Index by author
April 01, 1984; Volume 4,Issue 4
Advis, JP
- ArticlesDemonstration of in vivo synthesis of pro-opiomelanocortin-, beta- endorphin-, and alpha-melanotropin-like species in the adult rat brainAS Liotta, JP Advis, JE Krause, JF McKelvy and DT KriegerJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 956-965;
Axt, K
- ArticlesThe arousal of ingestive behaviors by chemical injection into the brain of the suckling ratS Ellis, K Axt and AN EpsteinJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 945-955;
Barlow, RB
- ArticlesEfferent neurotransmission of circadian rhythms in Limulus lateral eye. I. Octopamine-induced increases in retinal sensitivityL Kass and RB BarlowJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 908-917;
Basinger, SF
- ArticlesThe effects of monensin on transport of membrane components in the frog retinal photoreceptor. I. Light microscopic autoradiography and biochemical analysisML Matheke, SJ Fliesler, SF Basinger and E HoltzmanJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 1086-1092;
Bjorklund, H
- ArticlesGlial fibrillary acidic protein-like immunoreactivity in the iris: development, distribution, and reactive changes following transplantationH Bjorklund, D Dahl, L Olson and A SeigerJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 978-988;
Bloom, FE
- ArticlesThe distribution and morphology of opioid peptide immunoreactive neurons in the cerebral cortex of ratsJF McGinty, D van der Kooy and FE BloomJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 1104-1117;
Brinkman, C
- ArticlesSupplementary motor area of the monkey's cerebral cortex: short- and long-term deficits after unilateral ablation and the effects of subsequent callosal sectionC BrinkmanJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 918-929;
Buchwald, NA
- ArticlesEffects of amphetamine on intracellular responses of caudate neurons in the catJS Schneider, MS Levine, CD Hull and NA BuchwaldJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 930-938;
Calabrese, RL
- ArticlesArchitecture and physiology of insect cerebral neurosecretory cellsGM Carrow, RL Calabrese and CM WilliamsJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 1034-1044;
Carlson, DE
- ArticlesHypothalamic neurons responding to hemodynamic input and to stimulation in the pons may influence adrenocorticotropin releaseDE Carlson, A Dornhorst, JW Maran and DS GannJournal of Neuroscience 1 April 1984, 4 (4) 897-907;