Figure 2. Dorsoventral gradients of intrinsic membrane properties in WT and rTg4510 layer II mEC-SCs. A, Traces are whole-cell current-clamp recordings from layer II mEC-SCs in dorsal (top) or ventral (bottom) locations in WT (black lines) or rTg4510 (blue lines) slices. The traces show the mean (±SEM, shaded areas) voltage response to a 3 s, −100 pA square-wave current injection from a fixed potential of −80 mV. The inset traces (right) show the initial response on an expanded time scale to illustrate the initial charging curve. Calibration: 1 s, 5 mV; inset, 10 ms. The scatter plots show Ri, CM, τM, RMP, and the percentage sag from all recorded mEC-SCs at dorsal (D) and ventral (V) locations. Solid symbols are the mean ± SEM (WT mEC-SCs: D, n = 18; V, n = 28; rTg4510 mEC-SCs: D, n = 19; V, n = 19 cells from 13 WT and 11 rTg4510 mice). There was a significant difference in CM in dorsal mEC-SCs. *p < 0.05. B, Traces are the mean (±SEM) peak-aligned waveforms of APs recorded from dorsally (top) and ventrally (bottom) located layer II mEC-SCs in WT (black lines) and rTg4510 (blue lines) slices. The analyzed APs were the first of a train elicited by a 0.5–1 nA current injection. The scatter plots show the AP peak, threshold, width at threshold, and maximum rate of rise (dV/dt).