The sense of balance relies on vestibular hair cells, which detect head motions. Mammals have two types of vestibular hair cell, I and II, with unique morphological, molecular, and physiological properties. Furthermore, each hair cell type signals to a unique form of afferent nerve terminal. Little is known about the mechanisms in mature animals that maintain the specific features of each hair cell type or its postsynaptic innervation. We found that deletion of the transcription factor Sox2 from Type II hair cells in adult mice of both sexes caused many cells in utricles to acquire features unique to Type I hair cells and to lose Type II-specific features. This cellular transdifferentiation, which included changes in nuclear size, chromatin condensation, soma and stereocilium morphology, and marker expression, resulted in a significantly higher proportion of Type I-like hair cells in all epithelial zones. Furthermore, Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells triggered non-cell autonomous changes in vestibular afferent neurons; they retracted bouton terminals (normally present on only Type II cells) from transdifferentiating hair cells and replaced them with a calyx terminal (normally present on only Type I cells). These changes were accompanied by significant expansion of the utricle's central zone, called the striola. Our study presents the first example of a transcription factor required to maintain the type-specific hair cell phenotype in adult inner ears. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a single genetic change in Type II hair cells is sufficient to alter the morphology of their postsynaptic partners, the vestibular afferent neurons.
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The sense of balance relies on two types of sensory cells in the inner ear, Type I and Type II hair cells. These two cell types have unique properties. Furthermore, their postsynaptic partners, the vestibular afferent neurons, have differently shaped terminals on Type I versus Type II hair cells. We show that the transcription factor Sox2 is required to maintain the cell-specific features of Type II hair cells and their postsynaptic terminals in adult mice. This is the first evidence of a molecule that maintains the phenotypes of hair cells and, non-cell autonomously, their postsynaptic partners in mature animals.
The mammalian nervous system is composed of millions of neurons with diverse properties including cell shape, molecular profiles, and connectivity. Most neurons are formed during development, establishing their unique innervation properties through periods of dynamic growth and differentiation in the embryonic and early postnatal periods. By adulthood, many neurons have established the cell type-specific properties and connectivity that they will maintain throughout life.
These principles are conserved in the vestibular sensory organs of the mammalian inner ear. Each ear has five vestibular epithelia that are composed of sensory hair cells (mechanoreceptors that detect head motions) and non-sensory supporting cells. These epithelia also contain the terminals of vestibular nerve afferents as well as the endings of vestibular efferents. Utricles, which detect linear head acceleration, have been studied extensively in rodents. Maturation of utricular hair cells and their afferent innervation is complete by the third postnatal week in mice and rats (Ruben, 1967; Sans and Chat, 1982; Burns et al., 2012; McInturff et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019; Warchol et al., 2019), and at least one vestibular reflex has matured in mice by this time (Faulstich et al., 2004).
Amniotes have two varieties of vestibular hair cells, Type I and Type II, with distinct morphology, physiology, and innervation (for review, see Eatock and Songer, 2011; Burns and Stone, 2017). In rodents, both cell types are distributed across the central and peripheral zones of the organs; in utricles, these zones are referred to as the striola and the extrastriola. Type I hair cells have relatively long and thick stereocilia (the mechanosensory organelles), and their flask-shaped bodies are enveloped by a large afferent nerve terminal called a calyx (Wersall, 1956; Lapeyre et al., 1992; Lysakowski and Goldberg, 1997; Li et al., 2008). Type II hair cells have wider cell bodies and shorter, thinner stereocilia. They possess basolateral cytoplasmic processes (Desai et al., 2005; Pujol et al., 2014), and they synapse on small afferent terminals called boutons. Vestibular afferent neurons also exhibit anatomic diversity. In the chinchilla utricle, most afferents have both calyx and bouton terminals and therefore receive inputs from Type I and Type II hair cells, respectively (Fernández et al., 1990; Goldberg et al., 1990). The remaining neurons have only calyx terminals (limited to the central zone) or only bouton terminals.
The mechanisms that maintain the cell type-specific properties of vestibular hair cells and their postsynaptic neural partners in mature animals are unknown. We hypothesized that the transcription factor Sox2 may reinforce the Type II fate in mature vestibular hair cells because, in adult mice, Sox2 is expressed in Type II, but not Type I, hair cells (Oesterle et al., 2008). Furthermore, Sox2 is required in early developing murine hair cells for their differentiation to Type II hair cells (Lu et al., 2019). Therefore, we deleted Sox2 from Type II hair cells in mice at six weeks of age. This single gene deletion caused many Type II hair cells in mature utricles to convert into Type I-like cells and triggered non-cell autonomous changes in vestibular afferent neurons, which retracted their bouton terminals and formed calyx terminals on transdifferentiating hair cells. Transformations occurred in both the striola and the extrastriola.
Our study revealed unexpected plasticity in mature hair cells and primary afferent neurons in the mammalian vestibular periphery. This study is the first to identify a gene required to maintain the type-specific features of hair cells in the adult inner ear. In addition, we show for the first time that the morphology of mature vestibular nerve afferents depends on Sox2 expression in their presynaptic partner, the hair cell.
Materials and Methods
Rosa26CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-tdTomato (Rosa26tdTomato; also called Ai14; stock #7914; RRID:IMSR_JAX:007914; Madisen et al., 2010) and Sox2loxP/loxP mice (stock #13093; RRID:IMSR_JAX:013093; Shaham et al., 2009) were purchased from The Jackson Laboratory. Atoh1-CreERTM mice (RRID:MMRRC_029581-UNC) were a gift from Suzanne Baker at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (Memphis, TN; Chow et al., 2006). Male and female mice were used in all experiments. When mated, all progeny were on a mixed background dominated by C57Bl/6J. Mice used as neonates were 100% C57Bl/6J and were bred at the University of Washington. Some genotyping was performed by Transnetyx. The n value represents the number of mice used in each experiment.
Mice at six weeks of age received two intraperitoneal injections of tamoxifen (9 mg/40 g, Sigma-Aldrich) given with a 20- to 24-h interval between injections. Mice were euthanized by CO2 gas overdose at various times post-tamoxifen injection. All experiments were performed in accordance with approved animal protocols from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and the University of Washington.
Temporal bones were dissected and immersion-fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde [electron microscopy (EM) grade from Polysciences] overnight at room temperature. After fixing, temporal bones were stored in 10 mm PBS (Sigma-Aldrich) at 4°C. Standard immunofluorescence (IF) in whole-mount organs was used to label proteins in hair cells and afferent nerves following previously published protocols (Bucks et al., 2017). Primary antibodies were: goat anti-Sox2 (1:500, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, catalog #sc-17 320, RRID:AB_2286684), rabbit anti-Calb1 (1:200, EMD Millipore, catalog #AB1778, RRID:AB_2068336), rabbit anti-Calb2 (1:500, EMD Millipore, catalog #AB5054; RRID:AB_2068506), mouse anti-Spp1 (1:300, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, catalog #sc-21742, RRID:AB_2194997), goat anti-Anxa4 (1:200, R&D Systems, catalog #AF4146, RRID:AB_2242796), goat anti-OCM (1:200, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, catalog #SC-7446, RRID:AB_2267583), rabbit anti-Tubb3 (1:500, Covance, catalog #PRB-435P, RRID:AB_291637), and mouse anti-βIII tubulin (Tubb3; 1:300, gift from Anthony Frankfurter, University of Virginia). Secondary antibodies were Alexa fluor-conjugated used at 1:300 dilution from Jackson ImmunoResearch. Some samples were counter-labeled with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; 1 µg/ml; Invitrogen) before mounting on slides with Fluorogold (SouthernBiotech) or Prolong Gold (Invitrogen) mounting media.
Confocal microscopy
We used a FV-1000 microscope (Olympus) to obtain high-resolution images of whole-mount utricles. Images were acquired of individual regions and/or the entire utricular sensory epithelium (macula) using either 20× air or 60× oil objectives. Z-series image stacks were attained, starting above the lumen and proceeding to below the supporting cell nuclear layer. Slices were taken at 0.5- to 1.0-µm increments.
Transmission EM (TEM)
Mice were euthanized by CO2 gas overdose at various times post-tamoxifen injection. The temporal bones were extracted from the skull, and a small hole was made in bone overlying the utricle. Fresh fixative (4% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 m cacodylate buffer; Sigma-Aldrich) was slowly delivered into the hole using a Pasteur pipet. Temporal bones were then placed in fresh 4% glutaraldehyde for 2 h at room temperature followed by storage at 4°C until embedding. Utricles were rinsed in 0.1 m cacodylate buffer, dissected, immersed in 2% osmium tetroxide (Electron Microscopy Sciences) in 0.1 m cacodylate buffer for 1 h, and rinsed in the same buffer again. Utricles were immersed in 1% uranyl acetate (Electron Microscopy Sciences) overnight at 4°C then rinsed in 0.1 m cacodylate buffer. Utricles were plastic-embedded (Eponate #18010, Ted Pella Inc.), and transverse 2-µm sections were taken through the utricle, perpendicular to the anterior-posterior axis, which allowed sampling through both striolar and extrastriolar zones. The striola was identified in sections based on its central location in the section as well as the presence of calyx-only afferents (described in Results), some of which form complex calyces housing more than one hair cell. Every 25–50 µm, we collected a series of ultrathin (80–90 nm) sections on mesh and/or Formvar-coated grids (Ted Pella, Inc). Sections were examined using a JEOL 1230 TEM with an AMT XR80 digital camera at the University of Washington's Vision Core Lab.
For qualitative analyses, we examined utricles from 10 Sox2 wild-type (WT) mice (four were examined at one month post-tamoxifen, two at five months post-tamoxifen, two at nine months post-tamoxifen, and two were not injected with tamoxifen but were age-matched to the nine month post-tamoxifen mice), and 12 Sox2 conditional knock-out (CKO) mice (three were examined at two weeks post-tamoxifen, three at one month post-tamoxifen, two at five months post-tamoxifen, and four at nine months post-tamoxifen).
Quantitative analysis: confocal micrographs
All of the analyses of confocal images of utricles from Sox2 WT and CKO mice were performed using Fiji software (Schindelin et al., 2012). For most counts, we tracked “counted cells” using the CellCounter plug-in. For each animal, we examined either the left or right utricle. To avoid bias, genotypes and times post-tamoxifen were masked during analysis. Animal numbers are provided in Results, figure legends, or tables.
For many analyses, we gathered data from the lateral extrastriola (LES), the medial extrastriola (MES), and the striola (Fig. 1A–C). The striola was defined by the presence of complex calyces using βIII tubulin immunolabeling of nerve terminals or Calb2 immunolabeling of calyx-only afferent terminals, which are unique to that region (Desai et al., 2005). For Figure 8, the central region (the striola plus a small juxtastriolar region) was defined by Calb1 immunolabeling of afferent nerves and terminals (Prins et al., 2020). The LES and MES zones were readily identified based on the shape of the utricle, gross landmarks such as the medial notch of the sensory epithelium, and the absence of striolar markers (Calb1 or Calb2).
Hair cell counts
We counted Tomato-positive hair cells in 60× images of the entire utricle for Sox2 WT and CKO mice at one, four, and eight months post-tamoxifen (Table 1). We also counted Tomato-positive Type I and Type II hair cells in specific regions of the utricle (LES, MES, and striola) at one time point, four months post-tamoxifen (Table 2) using criteria defined in the next section. Tomato-negative Type II hair cells were counted in each region as well. We determined the total number of Type II hair cells in the extrastriola (LES plus MES) and the striola (for Tables 4 and 5) by summing Tomato-positive and Tomato-negative Type II hair cells. We estimated the number of Type I hair cells in these regions by multiplying the striolar Type II hair cell number by 1.47 and the extrastriolar Type II hair cell number by 1.19; these numbers are ratios of Type I:II hair cells in mice, obtained from Desai et al. (2005). By summing regional counts, we estimated that each utricle has 3041 hair cells (Type I and Type II that are either Tomato-negative or Tomato-positive). These estimates were a little smaller than those of Desai et al. (2005) presumably because we subdivided the utricle into LES, MES, and striolar regions and excluded cells from counts that were on the borders of these regions.
Identifying Type I and Type II hair cells
Assignment of a cell as Type I or Type II was required for several analyses. Most of these analyses were performed in the extrastriola, where classification as Type I or Type II was easiest because the nuclei of the two cell types are separated into distinct layers. As described in Figs. 1B, 2E and in Pujol et al. (2014), Type II nuclei are located in a near-monolayer closest to the lumen, while Type I nuclei are positioned in a near-monolayer between the Type II nuclei and the supporting cell nuclei, which are most basal. DAPI labeling enabled localization of the nuclei in confocal Z-series images. We always applied additional criteria beside lamination to classify cells as Type I or Type II. Type I hair cells had a long, skinny neck and a rounded basolateral surface lacking cytoplasmic processes, which were readily detected in Tomato-positive and/or myosin VIIa-labeled cells. Type I cells also had an afferent calyx that surrounded the cell body at the level of the nucleus, as demonstrated by antibodies to βIII tubulin (used in most of our preparations). Type II hair cells had a thick neck and one or more basolateral processes, and they lacked a calyx. Each hair cell had to possess several cell type-specific features, including nuclear location, morphologic features, and presence/absence of calyx, to fit into one category or the other. In most cases, hair cell cells met all criteria. In Sox2 CKO mice, however, it was difficult to rely on nuclear lamina for cell typing because nuclear layers were less defined in some places, particularly at later survival times post-tamoxifen. In these cases, we relied more heavily on the other cell-typing criteria.
Sox2 immunolabeling
We measured the density of Tomato-positive hair cells that were either Sox2-positive or Sox2-negative in utricles that were immunolabeled for Sox2. We sampled 17% – 34% of the sensory epithelium, including the LES, MES, and striola.
Calb2 IF intensity and nuclear size
We measured nuclear Calb2 IF intensity and nuclear area in the same Tomato-positive cells in 60× confocal microscope images (1-µm steps), sampling 19−25% of each macula in the LES and MES regions. We analyzed all Tomato-positive cells in each field, classifying them as Type I or Type II as described earlier in this section.
For each cell, we identified the slice that bisected each nucleus at its largest area. Then, using the drawing tool in Fiji, we circled the nucleus and measured (1) the Calb2 intensity of the nucleus (mean gray value) at that position and (2) the area of the nucleus. To normalize Calb2 labeling for each cell type, we subtracted background intensity measured in the supporting cell cytoplasm (which appeared Calb2-negative) in each corresponding layer. In Figure 2D, data are presented as the mean cellular value for each animal in a group. In Figure 2C, we present data for all cells from a representative mouse in each group; this animal had a mean Calb2 IF level close to the group mean.
Spp1, Anxa4, and Ocm immunolabeling
We scored all Tomato-positive hair cells per utricle (extrastriola only) as positive or negative for Spp1 in 60× images. Cells were considered Spp1-positive if they had strong labeling in the apical (neck) region. We did the same analysis for Anxa4; Tomato-positive cells were scored as Anxa4-positive if they had strong labeling near the plasma membrane at the level of the nucleus. We scored all Tomato-positive hair cells in the striola as positive or negative for Ocm in 60× images. Cells were considered Ocm-positive if they had strong labeling in their cytoplasm and nucleus.
Calyx analysis
To determine how many Tomato-positive hair cells in the extrastriola had a calyx, utricles were immunolabeled for Tubb3, which is abundant in neurites and neural terminals. In 60× images, we counted all Tomato-positive hair cells in the LES and MES of each utricle that had a calyx, defined as continuous Tubb3 label around its entire cell body at the level of the nucleus (see Fig. 5A2,B2). In some cells, this included full extension of Tubb3 label along the cell's neck. We were unable to reliably differentiate partial from full calyces using Tubb3 labeling; there was too much noise from the bouton labeling, making it hard to distinguish closely arranged boutons from a partial calyx.
To count Tomato-positive hair cells in the striola that had a calyx, utricles were immunolabeled for Calb2, which is abundant in calyx-only fibers but is not detected in dimorphic afferents in this region. In 60× images, we counted all Tomato-positive hair cells in the striola of each utricle that had a partial calyx (Calb2 label contacting between 10% and 70% of the cell body) or a full calyx (continuous Calb2 labeling around greater than ∼90% of the cell body). It is important to note that we could easily distinguish the cytoplasmic Calb2 labeling in Type II hair cells from the calyceal Calb2 labeling because the calyx was much more strongly labeled (Fig. 6).
Maps of converting/converted cells
We plotted extrastriolar Tomato-positive hair cells with Type I-like morphology and striolar Tomato-positive hair cells with a Calb2-labeled calyx from one representative utricle from a Sox2 WT and a CKO mouse at four months post-tamoxifen. We took screenshots from CellCounter (Fiji) of every part of the utricle (60× montages) and imported them to Adobe Photoshop. In a new layer, we generated dots for each cell and then created the outline of the sensory epithelium.
Striolar area
We estimated the area (µm2) of the central zone (striola plus juxtastriola) in utricles labeled with antibodies to Calb1, which labels afferent fibers and calyces in the central region (Prins et al., 2020). Using Fiji, we drew a line around the portion of the macula that contained Calb1-positive calyces and measured the area.
Quantitative analysis: electron micrographs
We measured the width of individual stereocilia in TEM images from the LES and MES regions using Fiji in Sox2 WT and CKO mice at one month and five to nine months post-tamoxifen. For each hair cell, we averaged widths from three stereocilia. Not all stereocilia from a bundle had the same diameter, and the diameter of one single stereocilium varied along its length (thicker at the apex), so we measured the three thickest stereocilia present in each image at the point of its thickest diameter.
GraphPad Prism version 7 was used for all statistical analyses. The test applied to each set of data are described in Results. Post hoc multicomparisons analyses for one-way and two-way ANOVAs were performed using a Dunnett's or Tukey's test, respectively. All data are presented as mean and standard deviation. Differences were considered to be significant if p ≤ 0.05.
Type II hair cells with Sox2 deletion lost Type II molecular markers and gained Type I markers
This study was conducted in young adult mice starting at 6 weeks of age. We studied the utricle, which is one of five vestibular organs in each inner ear (Fig. 1A) and is specialized for detecting linear head motions. In mice, the utricle is a disk-shaped organ whose sensory epithelium (macula) has two zones: the central zone, which is also called the striola, and the peripheral zone, which is further subdivided into the LES and MES. Both Type I and Type II hair cells are distributed throughout these zones (Fig. 1B; Desai et al., 2005; Kirkegaard and Nyengaard, 2005; Li et al., 2008; Pujol et al., 2014). Studies in chinchilla showed that most vestibular afferents innervating hair cells are dimorphic: they have both calyx and bouton terminals (Fernández et al., 1990; Goldberg et al., 1990). Dimorphic afferents are distributed throughout all zones of the utricle; the remaining afferent neurons are either calyx-only (confined to the striola) or bouton-only (confined to the extrastriola).
To test the hypothesis that Sox2 is required to maintain the Type II hair cell phenotype, we deleted Sox2 from Type II hair cells using Sox2loxP/loxP mice, which have loxP sites flanking the single Sox2 exon (Shaham et al., 2009). To target Type II hair cells, we employed transgenic Atoh1-CreERTM mice (Chow et al., 2006), which in adult utricles have tamoxifen-inducible Cre activity primarily in Type II haircells (Bucks et al., 2017); details are described below. We generated Atoh1-CreERTM:Rosa26tdTomato:Sox2loxP/loxP (Sox2 CKO) mice, in which tamoxifen drives expression of the fluorescent protein tdTomato (Tomato) for fate-mapping cells with Sox2 deletion. Atoh1-CreERTM:Rosa26Tomato:Sox2+/+ littermates (Sox2 WT) served as negative controls in which Tomato was expressed in Type II hair cells and Sox2 remained intact following tamoxifen injection.
First, we characterized Tomato labeling in Sox2 WT mice. At four months after tamoxifen injection at six weeks of age, there were 989 ± 126 (mean ± SD) Tomato-positive hair cells per utricle (Fig. 1C). Numbers were similar at one, four, and eight months post-tamoxifen (Table 1), which was expected because there is little death of hair cells in adult mouse utricles (Bucks et al., 2017). As described previously (Bucks et al., 2017), Tomato-positive supporting cells were rare (1–3 cells per utricle), and Tomato expression was absent from vestibular neurons and glia. Labeled hair cells were fairly evenly distributed through all zones. 61% of labeled cells were in the LES, 22% in the MES, and 17% in the striola (Fig. 1C; Table 2, left side), these proportions reflect the relative areas of each zone. Most labeled hair cells (92%) were Type II (Table 2, right side). A large proportion of Type II hair cells in each region were Tomato-positive: 60% in the LES, 72% in the MES, and 60% in the striola. Less than 10 Tomato-positive hair cells and supporting cells per utricle were present in Sox2 WT mice when no tamoxifen was given (Bucks et al., 2017).
To verify the loss of Sox2 protein from Type II hair cells of Sox2 CKO mice, we immunolabeled utricles at one month post-tamoxifen (Fig. 1E–L). Sox2 WT mice had significantly higher density of Tomato-positive/Sox2-positive hair cells than Sox2 CKO mice (unpaired Student's t test p < 0.0001, t = 31.43, df = 4; Fig. 1D). On average, 98% of Tomato-positive Type II hair cells in Sox2 WT mice were Sox2-positive (Fig. 1E–H) compared with 2% in Sox2 CKO (Fig. 1I–L). Tomato-negative Type II hair cells retained Sox2 labeling in Sox2 CKO mice (Fig. 1J), as did supporting cells, which also normally express Sox2 (compare Fig. 1G,H and K,L). This was expected because Tomato-negative cells should lack CreER activity. We observed a similar loss of Sox2 at two weeks post-tamoxifen (data not shown), but this was not quantified.
We found no difference in numbers of Tomato-positive hair cells per utricle among Sox2 WT and CKO mice at one, four, and eight months times post-tamoxifen (Table 1). Two-way ANOVA confirmed no effect of either genotype (p = 0.2192, f = 1.58) or time post-tamoxifen (p = 0.2529, f = 1.44). This finding strongly suggested that Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells did not cause them to die.
To test Sox2's requirement for maintaining the Type II hair cell phenotype in adult mice, we gave tamoxifen to six-week-old Sox2 WT and CKO mice and examined hair cells at three times post-tamoxifen: two weeks, one month, four to five months, and eight to nine months. We assessed molecular, morphologic, and ultrastructural criteria that are specific to the Type I or Type II hair cell phenotype in Tomato-positive hair cells.
First, we looked at expression of the calcium-binding protein calretinin (Calb2), which is a selective marker for Type II hair cells (Desai et al., 2005; Pujol et al., 2014; Fig. 2E). In Sox2 WT mice, antibodies to Calb2 labeled the cytoplasm and nucleus of 96 ± 0% of extrastriolar Type II hair cells (four months post-tamoxifen is shown; Fig. 2A1–A3) and 97 ± 0% of striolar Type II hair cells (Fig. 6C). Type I hair cells and supporting cells appeared Calb2-negative (Fig. 2A3). Calb2 IF was reduced in Sox2 CKO mice relative to Sox2 WTs (four months post-tamoxifen is shown; compare Figs. 2B1–B3 and 2A1–A3, 2D).
We measured Calb2 IF intensity in Tomato-positive cells in Sox2 WT and CKO mice. We sampled 19–25% of the extrastriolar epithelium (LES and MES), classifying each Tomato-positive cell as Type I or Type II and measuring Calb2 intensity in each cell, as described in Materials and Methods. Figure 2C shows cell population data from one representative animal at each time point. Each data point represents an individual hair cell, with cell numbers listed below each column on the x-axis. As expected for Sox2 WT mice, the average Calb2 intensity in Type I hair cells was much lower than Type II hair cells at all times. Interestingly, WT Type II hair cells had a large range of Calb2 intensities. In Sox2 CKO mice, there was a reduction in average Calb2 intensity in Type II hair cells at all times post-tamoxifen and an increase in numbers of Tomato-positive Type I hair cells.
We computed the average Calb2 intensity of Type II hair cells for each in a group (Fig. 2D). Two-way ANOVA of group data in Figure 2D showed a significant effect of genotype (p < 0.0001, f = 50.48) and time post-tamoxifen (p = 0.0109, f = 6.350), indicating that Calb2 IF had decreased in Sox2 CKO mice relative to WT by one month post-tamoxifen and did not decrease further over time. Although we only measured IF intensity in extrastriolar hair cells, we noted a similar loss of Calb2 IF in striolar hair cells (compare Fig. 6C and D).
We investigated whether extrastriolar Type II hair cells lost a second marker, annexin A4 (Anxa4), after Sox2 deletion. Anxa4 is only expressed in Type II hair cells (McInturff et al., 2018) and is localized to the cell's periphery (Fig. 2E), appearing as ring around the cell in top-down views of Sox2 WT utricles at one month post-tamoxifen (Fig. 2F). After Sox2 CKO, numbers of Anxa4-positive hair cells decreased significantly relative to WT controls (p = 0.0009, f = 22.34, by one-way ANOVA; Fig. 2F–H). This reduction was significant at one month post-tamoxifen and became significantly larger at eight months post-tamoxifen. These observations provided further evidence that mature Type II hair cells lost cell-specific properties following Sox2 deletion.
Next, we tested whether Type II hair cells acquired Type I-specific properties after Sox2 CKO. First, we labeled utricles with antibodies to secreted phosphoprotein 1 (Spp1; also called osteopontin). Spp1 is a selective marker for Type I hair cells in the extrastriola (McInturff et al., 2018; Fig. 2E). In the utricles of mature mice, Spp1 is expressed in type I hair cells but not type II hair cells (McInturff et al., 2018)(Fig. 2E). In Sox2 WT mice, we found most Spp1 labeling to be extrastriolar (Fig. 3A). As expected, type II hair cells (either Tomato-positive or negative) were Spp1-negative, and type I hair cells were Spp1-positive (Fig. 3B1–B3). After Sox2 CKO, numbers of Tomato-positive hair cells that were Spp1-positive per utricle increased significantly (Fig. 3C1–C3;G). Two-way ANOVA showed an effect of genotype (p = 0.0003, f = 25.10) but no effect of time post-tamoxifen (p = 0.2795, f = 1.42). Numbers did not increase in Sox2 CKO mice until four months post-tamoxifen, and after that time they did not increase significantly (Fig. 3G).
We also tested whether Type II hair cells in the striola gained a Type I-specific marker after Sox2 CKO by labeling utricles with antibodies to oncomodulin (Ocm), which is expressed in the cytoplasm and nucleus of striolar Type I hair cells (Simmons et al., 2010; see Fig. 2E,3D). In Sox2 WT mice at one month post-tamoxifen, very few Tomato-positive hair cells (Type II) were Ocm-positive (Fig. 3E1, E2, H). After Sox2 CKO, numbers of Tomato-positive cells that were Ocm-positive were significantly higher (Fig. 3F1, F2, H) than WT mice at both of the times we examined (p = 0.0037, f = 20.9, by one-way ANOVA).
These analyses showed that Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells caused them to lose Type II-selective markers (Calb2 and Anxa4) and to gain Type I-selective markers Spp1 in the extrastriola and Ocm in the striola.
Type II hair cells adopted Type I morphology following Sox2 deletion
Next, we explored whether Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells caused them to acquire Type I-like morphology. For this analysis, we focused on the extrastriola (MES and LES), where the cell nuclei are clearly organized into three layers and the shapes of the two hair cell types are consistently distinct from each other (Figs. 1B, 2E). The cellular lamination in the extrastriolar epithelium is evident in a low-magnification transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a Sox2 WT mouse at nine months post-tamoxifen (Fig. 4A). By contrast, after Sox2 CKO, the epithelial lamination was lost in some places (Fig. 4B), presumably because many Type II nuclei had migrated to a more basal (Type I-appropriate) position as they underwent transdifferentiation.
We used confocal microscopy to analyze the shape of Tomato-positive hair cells and classify them as either Type I or Type II (described in Materials and Methods). In Sox2 WT mice, as anticipated based on marker labeling, most Tomato-positive hair cells were Type II-like in cell shape, and they did not change their morphology over time post-tamoxifen (Fig. 4C,E). After Sox2 CKO, however, the numbers of Tomato-positive hair cells with a Type I morphology increased significantly (Fig. 4D,E). Two-way ANOVA showed effects of genotype (p < 0.0001, f = 410.30) and time post-tamoxifen (p < 0.0001, f = 24.75), with a significant difference in Type I-like hair cells between Sox2 WT and CKO mice as early as one month post-tamoxifen and with significant differences between Sox2 CKO mice at all times post-tamoxifen.
Sox2 deletion from mature Type II hair cells altered the morphology of the afferent terminals they contacted
We were curious whether the transition of Type II hair cells toward the Type I phenotype after Sox2 deletion induced the primary afferent neurons contacting them to shift their terminal morphology from bouton to calyx. First, we examined effects in the extrastriola (MES and LES), where the vast majority of afferent nerves are dimorphic, i.e., they have both afferent calyx and bouton nerve terminals (Fernández et al., 1990; Goldberg et al., 1990). We immunolabeled utricles for Tubb3, which is abundant in all afferent terminals. We scored Tomato-positive cells as “with a calyx” if they had Tubb3 label that surrounded all of the cell body at the level of the nucleus; in most cells, Tubb3 label extended up the cell's neck (Fig. 5C). In Sox2 WT mice, very few Tomato-positive hair cells had a calyx at four months post-tamoxifen (Fig. 5A1–A4) and later (Fig. 5D), which was expected because most Tomato-positive hair cells were Type II. Sox2 CKO induced a significant increase in the numbers of Tomato-positive hair cells with a calyx (Fig. 5B1–B4,D). Two-way ANOVA revealed significant effects of genotype (p < 0.0002, f = 28.32) and time post-tamoxifen (p = 0.0014, f = 11.93; Fig. 5D). Numbers of Tomato-positive hair cells with a calyx did not increase significantly in Sox2 CKO mice relative to Sox2 WTs until eight months post-tamoxifen, and they increased significantly in Sox2 CKO mice between one and eight months, and between four and eight months, post-tamoxifen.
In the extrastriolar regions of Sox2 CKO mice, we also observed Tomato-positive hair cells in which continuous Tubb3 labeling was present over only a portion (∼20–70%) of the cell body at the level of the nucleus (Fig. 5E; illustrated in Fig. 5F). These structures resembled partial calyces, which are common in developing mammals but are rarely seen in adults (Favre and Sans, 1979; Rüsch et al., 1998; Warchol et al., 2019). Tubb3 antibodies also labeled boutons, and some boutons were aligned on WT hair cells so as to resemble partial calyces. Therefore, we could not reliably compare partial calyces in the extrastriola between Sox2 WT and CKO mice in a rigorous, quantitative manner.
To explore these structures further, we examined utricular cross-sections using TEM (Fig. 5G–O). In these images, afferent neural structures in contact with hair cells are highlighted in blue. In Sox2 WT mice, sectioned Type II hair cells had discrete afferent bouton terminals contacting the basal half of their cell body (Fig. 5G), and in some sections, displayed no neural elements (Fig. 5H). Type I hair cells had a calyx terminal that surrounded the entire cell body from the base to almost the top of the neck with no breaks in calyx structure (Fig. 5G,I). By contrast, in Sox2 CKO mice, many Type II-like hair cells (with a thick neck and apically located nucleus) were partial wrapped by continuous afferent nerve resembling a calyx (Fig. 5J,K). These cells with both Type I and Type II properties (“hybrids”) had various forms of afferent terminals. In some, the partial calyx wrapped the apical portion of the hair cell body, and there were small breaks in the basal portion that were in contact with supporting cells (Fig. 5J,O) or afferent bouton terminals (Fig. 5O). We also noted cases in which a patch of hair cell cytoplasm seemed to be pinched between two stretches of presumably new calyx (Fig. 5N). In other hair cells, the calyx wrapped only the cell's base (Fig. 5K). We detected cells with partial calyces as early as one month (Fig. 5N,O) and as late as nine months (Fig. 5J,K) post-tamoxifen. It is important to note that hybrid cells were never seen in adult Sox2 WT mice. However, we readily detected them using TEM in C57Bl6/J mice at postnatal day (P)14–P18 (Fig. 5L,M), and they were described in prior studies for mice at earlier postnatal stages (Rüsch et al., 1998; Warchol et al., 2019). We conclude that these hybrid cells are converting Type II hair cells (II-c), in the process of acquiring Type I-like properties in response to Sox2 deletion.
Next, we analyzed calyces on Tomato-positive hair cells in the striola. We used antibodies to Calb2 to selectively label calyx-only afferents, which receive inputs from only Type I hair cells and are confined to the striola (Fig. 6A,B; Desai et al., 2005; Li et al., 2008; Hoffman et al., 2018). Some Calb2-positive afferents wrap more than one Type I hair cell and are called complex calyx afferents (illustrated in Figs. 1B, 6G). This analysis did not quantify calyces that originated from dimorphic afferents in the striola.
In Sox2 WT mice, very few Tomato-positive striolar hair cells had a Calb2-positive calyx (Fig. 6C, four months post-tamoxifen is shown, H), and this was consistent over time post-tamoxifen (Fig. 6H). This finding was anticipated for normal Type II hair cells. By contrast, many Tomato-positive striolar hair cells in Sox2 CKO mice were fully wrapped by a Calb2-positive calyx (Fig. 6E, four months post-tamoxifen is shown, H). Two-way ANOVA revealed significant effects of genotype (p < 0.0001, f = 68.31) and time post-tamoxifen (p = 0.0267, f = 4.18). Specifically, numbers of Tomato-positive hair cells with a calyx did not increase significantly in the striola of Sox2 CKO mice relative to Sox2 WTs until four months post-tamoxifen, and they did not increase significantly in Sox2 CKO mice between four and eight months post-tamoxifen. We also noted that Tomato-positive hair cells in the striola of Sox2 CKO mice had reduced nuclear Calb2 IF, a Type II-specific property (compare Fig. 6C, arrow, and E, arrows; see also Fig. 6C,E, insets). This finding is similar to our observations in the extrastriola of Sox2 CKO mice (Fig. 2A1–D).
We analyzed utricles using a second calyx marker, calbindin (Calb1), which in rodents is expressed only in calyces located in the striola and in a small region lying adjacent to the striola called the juxtastriola (Cunningham et al., 2002; Leonard and Kevetter, 2002; Prins et al., 2020). Our findings confirmed that many converting Tomato-positive Type II hair cells in the striola had gained a full calyx after Sox2 deletion (compare Fig. 6D and F, four months post-tamoxifen is shown).
In Sox2 CKO samples as early as one month post-tamoxifen, we found evidence with both Calb1 labeling (Fig. 6I, top panel) and Calb2 labeling (Fig. 6I, bottom panel) that afferent fibers deriving from a complex calyx (comprised of two or more continuous calyces) had partially wrapped adjacent Tomato-positive hair cells, suggesting that they were “recruiting” them to join the complex calyx afferent (Fig. 6J). We never detected Tomato-positive cells with these partial calyces in Sox2 WT mice, but we saw them in Sox2 CKO mice at all times post-tamoxifen (Fig. 6K).
We used TEM to further explore these changes in the striola. In Sox2 WT mice, complex calyx afferents were readily detected (Fig. 7A). In all cases, the cell body of every Type I hair cell in the complex was fully wrapped by neural material; no partial calyces were seen. As a reference for how Type II hair cells might be recruited by a nearby calyx afferent to create a complex calyx after Sox2 deletion in adulthood, we studied neonatal utricles in which striolar calyces were developing (Warchol et al., 2019). Figure 7B shows a calyx afferent from a striolar Type I hair cell at P6 that extends to partially wrap an adjacent Type I hair cell precursor. We found similar developing calyceal structures in Sox2 CKO mice at two weeks post-tamoxifen (Fig. 7C,D). Neural material had branched from one calyx to partially wrap an adjacent hair cell that was Type II-like based on its afferent boutons. Similar structures were seen as late as nine months post-tamoxifen (Fig. 7E). These findings demonstrated that new calyces were formed on striolar Type II hair cells from branches of adjacent calyces after Sox2 CKO, and calyx formation were occurring at early and late times after tamoxifen treatment.
Based on these observations, we hypothesized that the addition of Type I hair cells to the central region of the utricle (striola plus juxtastriola) might increase its size. To investigate this, we labeled utricles with antibodies to Calb1, which as described above, marks both striolar and juxtastriolar regions (Cunningham et al., 2002; Prins et al., 2020). The area of the Calb1-positive region increased significantly in Sox2 CKO mice relative to Sox2 WT mice by four months post-tamoxifen and remained elevated at eight months post-tamoxifen (Fig. 8A–C). Two-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect of genotype (p < 0.0001, f = 52.30) but no significant effect of time post-tamoxifen (p = 0.0732, f = 3.219) This expansion was also evident in utricles that were labeled with antibodies to Calb2, a marker of calyces in the striola (Fig. 6A,B).
Type II hair cells with Sox2 deletion adopt nuclear properties of Type I hair cells
To further explore the extent of Type II-to-Type I hair cell conversion after Sox2 deletion, we examined the nucleus, which has a different appearance in Type I versus Type II hair cells. We measured nuclear size (area) in the same Tomato-positive extrastriolar hair cells as for the Calb2 intensity analysis in Figure 2. We noted that, in Sox2 WT mice, the nuclear area of Type II hair cells was larger than that of Type I hair cells (Fig. 9A1–B2,L), and it did not change over time post-tamoxifen (Fig. 9L). By contrast, the nuclear area of Type II hair cells was smaller after Sox2 deletion, more closely resembling Type I hair cells (compare Fig. 9A1,A2 and C1,C2,L). As expected, the area of Type I hair cell nuclei did not differ between Sox2 WT and CKO mice (4 months post-tamoxifen is shown) (compare Fig. 9B1,B2 and D1,D2,L). Two-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect of genotype (p < 0.0001, f = 57.65) but not time post-tamoxifen (p = 0.8762, f = 0.1334) for the nuclear area of Type II hair cells (excluding Type I hair cell data in Fig. 9L). Specifically, the nuclear areas of Type II hair cells with Sox2 CKO mice were smaller than Sox2 WT mice at one and four months post-tamoxifen, but not at eight months post-tamoxifen. This latter finding suggests nuclear area increased over time after Sox2 deletion to more closely resemble normal Type II hair cells. However, this interpretation is refuted by the lack of significant difference between Sox2 CKO groups over time.
Next, we used TEM to explore the chromatin structure of converting hair cells (identified as Type II-like cells with a partial calyx) after Sox2 deletion. Heterochromatin is transcriptionally inactive (for review, see Schueler and Sullivan, 2006; Eymery et al., 2009). It is electron-dense and therefore appears dark in TEM images. In adult Sox2 WT mice, heterochromatin was distributed in large or small clumps throughout the nucleus of Type I hair cells (Fig. 9E,G). By contrast, in Type II hair cells, clumps of heterochromatin were usually limited to the nuclear periphery, and chromatin in the center of the nucleus was a more uniform mix of euchromatin and heterochromatin (Fig. 9E,F). These different distributions of heterochromatin in vestibular Type I and Type II hair cells were previously reported in neonatal mice (Rüsch et al., 1998). As early as two weeks after tamoxifen in Sox2 CKO mice, converting Type II hair cells (i.e., those with a partial calyx) had clumps of heterochromatin that more closely resembled Type I hair cells (Fig. 9H). Similar cells were seen at nine months after tamoxifen in Sox2 CKO mice (Fig. 9I–K). These observations indicated that Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells caused them to acquire nuclear features typical of Type I hair cells.
Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells induced the stereocilia and synapses to resemble Type I hair cells
To further explore the extent of conversion to a Type I-like phenotype, we examined the stereocilia, the sensory organelles of hair cells, following Sox2 deletion. Prior studies showed that the stereocilia of Type I hair cells in mice are considerably thicker than those of Type II hair cells (Rüsch et al., 1998; Li et al., 2008), and we found this to be true in Sox2 WT controls using TEM (unpaired Student's t test, p < 0.0001, t = 7.002, df = 14; Fig. 10A,B,C,E,F). By contrast, the stereocilia of converting Type II hair cells (with a partial calyx) in Sox2 CKO mice at one month post-tamoxifen were considerably thicker than Sox2 WT Type II hair cells and more closely resembled Type I hair cell stereocilia (Fig. 10A,D,G,H). Two-way ANOVA of Sox2 CKO mice showed significant differences across cell types (Type I, Type II, and converting Type II; p < 0.0001, f = 30.45) and time post-tamoxifen (p = 0.0037, f = 9.61). In both the one month and the five to nine months post-tamoxifen groups, the stereocilia of Type I hair cells were significantly thicker than those of Type II hair cells, but they were not significantly thicker than converting Type II hair cells. In both groups, the stereocilia of converting hair cells were significantly thicker than Type II hair cells. There was no significant change in the thickness of stereocilia in converting hair cell types between one and five to nine months.
We also used TEM to explore whether synaptic ribbons shifted from Type II-like to Type I-like following Sox2 deletion. Ribbons are the presynaptic element in the vestibular hair cell-afferent nerve synapse (for review, see Moser et al., 2006). Ribbon morphology in each hair cell type is similar in some respects: both are composed of an electron-dense central region surrounded by synaptic vesicles. Our analysis of hundreds of hair cells from all zones of adult Sox2 WT mouse utricles demonstrated that ribbon synapses in Type I hair cells were either (1) single bar-shaped ribbons located close to the plasma membrane (Fig. 10I, top box, J) or (2) multiple ribbons that were clustered together and not apposed to a differentiated postsynaptic membrane (Fig. 10L). By contrast, ribbons in adult Type II hair cells in Sox2 WT mice were round or ovoid (Fig. 10I, bottom, box, K; Pujol et al., 2014). We never detected bar-type or clustered ribbons in Sox2 WT Type II hair cells in adult mice. However, investigators have described these forms of ribbons in Type II hair cells in chinchilla (Lysakowski and Goldberg, 1997).
Following Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells, we used TEM to examine synapses in hair cells with partial calyces, which we assumed to be converting into Type I hair cells. In these cells, synaptic ribbons were either ovoid, as in normal Type II hair cells (data not shown), or bar-shaped, as in normal Type I hair cells (Fig. 10M,N). Furthermore, ribbons in converting hair cells were located near afferent nerve terminals that appeared larger than the typical bouton afferent, resembling a growing calyx afferent (Fig. 10M,N). We also detected some converting cells with highly enlarged round or ovoid ribbons that were located in the cell's most basal portion and sometimes relatively far from the plasma membrane, or “floating” (Fig. 10O,P). These ribbons may have been undergoing re-modeling as the Type II hair cell basolateral process retracted and the calyx grew around the converting hair cell. Altogether, our observations of synapses support the interpretation that Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells causes them to adopt Type I-like synaptic ribbons.
Spatiotemporal progression of Type II-to-Type I conversion after Sox2 deletion
In an effort to better understand the steps by which Type II hair cells converted into Type I-like hair cells after Sox2 deletion, we performed three additional analyses. First, we compared two phenotypic features, Calb2 IF intensity (Fig. 2) and nuclear area (Fig. 9), in Sox2 WT and CKO mice at different times following tamoxifen. We measured each feature in the same Tomato-labeled nucleus in either the Type I layer or the Type II layer (Fig. 11A). In Sox2 WT mice, as expected, Type I hair cells at each time post-tamoxifen (gray-scale circles) had significantly smaller nuclei and lower Calb2 intensity than Type II hair cell nuclei (orange-red-scale circles). By contrast, Type II hair cells in Sox2 CKO mice (blue-green scale circles) had reduced Calb2 intensity and smaller nuclei. A Pearson correlation test showed that the two variables were significantly associated (r = 0.6929, p = 0.0007). Interestingly, though, not all mice with Sox2 deletion changed to the same degree over time post-tamoxifen. For example, some Sox2 CKO mice had, on average, larger nuclei at eight months post-Tamoxifen than did Sox2 CKO mice at four months post-tamoxifen (also see Fig. 9).
Next, we examined the percentage of Tomato-labeled Type II hair cells with Sox2 deletion that acquired various Type I-specific features by eight months post-tamoxifen (Fig. 11B; Table 3). Because a small proportion of Type I hair cells in Sox2 WT controls expressed Cre, 8–10% of Tomato-positive extrastriolar hair cells were Spp1-positive, had Type I-like morphology, and/or were contacted by a calyx-type afferent as defined by Tubb3 labeling. After Sox2 deletion, a higher percentage of Tomato-positive extrastriolar hair cells had Type I-like features: 33% were Spp1-positive, 28% had a Type I-like morphology, and 26% had a calyx. The variation in these percentages suggested that each feature changed to a different extent within each hair cell. Interestingly, a higher percentage of Tomato-positive hair cells in the striola (60%) acquired a full calyx than in the extrastriola (26%).
Finally, we assessed spatial patterns of Type II-to-Type I conversion in Sox2 CKO mice by generating maps of Tomato-positive Type I-like hair cells from one representative utricle from Sox2 WT and CKO mice at four months post-tamoxifen (Fig. 11C), defining Tomato-positive hair cells as Type I-like if (1) in the extrastriola, they had Type I morphology (described in association with Fig. 4) and (2) in the striola, they had a Calb2-positive calyx (described in association with Fig. 6). Tomato-positive Type I-like hair cells were distributed throughout the utricle, with higher numbers in Sox2 CKO mice relative to Sox2 WT mice. We estimated that, at eight to nine months post-tamoxifen, the conversion of Type II hair cells to Type I hair cells increased the total number of Type I hair cells by 13% in the extrastriola (Table 4) and 21% in the striola (Table 5), and decreased the total number of Type II hair cells by the same amounts.
There are four types of hair cells in mammals: inner and outer hair cells in the cochlea, and Type I and Type II hair cells in the vestibular organs. Investigators recently identified three transcription factors (Ikzf2, Insm1, and Sox2) that control the differentiation of cochlear or vestibular hair cells into specific types during inner ear development (Chessum et al., 2018; Wiwatpanit et al., 2018; Lu et al., 2019). Here, we demonstrate that Sox2 is required to maintain the specific properties of Type II vestibular hair cells in adulthood. Conditional deletion of Sox2 from mature Type II hair cells mice revealed unexpected plasticity, causing them to lose a constellation of Type II-specific features and to acquire several properties unique to Type I hair cells. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of a gene that is required in mature hair cells to maintain their type-specific, differentiated state.
We also found that Sox2 deletion from Type II hair cells induced dramatic changes in vestibular afferent terminals that are postsynaptic to hair cells, shifting their morphology from bouton to calyx. Remarkably, neurons that underwent this switch experienced no genetic change; rather, they responded to a phenotypic switch or drift in their presynaptic partners, the hair cells. Prior studies showed that healthy inputs from the mature inner ear are required to maintain the structure and biochemical properties of neurons in ascending pathways of the cochlear and vestibular sensory systems. For example, dramatic dendritic remodeling in auditory brainstem neurons occurs in chickens after deafferentation caused by cochlear ablation, tetrodotoxin-mediated primary afferent silencing, or central tract cutting (Wang and Rubel, 2012). Our findings show that deletion of a single transcription factor from adult vestibular hair cells is sufficient to induce afferent terminal remodeling, which emphasizes the powerful role that hair cells, specifically, play in regulating afferent neuron morphology in the inner ear.
Sox2 is required to maintain the Type II hair cells in adult mice
In utricles of adult mice, there is a low level of turnover of Type II hair cells (Bucks et al., 2017). Otherwise, the hair cell population appears to be stable, and there is no evidence that hair cells transition between types, II-to-I or vice versa (Bucks et al., 2017). Following Sox2 deletion, however, Type II hair cells in all regions of the utricle converted to Type I-like cells (schematized for the extrastriola in Fig. 12A). Some cellular changes occurred quickly. For instance, at one month after Sox2 deletion, many extrastriolar Type II hair cells had lost immunoreactivity for Calb2 and Anxa4 and had acquired Type I morphology including a flask-shaped cell body, thicker stereocilia, a smaller nucleus, and increased heterochromatin density. By contrast, it took more time (four to eight months) for significant numbers of transitioning hair cells in the extrastriola to upregulate Spp1 and/or to acquire a calyx terminal, both hallmarks of Type I hair cells. Some features such as Type I morphology were detected in increasing numbers of Tomato-positive hair cells in Sox2 CKO mice between one and eight months post-tamoxifen, while other features such as reduced Calb2 expression, first evident at one month post-tamoxifen, did not change over time.
Some Tomato-positive hair cells failed to alter key cell-specific features after Sox2 deletion despite the loss of Sox2 protein from 98% of Tomato-labeled hair cells. For instance, 70–80% of Tomato-labeled extrastriolar hair cells did not acquire a calyx afferent or a Type I shape by eight months after Sox2 deletion. The finding that hair cells take long and variable times to transdifferentiate after Sox2 deletion is consistent with cell reprogramming studies in other tissues (Hanna et al., 2009). Nonetheless, we did not expect Type II hair cells in a mature, homeostatic state to show such variable responses. One possible explanation is hair cell age. In mice, Type II hair cells are born before birth (Sans and Chat, 1984), during the early postnatal period (McInturff et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019; Warchol et al., 2019), and in adulthood (Bucks et al., 2017). Hair cells may lose responsiveness to Sox2 deletion as they mature and age. Alternatively, there may be unrecognized subtypes of Type II hair cells that are poised at different transcriptional or epigenetic state or additional factors that compensate for the loss of Sox2 in some cells. Single cell transcriptome analyses would clarify which Type I properties are acquired by Type II hair cells after Sox2 deletion.
The mechanisms by which Sox2 maintains the Type II hair cell fate in adult mice are unknown. Sox2 is expressed in otic sensory progenitors (Hume et al., 2007) and is required for development of both hair cells and supporting cells (Kiernan et al., 2005; Kempfle et al., 2016). Deletion of Sox2 from developing hair cells in vestibular organs causes them to acquire the Type I phenotype (Lu et al., 2019). Sox2 functions as both a direct regulator of gene transcription (for review, see Wegner, 1999) and a chromatin remodeler (Amador-Arjona et al., 2015). In neural progenitors, Sox2 binds to DNA regions that become transcriptionally active as neurons differentiate (Bergsland et al., 2011; Lodato et al., 2013). Sox2 may also be required to maintain the fate of some neurons after maturation (Ferri et al., 2004). While many studies have demonstrated Sox2's role as an activator of transcription, it can also repress gene transcription (Lu et al., 2014). Therefore, in vestibular Type II hair cells of adult mice, Sox2 likely maintains the Type II fate by activiating and repressing specific expression of genes at both genetic and epigenetic levels. Studies are underway to understand these mechanisms.
The morphology of vestibular afferent neurons depends on Sox2 in presynaptic Type II hair cells
Sox2 deletion from adult Type II hair cells altered the shape of vestibular afferent nerve terminals, switching their morphology (Fig. 12A) and synapses from bouton type to calyx type. As this occurred, the number of Tomato-positive hair cells with a calyx increased across the utricle, with the striola preceding the extrastriola. Because we could not image the same cells over time, we do not know the steps by which neurons changed their terminals' morphology. However, TEM and confocal image analysis of the striola revealed neurite branches extending from a calyx to enwrap nearby converting Type II hair cells, which would either expand an existing complex calyx (Fig. 12B, left side) or generate a new complex calyx. The size of the striola and juxtastriola increased following Sox2 CKO, as defined by Calb1 labeling. This expansion likely resulted from the mechanism shown in Figure 12B, left side, or from activation of Calb1 expression in single calyces as they formed de novo around converting hair cells in the striola or juxtastriola (Fig. 12B, right side), perhaps in response to zone-specific signals. Finally, new calyces may have formed from the expansion and/or merging of afferent boutons around converting hair cells.
The finding that Sox2 deletion from adult Type II hair cells induces the loss of boutons and the acquisition of a calyx reveals that vestibular hair cells provide signals necessary to maintain the correct morphology of their postsynaptic neuronal partners. Little is known about the signals that regulate the development of vestibular afferent terminals or their maintenance in adult animals. Likely candidates are secreted proteins such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and membrane-bound signaling molecules like Notch ligands. In mice, BMP signaling is required for development of the calyx of Held, which is a large axon terminal that has similar structure to the vestibular afferent calyx on Type I hair cells but lies presynaptic to neurons in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (Xiao et al., 2013; Kronander et al., 2019). Notch signaling regulates the density and morphology of dendritic spines, which are postsynaptic structures, in the brains of adult mice (Alberi et al., 2011; Prox et al., 2013). Our future studies aim to identify regulators of vestibular afferent terminal morphology by examining the transcriptomes of Type II hair cells with or without Sox2 deletion.
Because the majority of afferent neurons are dimorphic (i.e., they receive inputs from both Type I and Type II hair cells), investigators have found it challenging to test the function of each hair cell subtype (for review, see Eatock and Songer, 2011). The findings presented here offer new opportunities to explore the specialized functions of Type I and Type II hair cells in adult mammals. By increasing the proportion of Type I-to-Type II hair cells using Sox2 CKO mice, electrophysiological and behavioral studies could be employed to better understand the contributions of each hair cell type to afferent nerve firing properties and vestibular function. Such studies would provide fundamental knowledge that is currently lacking in the field of vestibular neurobiology.
This work was funded by National Institutes of Health Grants R01DC013771 (to J.S.S.) and R01DC014441 (to B.C.C.), the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Grant W81XWH-15-1-0475 (to B.C.C.), and a Virginia Merrill Bloedel Traveling Scholar Award (R.P.). We thank Linda Robinson, Irina Omelchenko, Jialin Shang, and Glen MacDonald from the University of Washington, and Kaley Graves, Michelle Randle, and Chantz Pinder from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine for technical assistance and Connor Finkbeiner and Serena Wisner for their contributions to data analysis. The Core Vision Lab (supported by P30 EY01739) provided technical assistance with preparing TEM sections and access to its JEOL TEM microscope; we acknowledge the help we received from Dale Cunningham and Ed Parker at this facility. We also thank Dr. Suzanne Baker (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN) for sharing Atoh1-CreERTM mice. Finally, we are grateful to the Hamilton and Mildred Kellogg Charitable Trust for their support for this research.
B.C.C. is a consultant for Turner Scientific, LLC and Otonomy, Inc. All other authors declare no competing financial interests.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Brandon C. Cox at bcox{at}siumed.edu