Figure 1. Mapping areas of mouse parahippocampal cortex. A, Tangential section through middle layers of flatmounted postrhinal cortex stained with an antibody against M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (magenta). Inset shows low-magnification image of M2 expression in L4 of V1 and surrounding cortex. Green and red spots indicate AAV2/1.hSyn.EGFP (green) and AAV2/1.hSyn.tdT (red) injection sites into nasal/central and peripheral/upper visual field representations, respectively. B, C, Anterogradely labeled clusters of axon terminals labeled after AAV injections into V1 (A, inset) show retinotopic maps in LM, LI, P, POR, and PORa. Note that to show the projections in higher visual areas, the image was overexposed, which made the injection sites artificially large and gives the false impression that viral tracers spilled across the lateral V1/LM border. B, inset, A diagram of visuotopic maps obtained from two representative experiments, whose V1 injections sites and projections are marked by solid and open green and red contours. Blue arrows denote the progression from lower/nasal to upper/peripheral visual field representations in different areas, derived from five different experiments. The overlay reveals that projection maps in POR and PORa are contained within the M2+ cortex (C). D, Expression of PVtdT in postrhinal cortex shows a foot-shaped pattern similar to M2 expression in C. M2 and PVtdT expression is extremely sparse in P, ECT, and TEp. E, F, Coronal section from Chmr2-tdT mouse (approximate location indicated by the green line in A) shows sharp transitions of laminar M2 pattern at the POR/ECT and ECT/ENTm borders (E); after counterstaining with NeuroTrace 425/455, the transitions coincide with a loss of the granular appearance of L4 and the distinctions with the larger cells in the more sparsely populated L5 of ECT were no longer apparent (F). Axes: A–D: A, anterior; L, lateral; E–F: D, dorsal; L, lateral.