Figure 5. PCs receive increased synaptic E/I ratio. A, Example traces of LFP + whole-cell recording voltage-clamped at −70 mV in Thy1-GCaMP6f littermate controls and 5xFAD/+;Thy1-GCaMP6f mice. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSCs) were sorted as sEPSCs or swrEPSCs. B, Example swrEPSCs. C, Example traces of LFP + whole-cell recording voltage-clamped at 0 mV to detect sIPSCs and swrIPSCs. D, Example swrIPSCs. E–H, Summary plots of sEPSC frequency (E), amplitude (F), rise tau (G), and decay tau (H) for sPCs and dPCs in control and 5xFAD mice (nsPC = 7 CT, 5 5xFAD; ndPC = 12 CT, 9 5xFAD). I, sEPSQ = normalized spontaneous excitatory charge (integrated current per unit time). J, swrEPSQ = total excitatory charge during SWRs, integrated over a 100-ms window centered around the SWR peak. K–N, Summary plots of sIPSC frequency (K), amplitude (L), rise tau (M), and decay tau (N; nsPC = 7 CT, 5 5xFAD; ndPC = 14 CT, 11 5xFAD). O, P, Cumulative distribution functions, averaged over all cells for sIPSC amplitude (O) and decay tau (P), both for sPCs (top) and dPCs (bottom). Dark lines represent cell average, shaded region represents SEM. Q, sIPSQ = normalized spontaneous inhibitory charge (integrated current per unit time). R, swrIPSQ = total inhibitory charge during SWRs. S, Spontaneous synaptic E/I ratio of normalized charge for each cell (sEPSQ/sIPSQ). T, Synaptic E/I ratio for 100-ms window centered around SWR peak (swrEPSQ/swrIPSQ). U, V, During SWRs, the charge for each cell (EPSQ and IPSQ) was calculated in 2-ms bins by integrating the current in a sliding 100-ms window centered around that bin, for both sPCs (U) and dPCs (V). Summary data in J and R thus represent these curves at the y-intercept. Asterisks indicate regions that survived Šidák's multiple comparisons; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. W, X, The ratios of curves in U, V yield the synaptic E/I ratio during SWRs. Summary data in T represent these curves at the y-intercept. For all plots, individual data points represent a cell. Closed circles represent cells from males, open circles females. Box-whisker plots represent non-normal data with median and IQRs. Bar plots represent normal data with mean ± SEM; p values of pairwise comparisons indicated above brackets.