Figure 1. Increased inflammation and presence of CD45+ myeloid cells in the hippocampus after RSD. Mice were subjected to six cycles of RSD or left undisturbed as CONs. A, The mRNA levels of several inflammatory mediators (IL-1β, TNF, IL-6, and arginase) and growth factors (BDNF, VEGF, NGF, and IGF-1) were determined in the hippocampus collected immediately after RSD (n = 6). In a related experiment, mice were subjected to six cycles of social defeat, and mice were perfused and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde 14 h later. Brain samples were postfixed, frozen, and sectioned, and Iba-1 or CD45 expression was determined (n = 6). B, Representative images of Iba-1 labeling are shown in the DG. The arrows show the Iba-1+ cell depicted in the inset. C, Quantification of Iba-1 labeling for the entire volume of the hippocampus with rostral–caudal distinction. D, Representative images of CD45 labeling are shown in the DG. The arrows show the CD45+ cell depicted in the inset. E, Quantification of CD45+ cells per hippocampal section. Data represent mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, means are significantly different from CON.