Article Information
- Received June 1, 2018
- Revision received July 23, 2018
- Accepted August 1, 2018
- First published August 6, 2018.
- Version of record published September 12, 2018.
Author Information
Author contributions
Author contributions: P.R.H., P.G.F.B., P.L.C., P.H.R., and M.G.B. designed research; N.U., S.W.B., W.S., C.G.D., P.G.B., P.L.C., P.H.R., and M.G.B. performed research; N.A.U., S.W.B., W.S., C.G.D., and M.G.B. analyzed data; N.U., S.W.B., W.S., P.L.C., P.H.R., and M.G.B. wrote the paper.
↵*N.A.U., SW.B., AND W.S. contributed equally to this work.
- Received June 1, 2018.
- Revision received July 23, 2018.
- Accepted August 1, 2018.
This work was supported by the Friedman Brain Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as well as by NIH Grants R21NS096936 (M.G.B., P.L.C.) and T32AG04688 (N.A.U.). We thank Scott Russo, Eric Nestler, and Bryan Roth for advice, to Jian Jin for synthesizing CNO HCl and Compound 21, and the NIMH Chemical Synthesis and Drug Supply Program for providing CNO.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Mark Baxter, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1065, New York, NY 10029. mark.baxter{at}
Other Version
- previous version (August 06, 2018).
- You are viewing the most recent version of this article.