Figure 6. LHb inputs onto the RMTg are necessary for outcome-specific inhibition. A, eGFP staining revealed substantial AAV-Cre infection in the RMTg. Pn, Pontine nuclei; scp, superior cerebellar peduncle. B, The localization of cell bodies infected with AAV-Cre was mostly restricted to the RMTg of rats included in the experiment. Distances are indicated in millimeters from bregma. C, D, Cre-recombinase-positive neurons were found in the LHb of Control rats but not Casp3 rats. E, The immunofluorescence quantification revealed a higher number of Cre-recombinase-positive neurons in the LHb of Control rats compared with Casp3 rats (Caps3; F(1,18) = 54.18, p < 0.05). F, Backward training did not reveal any difference between the two groups of rats and responding was lower when the stimuli were absent than when they were present (Pre vs S). G, Instrumental training was successful and lever-press responding increased as the ratio parameters increased across sessions. There was no difference between groups. F, Performance during the two stimuli was assessed in the manner described previously. In Control rats, the stimuli biased choice away from the action earning the outcome that was negatively predicted (Same), toward the action earning the other outcome (Different). This pattern of choice was reversed in rats with selective ablation of LHb neurons projecting onto the RMTg. Performance on each action for each animal is indicated in light gray full circles. I, Instrumental training was successful and lever-press responding increased as the ratio parameters increased across sessions. There was no difference between groups. J, All animals displayed value-based choice. Performance on the action delivering the valued outcome was higher than performance on the action delivering the outcome that had just been devalued. Performance on each action for each animal is indicated in light gray full circles. Error bars denote ±1 SEM.