFP+ cells increased in all 3 anterior–posterior regions of the corpus callosum (anterior CC: *p < 0.01 vs 40 d, **p < 0.005 vs 40 d, #p < 0.05 vs 120 d; middle CC: **p < 0.005 vs 40 d, ##p < 0.01 vs 120 d; posterior CC: **p < 0.005 vs 40 d, ##p < 0.01 vs 120 d). E–L, Images of EYFP+ cells in anterior (E, F), middle (G, H), and posterior (I–L) corpus callosum at 40 and 270 d after TM. The corpus callosum is demarcated by dotted lines. Rectangles in schematic drawings on the left mark the location of the images shown on the right. M–O, Mediolateral distributions of EYFP+ cells in anterior (M), middle (N), and posterior (O) corpus callosum. Note regional differences in mediolateral distributions of EYFP+ cells in different anterior–posterior regions of the corpus callosum. In the posterior corpus callosum (O), EYFP+ cells were more widely distributed whereas in more anterior segments (M, N) of the corpus callosum, EYFP+ cells were largely confined to the area close to the SVZ. Yellow areas in the graphs indicate mediolateral locations of the lateral ventricles. CC, Corpus callosum; CTX, cortex; LV, lateral ventricle; ST, striatum. Scale bars, 100 μm. Results are mean ± SEM (n = 3–4 brains).