Index by author
November 15, 2017; Volume 37,Issue 46
Adrover, Martin F.
- Research Articles, Systems/CircuitsDistinctive Modulation of Dopamine Release in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell Mediated by Dopamine and Acetylcholine ReceptorsJung Hoon Shin, Martin F. Adrover and Veronica A. AlvarezJournal of Neuroscience 13 October 2017, 37 (46) 11166-11180;
Aertsen, Ad
- Research Articles, Systems/CircuitsSensorimotor Processing in the Basal Ganglia Leads to Transient Beta Oscillations during BehaviorAmin Mirzaei, Arvind Kumar, Daniel Leventhal, Nicolas Mallet, Ad Aertsen, Joshua Berke and Robert SchmidtJournal of Neuroscience 16 October 2017, 37 (46) 11220-11232;
Aime, Mattia
- Research Articles, Systems/CircuitsProtein Kinase A Deregulation in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Impairs Working Memory in Murine Oligophrenin-1 DeficiencyChun-Lei Zhang, Mattia Aime, Emilie Laheranne, Xander Houbaert, Hajer El Oussini, Christelle Martin, Marilyn Lepleux, Elisabeth Normand, Jamel Chelly, Etienne Herzog, Pierre Billuart and Yann HumeauJournal of Neuroscience 13 October 2017, 37 (46) 11114-11126;
Alvarez, Veronica A.
- Research Articles, Systems/CircuitsDistinctive Modulation of Dopamine Release in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell Mediated by Dopamine and Acetylcholine ReceptorsJung Hoon Shin, Martin F. Adrover and Veronica A. AlvarezJournal of Neuroscience 13 October 2017, 37 (46) 11166-11180;
Angelaki, Dora E.
- Research Articles, Systems/CircuitsDissociation of Self-Motion and Object Motion by Linear Population Decoding That Approximates MarginalizationRyo Sasaki, Dora E. Angelaki and Gregory C. DeAngelisJournal of Neuroscience 13 October 2017, 37 (46) 11204-11219;
Asmara, Hadhimulya
- Research Articles, Cellular/MolecularActivity-Dependent Facilitation of CaV1.3 Calcium Channels Promotes KCa3.1 Activation in Hippocampal NeuronsGiriraj Sahu, Hadhimulya Asmara, Fang-Xiong Zhang, Gerald W. Zamponi and Ray W. TurnerJournal of Neuroscience 16 October 2017, 37 (46) 11255-11270;
Aszmann, Oskar
- Research Articles, Cellular/MolecularCommon Synaptic Input to Motor Neurons and Neural Drive to Targeted Reinnervated MusclesDario Farina, Anna Margherita Castronovo, Ivan Vujaklija, Agnes Sturma, Stefan Salminger, Christian Hofer and Oskar AszmannJournal of Neuroscience 20 October 2017, 37 (46) 11285-11292;
Bastarache, Lisa
- Research Articles, Cellular/MolecularThe Gain-of-Function Integrin β3 Pro33 Variant Alters the Serotonin System in the Mouse BrainMichael R. Dohn, Christopher G. Kooker, Lisa Bastarache, Tammy Jessen, Capria Rinaldi, Seth Varney, Matthew D. Mazalouskas, Hope Pan, Kendra H. Oliver, Digna R. Velez Edwards, James S. Sutcliffe, Joshua C. Denny and Ana M.D. CarneiroJournal of Neuroscience 16 October 2017, 37 (46) 11271-11284;
Bellefroid, Eric J.
- Research Articles, Development/Plasticity/RepairDmrt5, a Novel Neurogenic Factor, Reciprocally Regulates Lhx2 to Control the Neuron–Glia Cell-Fate Switch in the Developing HippocampusBhavana Muralidharan, Marc Keruzore, Saurabh J. Pradhan, Basabdatta Roy, Ashwin S. Shetty, Veena Kinare, Leora D'Souza, Upasana Maheshwari, Krishanpal Karmodiya, Agasthya Suresh, Sanjeev Galande, Eric J. Bellefroid and Shubha ToleJournal of Neuroscience 12 October 2017, 37 (46) 11245-11254;
Berke, Joshua
- Research Articles, Systems/CircuitsSensorimotor Processing in the Basal Ganglia Leads to Transient Beta Oscillations during BehaviorAmin Mirzaei, Arvind Kumar, Daniel Leventhal, Nicolas Mallet, Ad Aertsen, Joshua Berke and Robert SchmidtJournal of Neuroscience 16 October 2017, 37 (46) 11220-11232;
In this Issue