Angiotensin II Triggers Peripheral Macrophage-to-Sensory Neuron Redox Crosstalk to Elicit Pain
Andrew J. Shepherd, Bryan A. Copits, Aaron D. Mickle, Páll Karlsson, Suraj Kadunganattil, Simon Haroutounian, Satya M. Tadinada, Annette D. de Kloet, Manouela V. Valtcheva, Lisa A. McIlvried, Tayler D. Sheahan, Sanjay Jain, Pradipta R. Ray, Yuriy M. Usachev, Gregory Dussor, Eric G. Krause, Theodore J. Price, Robert W. Gereau IV and Durga P. Mohapatra
Journal of Neuroscience 8 August 2018, 38 (32) 7032-7057;