Index by author
May 24, 2017; Volume 37,Issue 21
Ahmad, Tanveer
- Cover ArticleResearch Articles, Cellular/MolecularStructural Similarities between Neuregulin 1–3 Isoforms Determine Their Subcellular Distribution and Signaling Mode in Central NeuronsDetlef Vullhorst, Tanveer Ahmad, Irina Karavanova, Carolyn Keating and Andres BuonannoJournal of Neuroscience 21 April 2017, 37 (21) 5232-5249;
Arnsten, Amy F.
- Research Articles, Behavioral/CognitiveNicotinic α4β2 Cholinergic Receptor Influences on Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortical Neuronal Firing during a Working Memory TaskYongan Sun, Yang Yang, Veronica C. Galvin, Shengtao Yang, Amy F. Arnsten and Min WangJournal of Neuroscience 27 April 2017, 37 (21) 5366-5377;
August, Alexander
- Research Articles, Neurobiology of DiseaseAPLP1 Is a Synaptic Cell Adhesion Molecule, Supporting Maintenance of Dendritic Spines and Basal Synaptic TransmissionSandra Schilling, Annika Mehr, Susann Ludewig, Jonathan Stephan, Marius Zimmermann, Alexander August, Paul Strecker, Martin Korte, Edward H. Koo, Ulrike C. Müller, Stefan Kins and Simone EggertJournal of Neuroscience 27 April 2017, 37 (21) 5345-5365;
Bellesi, Michele
- Featured ArticleResearch Articles, Cellular/MolecularSleep Loss Promotes Astrocytic Phagocytosis and Microglial Activation in Mouse Cerebral CortexMichele Bellesi, Luisa de Vivo, Mattia Chini, Francesca Gilli, Giulio Tononi and Chiara CirelliJournal of Neuroscience 24 May 2017, 37 (21) 5263-5273;
Blumenthal, Jonathan D.
- Research Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairAllometric Analysis Detects Brain Size-Independent Effects of Sex and Sex Chromosome Complement on Human Cerebellar OrganizationCatherine Mankiw, Min Tae M. Park, P.K. Reardon, Ari M. Fish, Liv S. Clasen, Deanna Greenstein, Jay N. Giedd, Jonathan D. Blumenthal, Jason P. Lerch, M. Mallar Chakravarty and Armin RaznahanJournal of Neuroscience 17 March 2017, 37 (21) 5221-5231;
Buonanno, Andres
- Cover ArticleResearch Articles, Cellular/MolecularStructural Similarities between Neuregulin 1–3 Isoforms Determine Their Subcellular Distribution and Signaling Mode in Central NeuronsDetlef Vullhorst, Tanveer Ahmad, Irina Karavanova, Carolyn Keating and Andres BuonannoJournal of Neuroscience 21 April 2017, 37 (21) 5232-5249;
Cecere, Roberto
- Research Articles, Behavioral/CognitiveBeing First Matters: Topographical Representational Similarity Analysis of ERP Signals Reveals Separate Networks for Audiovisual Temporal Binding Depending on the Leading SenseRoberto Cecere, Joachim Gross, Ashleigh Willis and Gregor ThutJournal of Neuroscience 27 April 2017, 37 (21) 5274-5287;
Chakravarty, M. Mallar
- Research Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairAllometric Analysis Detects Brain Size-Independent Effects of Sex and Sex Chromosome Complement on Human Cerebellar OrganizationCatherine Mankiw, Min Tae M. Park, P.K. Reardon, Ari M. Fish, Liv S. Clasen, Deanna Greenstein, Jay N. Giedd, Jonathan D. Blumenthal, Jason P. Lerch, M. Mallar Chakravarty and Armin RaznahanJournal of Neuroscience 17 March 2017, 37 (21) 5221-5231;
Chini, Mattia
- Featured ArticleResearch Articles, Cellular/MolecularSleep Loss Promotes Astrocytic Phagocytosis and Microglial Activation in Mouse Cerebral CortexMichele Bellesi, Luisa de Vivo, Mattia Chini, Francesca Gilli, Giulio Tononi and Chiara CirelliJournal of Neuroscience 24 May 2017, 37 (21) 5263-5273;
Cirelli, Chiara
- Featured ArticleResearch Articles, Cellular/MolecularSleep Loss Promotes Astrocytic Phagocytosis and Microglial Activation in Mouse Cerebral CortexMichele Bellesi, Luisa de Vivo, Mattia Chini, Francesca Gilli, Giulio Tononi and Chiara CirelliJournal of Neuroscience 24 May 2017, 37 (21) 5263-5273;