Figure 2. Neural dynamics of visual perception, selection rule, and memory content in evoked and time–frequency domains. A, Time course of MEG decoding performance. The x-axis corresponds to the time relative to each event (stimulus, cue, and probe; see top), and the y-axis corresponds to the decoding performance for the stimulus attributes, the selection rule, the memory content, and the probe attributes. Vertical gray bars indicate the visual presentation of each image (stimulus, cue, and probe). Color-filled areas depict significant temporal clusters of decoding performance (cluster-level, p < 0.05 corrected). Variance (thickness of the line) is shown as the SEM across participants. Note that the successful decoding of the four visual attributes of the stimulus, the spatial and feature rules, the memory content (cued − uncued) for both spatial frequency and orientation and for the two attributes of the probe. The asterisks indicate the significance of the mean decoding performance over the entire corresponding epoch (***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, and *p < 0.05). B, Decoding performance in the time–frequency domain. The x-axis corresponds to the time relative to each event (stimulus, cue, and probe; see top), and the y-axis depicts the frequency of MEG activity (between 2 and 60 Hz). Significant clusters of decoding performance are contoured with a dotted line. Note the successful decoding in the time–frequency domain of the four visual attributes of the stimulus, both the spatial and the feature rules and the two attributes of the probe, but not the memory content.