Figure 5. Misrouted vomeronasal and terminal nerve axons in Gli3Xt/Xt are associated with lack of ensheathing cells in the nasal mucosa. A, C, Immunostainings against peripherin and GnRH-1. B, D, peripherin and GnRH-1 immunofluorescence, in Gli3Xt/Xt mutants the OSNs and VSNs form a fibrocellular cellular mass (FCM). The GnRH-1ns (D) and the TN do not remain in the FCM but migrate around the FB. C–I, WT E15.5, immunostaining against peripherin, Robo2, Nrp2; the TN fibers are negative for Robo2 expression and negative for Nrp2 (see merge in I). D–J, Gli3Xt/Xt E15.5 immunostaining against peripherin, Robo2, and Nrp2 and merge. K, L, Schematic of the phenotypes and fiber immunoreactivity in controls and Gli3Xt/Xt mutants. K1, K2, Immunofluorescence showing Neuropilin-1 (Nrp1) immunoreactivity in TN fibers invading the brain in WT embryos. L1, L2, peripherin and Neruopilin1+ fibers of the putative TN project around the brain. M1–M4, In control animals the GnRH-1ns migrate along peripherin+ bundles (M1), also immunoreactive for Robo2 (M2), Nrp2 (M3), Merge in M4. In Gli3Xt/Xt, GnRH-1ns form large clumps of cells suggesting disorganized peripherin+ fibers. Some tangled fibers of the putative terminal nerve (N1) are negative for Nrp2 (N2) and Robo2 (N3). Merge in N4. O1–O4, In Gli3Xt/Xt, tangles of putative TN fibers are positive for peripherin (O1) and Nrp1 (O2) and are associated with clusters of GnRH-1ns (O3). Merge in O4. P–S, GLI3Xt/Xt lack of OECs associated with the vomeronasal nerve. peripherin IF and Sox10 IHC are combined. P, In controls, Sox10-immunoreactive OECs (magenta arrowheads) were found around the VNO, proximal to the basal lamina of the OE, along the peripherin+ vomeronasal and olfactory bundles and as part of the migratory mass (MM) in front of the brain. Sox10+ Schwann cells were found associated along nasal trigeminal projections (TG). Q, In Gli3Xt/Xt mutants, Sox10-immunoreactive OECs were neither found proximal to the basal portions of the VNO, olfactory epithelium nor along the vomeronasal and olfactory projections (white arrowheads). Notably Sox10+ cells were found in the migratory mass (MM). As in controls Sox10+ Schwann cells were found associated along nasal trigeminal projections (TG). R, S, Magnifications of the VNO. R, In control animals Sox10+ OECs were found proximal to the basal lamina of the VNO, along the vomeronasal bundles. S, In Gli3Xt/Xt Sox10+ OECs were rarely found in proximity of the basal lamina of the VNO and along the vomeronasal/terminal nerve bundles (white arrowheads). T, Quantification of Sox10+ OECs around the VNO, ****p < 0.0001. Scale bars, 100 μm.