Hyperactivity in striatum is associated with compulsive behaviors in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related illnesses, but it is unclear whether this hyperactivity is due to intrinsic striatal dysfunction or abnormalities in corticostriatal inputs. Understanding the cellular and circuit properties underlying striatal hyperactivity could help inform the optimization of targeted stimulation treatments for compulsive behavior disorders. To investigate the cellular and synaptic abnormalities that may underlie corticostriatal dysfunction relevant to OCD, we used the Sapap3 knock-out (Sapap3-KO) mouse model of compulsive behaviors, which also exhibits hyperactivity in central striatum. Ex vivo electrophysiology in double-transgenic mice was used to assess intrinsic excitability and functional synaptic input in spiny projection neurons (SPNs) and fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs) in central striatum of Sapap3-KOs and wild-type (WT) littermates. While we found no differences in intrinsic excitability of SPNs or FSIs between Sapap3-KOs and WTs, excitatory drive to FSIs was significantly increased in KOs. Contrary to predictions, lateral orbitofrontal cortex-striatal synapses were not responsible for this increased drive; optogenetic stimulation revealed that lateral orbitofrontal cortex input to SPNs was reduced in KOs (∼3-fold) and unchanged in FSIs. However, secondary motor area (M2) postsynaptic responses in central striatum were significantly increased (∼6-fold) in strength and reliability in KOs relative to WTs. These results suggest that increased M2-striatal drive may contribute to both in vivo striatal hyperactivity and compulsive behaviors, and support a potential role for presupplementary/supplementary motor cortical regions in the pathology and treatment of compulsive behavior disorders.
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT These findings highlight an unexpected contribution of M2 projections to striatal dysfunction in the Sapap3-KO obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)-relevant mouse model, with M2 inputs strengthened by at least sixfold onto both spiny projection neurons and fast-spiking interneurons in central striatum. Because M2 is thought to be homologous to presupplementary/supplementary motor areas (pre-SMA/SMA) in humans, regions important for movement preparation and behavioral sequencing, these data are consistent with a model in which increased drive from M2 leads to excessive selection of sequenced motor patterns. Together with observations of hyperactivity in pre-SMA/SMA in both OCD and Tourette syndrome, and evidence that pre-SMA is a potential target for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment in OCD, these results support further dissection of the role of M2 in compulsivity.