Kappa Opioid Receptors Drive a Tonic Aversive Component of Chronic Pain
Shiwei (Steve) Liu, Sarah Pickens, Nicole E. Burma, Ines Ibarra-Lecue, Hongyan Yang, Lihua Xue, Chris Cook, Joshua K. Hakimian, Amie L. Severino, Lindsay Lueptow, Kristina Komarek, Anna M.W. Taylor, Mary C. Olmstead, F. Ivy Carroll, Caroline E. Bass, Anne M. Andrews, Wendy Walwyn, Tuan Trang, Christopher J. Evans, Frances M. Leslie and Catherine M. Cahill
Journal of Neuroscience 22 May 2019, 39 (21) 4162-4178; https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0274-19.2019