Two forms of information, frequency (content) and ordinal position (structure), have to be stored when retaining a sequence of auditory tones in working memory (WM). However, the neural representations and coding characteristics of content and structure, particularly during WM maintenance, remain elusive. Here, in two EEG studies in human participants (both sexes), by transiently perturbing the “activity-silent” WM retention state and decoding the reactivated WM information, we demonstrate that content and structure are stored in a dissociative manner with distinct characteristics throughout WM process. First, each tone in the sequence is associated with two codes in parallel, characterizing its frequency and ordinal position, respectively. Second, during retention, a structural retrocue successfully reactivates structure but not content, whereas a following white noise triggers content but not structure. Third, structure representation remains stable, whereas content code undergoes a dynamic transformation through memory progress. Finally, the noise-triggered content reactivations during retention correlate with subsequent WM behavior. Overall, our results support distinct content and structure representations in auditory WM and provide an efficient approach to access the silently stored WM information in the human brain. The dissociation of content and structure could facilitate efficient memory formation via generalizing stable structure to new auditory contents.
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT In memory experiences, contents do not exist independently but are linked with each other via ordinal structure. For instance, recalling a piece of favorite music relies on correct ordering (sequence structure) of musical tones (content). How are the structure and content for an auditory temporally structured experience maintained in working memory? Here, by using impulse-response approach and time-resolved representational dissimilarity analysis on human EEG recordings in an auditory working memory task, we reveal that content and structure are stored in a dissociated way, which would facilitate efficient and rapid memory formation through generalizing stable structure knowledge to new auditory inputs.
Memories are not stored in fragments; instead, multiple items or events are constantly linked and organized with each other according to certain relationships. For a sequence of items to be successfully retained in working memory (WM), two basic formats of information need to be encoded and maintained in the brain: features that describe each item (content) and ordinal position of the item in the list (structure). For instance, making a phone call relies on correct assignment of ordinal labels to each digit. Retaining even a simplified version of auditory temporally structured experience (e.g., a tone sequence) necessitates storage of two types of code, content (e.g., frequency for each tone) and structure (e.g., ordinal position for each tone), in brain activities.
How does the human brain represent content and structure information in WM system? One possibility is that the two codes for a given item are represented in a combinational way; that is, each item is indexed by a specific content-structure combination (Komorowski et al., 2009; Naya et al., 2017; Kikumoto and Mayr, 2020). Alternatively, content and structure information could be represented independent of each other (Marshuetz, 2005; Bengio et al., 2013; Kalm and Norris, 2014; Higgins et al., 2017; Y. Liu et al., 2019), thereby facilitating efficient memory formation (Behrens et al., 2018). Although amounts of previous studies have addressed the issue using different approaches in both animals and humans (e.g., Eichenbaum, 2014; Davachi and DuBrow, 2015; Kamiński and Rutishauser, 2020; Summerfield et al., 2020), most of the findings have been focused on the encoding period when the to-be-memorized stimuli are physically presented.
Meanwhile, when entering the WM retention period, the brain would reside in a relatively “activity-silent” state, especially for noninvasive electrophysiological recordings in humans. Specifically, WM information is difficult to be directly decoded from the neural recordings during the delay period and has been posited to be “silently” retained in synaptic weights of the network (e.g., Mongillo et al., 2008; Lewis-Peacock et al., 2012; Stokes, 2015; Rose et al., 2016; Masse et al., 2020). As a consequence, directly accessing neural representations of content and structure during retention and examining their WM behavioral relevance pose a huge challenge in the WM field, especially in human studies.
Here in two auditory sequence WM experiments, we examined how content and structure information are encoded and maintained in auditory WM, by using a time-resolved multivariate decoding approach on the EEG recordings. Crucially, as mentioned previously, since the recorded macroscopic activities tend to stay in an “activity-silent” state, we used an impulse-response approach (Wolff et al., 2017) to transiently perturb the neural network and then measure the subsequently reactivated WM information. Specifically, two triggering events were presented successively during retention: a structure retrocue and a white-noise auditory impulse. The former, as an abstract structure cue, is hypothesized to reactivate the stored structure representation (i.e., ordinal position), whereas the latter, a neutral white-noise auditory impulse, might trigger content information (i.e., tone frequency) by perturbing the auditory cortex where contents likely reside.
Our results demonstrate that content and ordinal structure of an auditory tone sequence are encoded and maintained in a dissociative manner with distinct characteristics. First, each presented tone during encoding is associated with two codes in parallel, characterizing its frequency and ordinal position, respectively. Second, during the “activity-silent” retention period, a structural retrocue successfully reactivates structure but not content, whereas a following white noise triggers content but not structure, implying their storage in different brain regions. Third, neural representation of structure information remains largely unchanged from encoding to retention, whereas content code undergoes dynamical transformation, signifying their distinct representational formats. Finally, the white-noise-triggered content reactivations during retention correlate with subsequent memory performance, confirming its genuine indexing of WM operations. Together, our results provide new evidence advocating a dissociated and distinct form of content-structure storage in auditory WM and constitute an efficient approach to directly access WM information in human brains.
Materials and Methods
Thirty (17 females and 13 males, mean age 23.4 years, range 19-27 years) and 20 (8 females and 12 males, mean age 19.7 years, range 18-25 years) healthy participants with normal or corrected-to-normal vision were recruited in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, after providing written informed consent. Two participants in Experiment 2 were excluded because of low behavioral performance. Participants received compensation for participation. The experiment was approved by the Departmental Ethical Committee of Peking University.
Apparatus and stimuli
The experiment stimuli were generated and controlled with MATLAB (the MathWorks) and Psychophysics Toolbox (Psychtoolbox-3) (Brainard, 1997). The visual stimuli were presented on a Display ++ LCD screen with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels running at a refresh rate of 120 Hz. The distance between the screen and participants was fixed at 60 cm. Auditory stimuli were presented with a Sennheiser CX213 earphone through an RME Babyface pro external sound card. The intensity of all auditory stimuli was set at ∼65 dB (62.1-67.3 dB) SPL. A USB keyboard was used for response collection.
Experimental procedure
Experiment 1
Each trial started with the presentation of a cross (0.9° visual angle), which stayed in the center of the screen throughout the entire trial, except during the retrocue's presentation (see Fig. 1A). Participants were instructed to fixate at the central cross during the entire trial. After 700 ms, three memory tones with different frequencies that are pseudo-randomly selected from a uniform distribution of 6 frequencies (381, 538, 762, 1077, 1524, and 2155 Hz) were presented sequentially. The duration of each memory tone was 200 ms, with interstimulus interval of 700 ms. At 2000 ms after the offset of the third tone, a 200 ms visual retrocue (1.9° visual angle), a visual character (1, 2, or 3), was presented in the center of the screen, indicating which of the three memory tones would be tested later, with 100% validity. A 100 ms white-noise auditory impulse was then presented 2000 ms after the retrocue. Finally, after another 1500 ms interval, a 200 ms target auditory tone was presented. Participants made a judgment on whether the frequency of the target tone was higher or lower than the frequency of the cued memory tone, by pressing keys on the keyboard, without time limitation. The frequency of the target tone was either 21/3 higher or lower, with equal probability, than the frequency of the cued memory tone. The next trial started with a 1500-2000 ms delay after participant made their responses. There were 1080 trials in total, which were separated into two sessions that were completed in 2 separate days, for each participant. Each session lasted ∼3 h.
Experiment 2
Experiment 2 was the same as Experiment 1, except that participants were instructed to additionally report the ordinal position of the cued tone during recalling (see Fig. 5A). Furthermore, to control the temporal length of the experiment, there were other timing parameter adjustments; that is, the interval between the third auditory tone and the retrocue was set to 1500 ms, the interval between the retrocue and white noise to 1700 ms, and the interval between white noise and target tone to 1000 ms. Moreover, to prevent motor preparation during the maintaining period, the correspondence between particular ordinal positions and reaction keys is randomly set from six combinations in each trial. Same as in Experiment 1, there were 1080 trials in total, which were separated into two sessions being completed in 2 separate days, for each participant. Each session lasted ∼3 h.
Experiment 3
Participants (N = 19, 12 females and 7 males; different participant groups from Experiments 1 and 2) did the same WM task as in Experiment 2 (see Fig. 5A), with or without presenting the white noise during the delay period. There were 180 trials for each condition (360 trials totally).
EEG acquisition and preprocessing
The EEG signals were acquired using a 64-channel actiCAP (Brain Products) and two BrainAmp amplifiers (Brain Products). The data were recorded through BrainVision Recorder software (Brain Products) at 500 Hz. Vertical electrooculogram was recorded by one additional electrode below the right eye. The impedances of all electrodes were kept to <10 kΩ. The EEG data were re-referenced to the average value across all channels, downsampled to 100 Hz, and bandpass filtered between 1 and 30 Hz. Independent component analysis was performed to remove eye-movement and other artifactual components. Data were epoched 500 ms before each trial's onset to 700 ms after target tone's offset. Epochs with extremely high noises by visual inspection were manually excluded from the following analyses.
Time-resolved multivariate decoding
Only the correct trials in each participant were used for further analyses, except the behavioral correlates analyses (see Figs. 4–6) during which the same number of correct and wrong trials in each participant were analyzed and compared (see details later in Materials and Methods).
Representational similarity analysis (RSA)
A time-resolved RSA was performed on the EEG data to evaluate the neural representation of frequency and ordinal position independently throughout the encoding and maintaining phases, at each time point for each participant. To remove the possible interference of slow trend, we first calculated the mean activity for each channel across all trials, and then the trial mean was smoothed by a 150 ms moving window and subtracted from the original data trial wisely (i.e., demean) (Grootswagers et al., 2017). In addition, as the three pure tones were presented successively during encoding period, the difference of global field power (GFP) of these three tones might contribute to the ordinal position decoding analysis. To remove the possible confounding effects, we used a cross-validated confound regression method proposed by Snoek et al. (2019) to remove the variance that could be explained by the GFP levels from the encoding responses. Specifically, GFP levels for each ordinal position at each time point were first calculated and then entered into a linear regression model as predictor, with each channel's original activity at that time point as response variable. After estimating the contribution of GFP on EEG signals using this model for each channel and at each time point, variance associated with GFP was subtracted from the original data to obtain the corrected data. All the subsequent decoding analyses were conducted on the corrected data.
The RSA is based on both spatial and temporal information to achieve high signal-to-noise ratio (Grootswagers et al., 2017). Specifically, for RSA-based decoding at time point t, the values of all channels at the current time point t as well as those at previous time point t – 1 were all included as features (64 × 2 = 128 in total) for a further eightfold cross-validation decoding approach. The Mahalanabis distance (Mahalanobis, 1936) in the neural spatiotemporal activities (i.e., 128 features) between each left-out test trial and the averaged, condition-specific activities over train trials was computed, with the covariance matrix estimated from all the train trials using a shrinkage estimator (Ledoit and Wolf, 2004). If the neural activities indeed contain information about certain feature (e.g., tone frequency, ordinal position), the more similar the two features are (less physical dissimilarity), the less Mahalanobis distance their associated neural activities would have (less neural representational dissimilarity). To further quantify their relationships, the physical differences were linearly regressed against the corresponding neural representational dissimilarity values, for each test trial. The mean β value of the regression across all test trials was then used to represent the decoding accuracy. This process was repeated 50 times with each containing a new random partition of data into 8 folds. The resulted decoding performance, smoothed with a Gaussian-weighted window (window length = 40 ms), was then averaged across the 50 partitions as the final decoding accuracy, at each time point and for each participant. The RSA was performed for frequency and ordinal position, independently, using the same EEG data but with different feature dimensions.
Spatial distribution
To illustrate the spatial distribution of RSA results for frequency and ordinal position, we performed a decoding analysis within certain time range (50-350 ms for tone; 100-400 ms for position code) on each EEG channel, using the time-resolved activities as features for multivariate decoding analysis (Kriegeskorte et al., 2006; van Ede et al., 2019). The time window is determined based on our decoding results (see Fig. 1B) as well as previous studies (e.g., Wolff et al., 2020).
Regressing out sensory factors
Notably, the ordinal position decoding results would contain the low-level sensory information carried by the retrocue stimuli (i.e., 1, 2, 3). To remove the confounding influences, we ran a control experiment during which participants were instructed to passively view the same retrocue stimuli (1, 2, 3), and their EEG responses were recorded. We then conducted a leave-one-participant-out decoding analysis on our main experiment data. Specifically, in each run, the response of one participant in the main experiment was used as test data, with the remaining participants' responses in the main experiment as train dataset 1 and those in the control experiment as train dataset 2. The neural response representational dissimilarity between the test data and train dataset 1 (containing both structural and sensory representations) and that between the test data and train dataset 2 (containing only sensory representations) were then calculated, respectively. Finally, the neural dissimilarity between the test data and train dataset 1 (containing both structural and sensory representations) was regressed according to two predictors, the ordinal positional dissimilarity (structure information) and the sensory neural dissimilarity (calculated between test data and train dataset 2), with the former referring to the sensory-removed representational strength (see Fig. 2A, right, dotted line).
Behavioral relevance
For correct and wrong trial decoding analyses, the right trials were k-folded, where k was determined by the closest integer to the quotient of the total correct trial numbers and wrong trial numbers. For each partition, the (k – 1)-fold correct trials were used as training data, and the left onefold correct trials and all wrong trials were used as testing data, respectively. This manipulation will ensure the same trial numbers for correct and wrong trials during testing. The above k-fold decoding procedure was further conducted 50 times, and averaged to obtain the final decoding time courses.
Cross-temporal generalization analysis
A cross-temporal generalization analysis was conducted to investigate whether the neural representations of frequency or ordinal position were similar for encoding and maintaining periods. We first selected the temporal range during the encoding period to serve as that for training data, based on their corresponding decoding performance during encoding (i.e., 90-130 ms and 140-180 ms after the onset of memory tone, for frequency and ordinal position, respectively). As shown in Figure 2, the neural representations of frequency and ordinal position only appeared after the white-noise stimulus and retrocue, respectively, during the delay period. Therefore, the cross-temporal generalization was performed only on the corresponding time ranges for these two features (i.e., 0-600 ms in reference to the onset of white-noise stimulus and retrocue) for frequency and ordinal position, respectively.
We used two types of multivariate decoding methods, RSA and lasso-regularized logistic regression model, for the cross-temporal generalization analysis. RSA was similar to previous analysis, except that the Mahalanibos distance was computed between responses during the encoding period (train data) and that during the maintaining period (test data). For lasso-regularized logistic regression model, we first trained classifier k (
For both methods, the decoding results were further baseline-corrected (0–50 ms), repeated for 50 times, and then averaged. Finally, to remove possible influences from random effects, a control analysis was performed by shuffling test data labels and redoing the same cross-temporal generalization analysis for 50 times. The resulted shuffling results were then subtracted from the original results to get the final cross-temporal generalization results.
Statistical significance testing
Nonparametric sign-permutation test (customized analysis codes) (Maris and Oostenveld, 2007) was used for statistical test. Specifically, the sign of the decoding value of each participant at each time point was randomly flipped 100,000 times to obtain the null distribution, from which the p value was derived. Cluster-based permutation test was then conducted to correct multiple comparisons over time (p < 0.05). For clusters failing to pass the multiple comparison, the uncorrected results were reported.
Experimental procedure and time-resolved multivariate decoding analysis
In Experiment 1, 30 human participants performed an auditory delayed-match-to-sample WM task while their 64-channel EEG activities were recorded. Each participant performed 1080 trials in total (6 h in 2 separate days). As shown in Figure 1A, in each trial, three pure tones with different frequencies that were pseudo-randomly selected from six fixed values (
A time-resolved RSA (Kriegeskorte et al., 2008) was performed on the EEG responses to evaluate the neural representation of frequency and ordinal position, respectively, throughout the encoding and maintaining phases, at each time point and in each participant (see details in Materials and Methods). Notably, instead of binary decoding, the RSA here is based on a hypothesis that the neural representational similarity is proportional to the factor-of-interest similarity; that is, the neural response for
Neural representations of structure and content during WM encoding
During the encoding period, each of the three tones could be characterized by two factors, that is, frequency (
Figure 1B (top panels) plots the time-resolved neural representational dissimilarity as a function of physical dissimilarity (y axis) after the onset of each tone, for frequency (left) and ordinal position (right). It is clear that, for both properties, the neural dissimilarity is minimum at center and gradually increases to the two sides when the physical difference becomes larger, supporting that the neural responses contain information for both content and structure. Figure 1B (bottom panel) shows the corresponding regression weights of the dissimilarity matrices, for frequency (βfreq, left) and ordinal position (βpos, right), separately. Specifically, both the frequency representation βfreq (left; p < 0.001, corrected) and the ordinal position representation βpos (right; p < 0.001, corrected) emerged shortly after the onset of each tone. Figure 1C plots the topographies of channel-wise decoding results for frequency (left) and ordinal position (right), respectively. Frequency decoding is associated with frontal-central and lateral channels, whereas structure representation is mainly located on parietal channels.
In summary, during the encoding period when a sequence of tones is presented to be retained in WM, each sound is signified by two separate neural codes that characterize its content (frequency) and structure (ordinal position), respectively, which likely originate from distinct brain areas.
Reactivations of structure and content information during “activity-silent” retention
After establishing the representations of content and structure information during the encoding phase, we next examined their maintenance during retention when the brain responses enter an “activity-silent” state. Crucially, the triggering events, retrocue and white noise, successfully reactivated WM information from the silent state, yet content (left) and structure (right) displayed distinct temporal profiles. Specifically, as shown in Figure 2A, the retrocue triggered the emergence of ordinal position information (right, blue line) (p < 0.001, corrected) but not that for tone frequency (left, red line; p > 0.5, corrected). In contrast, the subsequent white-noise auditory impulse (Fig. 2B) successfully activated the tone frequency representation (left, red line; 200-260 ms: p = 0.017, corrected) but not the ordinal position (right, blue line; p > 0.359, corrected). Thus, contents and ordinal structure are maintained in a dissociated way (i.e., being reactivated by different triggering events). The RSA decoding analysis was performed in reference to the memory-related information; for example, a trial with retrocue of 2 and
Importantly, since the retrocue stimuli are physically different (e.g., 1, 2, 3), the observed structure representation after the retrocue (Fig. 2A, right, blue solid line) would also contain the low-level sensory information. To address this issue, we further regressed the neural response dissimilarity according to two indexes: the ordinal positional dissimilarity (genuine structure information) and the dissimilarity between the neural response in the current experiment and that in a control experiment where participants viewed the identical retrocue stimuli (sensory information). This would allow us to remove the low-level sensory contributions from the structure decoding results. As shown in Figure 2A, the sensory-removed decoding performance remained present (right, dotted blue line), supporting that the ordinal position representations are not just caused by sensory inputs. It might still be argued that there are other confounding factors carried by the retrocue stimuli, an issue we further addressed using an encoding-to-maintaining generalization analysis (Fig. 3).
Overall, during the “activity-silent” maintaining period, a structural retrocue successfully reactivates structure but not content information, whereas a following white-noise auditory impulse triggers WM content (to-be-recalled tone frequency) but not structure representation, implying their storage in different brain regions.
Distinct encoding-to-maintaining representational generalizations for structure and content
Having confirmed the neural representations during both encoding (Fig. 1B) and maintaining periods for structure (Fig. 2A, right; after retrocue) and content (Fig. 2B, left, after white noise), we next conducted an encoding-to-maintaining generalization analysis to estimate whether these two phases share similar coding formats. Put another way, if the neural codes for encoding (Fig. 1B) could be successfully generalized to those elicited during retention (Fig. 2A,B), this would support a stable WM coding, otherwise a dynamic coding transformation.
We first used the same RSA approach as before to examine the cross-temporal generalization (Fig. 3A), except that here the response dissimilarity was calculated between the encoding and retention activations. As shown in Figure 3B, only the structural information displayed a significant cross-temporal generalization (right; 230-280 ms: p = 0.026, corrected), but not for content (left; p > 0.089, corrected). To further verify the results, we also used a lasso-regularized logistic regression model to test the cross-temporal generalization. As shown in Figure 3C, likewise, only the structure information showed significant encoding-to-maintenance generalization (right; 90-570 ms: p < 0.001, corrected), but not for content (left; p > 0.438, corrected). Importantly, the successful cross-temporal generalization for ordinal position confirms the genuine structure information triggered by the retrocue during retention, since no visual cues (i.e., 1, 2, 3 stimuli) were presented during the encoding period yet the structural codes could still be generalized to that during retention (for other possible factors, see Discussion).
Together, structure and content are endowed with distinct representational transformation properties (i.e., structure representation remains stable from encoding to maintaining periods), while the content code undergoes a dynamic transformation, signifying their distinct representational formats (for full cross-time generalization results, see Fig. 6C).
Content reactivations during retention correlate with WM behavior
We next evaluated whether the neural representations of content and structure retained in WM, which could be reactivated by the retrocue and white noise, respectively, have any behavioral consequence. To this end, we performed the same RSA on correct trials and incorrect trials separately, in each participant. We ensured equal numbers of correct and incorrect trials to make a fair comparison (for details, see Materials and Methods). As shown in Figure 4A, the correct (dark red) and wrong trials (light red) displayed distinct frequency reactivations after the white noise (correct vs wrong: black asterisks; 210-250 ms: p = 0.053, corrected). Specifically, the correct-trial group (dark red) showed significant frequency decoding performance (200-260 ms: p = 0.018, corrected), whereas the wrong-trial group (light red) did not. Interestingly, the wrong-trial group showed a trend of late reactivation (440-460 ms: p = 0.178, corrected; maximum p = 0.049, uncorrected).
Meanwhile, the structure reactivations (i.e., encoding-to-maintaining generalization, given its genuine indexing of structure information independent of retrocue stimulus) displayed no behavioral relevance (i.e., correct and wrong trials showed comparable structure reactivations) (RSA, Fig. 4B, p > 0.138, corrected; Lasso-regularized logistic regression model, Fig. 4C, p > 0.106, corrected). Furthermore, the neural representation during the encoding period did not show behavioral correlates for both frequency (Fig. 4D, p > 0.287, corrected) and ordinal position (Fig. 4E, p > 0.5, corrected), suggesting that the deteriorating WM performance in wrong trials was not attributable to encoding failure.
Together, content information (i.e., tone frequency) maintained in WM, which could be assessed using a neutral white-noise auditory impulse during retention, covaries with subsequent WM recalling performance, further supporting its genuine indexing of WM operations.
Experiment 2: task control
In Experiment 1, participants were instructed to retain a list of auditory tones and to recall the tone frequency according to the retrocue (first, second, third). Meanwhile, since the recalling task only tested the content, participants might have discarded the structure information after the retrocue. This would constitute an alternative interpretation for why the white-noise impulse failed to trigger structure representations (Fig. 2B, right). To address this possibility, we performed Experiment 2 (N = 18), during which the participants did exactly the same task as Experiment 1 but needed to additionally recall the position of the memorized tone (Fig. 5A).
The behavioral accuracies for frequency and ordinal position were 75.17% (SE = 1.08%) and 98.80% (SE = 0.22%), respectively. As shown in Figure 5, Experiment 2 largely replicated the results of Experiment 1, thus excluding the task interpretation. Specifically, the retrocue elicited structure (Fig. 5B, right; 60-600 ms: p = 0.003, corrected) but not frequency (Fig. 5B, left; p > 0.337, corrected), whereas the white noise reactivated content (Fig. 5C, left, dark red; 250-320 ms: p = 0.006, corrected) but still failed to drive structure (Fig. 5C, right, p > 0.350, corrected). Moreover, same as in Experiment 1, the cross-temporal generalization results showed a significant encoding-to-maintaining generalization for structure (Fig. 5D, right, dark blue; 140-180 ms: p = 0.046, corrected) but not for content (Fig. 5D, left, p > 0.251, corrected). Finally, also consistent with Experiment 1, correct trials showed better content reactivations than wrong trials (Fig. 5C, left, black star, 250-280 ms: p = 0.054, corrected), but not for ordinal position (Fig. 5D, right, p > 0.158, corrected). Together, the new control experiment fully replicated previous results, supporting that the lack of structure reactivation after the white-noise impulse is not because of task in Experiment 1.
We combined Experiments 1 and 2 (N = 48), given that they shared the same design through encoding and retention and showed similar response patterns. Consistently, the white noise triggered stronger content reactivation for correct than incorrect trials (Fig. 6A, black, 210-270 ms: p = 0.011, corrected), whereas the retrocue did not (Fig. 6B, p > 0.148, corrected). Intriguingly, there was still a trend of late content reactivation for incorrect trials (430-450 ms: p = 0.179, corrected; maximum p = 0.045, uncorrected), which was even marginally higher than that for correct trials (430-450 ms: p = 0.178, corrected; maximum p = 0.045, uncorrected), implying that the WM content in wrong trials might not be lost completely but tends to be maintained in a less excitable latent state of WM network (see Discussion).
Figure 6C plots the full cross-time encoding-to-maintaining representational generalization results, for content and structure, respectively. It is clear that no significant frequency generalization was detected at all (Fig. 6C, left), ensuring that the lack of coding generalization for content (Fig. 6A) is not because of the selection of specific temporal windows. In contrast, structure information revealed significant coding generalization at relatively stable times after retrocue (right panel), confirming the stable coding for structure.
Experiment 3: control behavioral experiment
Finally, we conducted a control behavioral experiment (N = 19; different participants from Experiments 1 and 2) to test whether the added white-noise PING stimulus during retention would influence the WM performance. Participants did the same WM task as in Experiment 2 (Fig. 5A), with or without presenting the white noise during the delay period. As plotted in Figure 6D, the two conditions (with noise, without noise) showed no WM behavioral difference in either accuracy or reaction time on content and structure, supporting that the presented white-noise PING during retention would not interfere with WM performance. Therefore, consistent with previous findings (Wolff et al., 2017, 2020), the PING stimulus serves as a neutral probe to access information retained in WM system.
As we learn about the world, memories are formed not only for individual events but also for their relational structure. Here, we demonstrate that content (tone frequency) and structure (ordinal position) of a tone sequence are encoded and stored in a distinct way in human auditory WM. Each item is signified by two separate neural codes, content and structure, which could be subsequently reactivated from the “activity-silent” state during WM retention, by white-noise auditory impulse and retrocue, respectively. Furthermore, content and structure demonstrate distinct temporal properties throughout memory process (i.e., stable representation for structure and dynamical coding for content). Importantly, the content reactivations during retention are further correlated with WM recalling performance. Overall, the human brain extracts and separates structure and content information from auditory inputs and maintains them in distinct formats in the WM network. Our work also provides an efficient approach to access the “silently” stored WM information in the human brain.
It has long been posited that structure information that characterizes the abstract relationship between objects serves as a primary rule to organize fragmented contents and influences perception: that is, Gestalt principle (Wagemans et al., 2012), memory (DuBrow and Davachi, 2013; Gershman et al., 2013; Davachi and DuBrow, 2015), and learning (Luyckx et al., 2019). How is the structure information implemented in the brain? One typical example is the hippocampus neurons that are sensitive to specific spatial location or time bin that are independent of the attached contents, signifying their coding of spatial (O'Keefe and Dostrovsky, 1971; O'Keefe and Nadel, 1978; Muller, 1996; Eichenbaum et al., 1999), temporal (Manns et al., 2007; Paz et al., 2010; MacDonald et al., 2011; Eichenbaum, 2014; Heusser et al., 2016; Tsao et al., 2018), and abstract structures even in nonspatial tasks, i.e., cognitive map (Aronov et al., 2017; Garvert et al., 2017; Schuck and Niv, 2019). Parietal regions are also involved in structural representation and learning (Feigenson et al., 2004; Summerfield et al., 2020). Here we focused on the ordinal information of a tone sequence, a typical and important relational structure to sort contents in auditory experience. Indeed, neural coding of ordinal position has been found in both animal recordings (Averbeck et al., 2006; Naya and Suzuki, 2011; Kraus et al., 2013; Crowe et al., 2014; Taxidis et al., 2020) and neuroimaging studies (Roberts et al., 2013; Hsieh et al., 2014; DuBrow and Davachi, 2016; Baldassano et al., 2017; Rajji et al., 2017; Carpenter et al., 2018; Huang et al., 2018; Kikumoto and Mayr, 2018; X. L. Liu et al., 2020). Our results are thus consistent with previous findings and further expand to auditory sequence memory, particularly during the maintaining period.
The successful encoding-to-maintaining representational generalization for ordinal position serves as crucial evidence for structure representation in WM by ruling out some alternative interpretations. For example, the structure code for each tone during encoding might arise from repetition suppression. Meanwhile, the encoding-to-maintaining representational generalization excludes this possibility since the retrocue is presented only once and the structure reactivation in turn could not be because of repetition suppression during retention. Furthermore, subjects might use a verbal label strategy for each ordinal position, which constitutes another explanation for the observed structural code. However, since the task is to memorize the frequencies of three tones, subjects reported that they were actually perceiving and rehearsing a sequence of three tones instead of three verbal labels. In addition, animal studies also demonstrate neural representations for temporal order (Fortin et al., 2002; Manns et al., 2007; Berdyyeva and Olson, 2010; Rangel et al., 2014; Allen et al., 2016), which obviously involve no verbal label processing. Together, we posit that the structure code observed here reflects a genuine, abstract representation of ordinal position in sequence WM that are shared across species.
Different from visual studies (Foster et al., 2016; Fukuda et al., 2016), only a few studies have assessed the neural correlates of auditory WM (Luo et al., 2013; Kumar et al., 2016; Albouy et al., 2017; Weisz et al., 2020; Wolff et al., 2020). Here, by combining RSA-based decoding and impulse-response approach, we demonstrate that a neutral white-noise auditory impulse could successfully reactivate the tone frequency information “silently” held in auditory WM. This is consistent with the hidden-state WM view, which posits that information is stored in synaptic weights via short-term neural plasticity principles (Mongillo et al., 2008; Stokes, 2015). As a result, a transient disturbance of the neural network (e.g., a flash or a white noise) would endow the neural assemblies that maintain WM information in synaptic weights with larger probability to be activated (Stokes, 2015). In other words, the white-noise here serves as a “neutral” probe to assess the information that has already been retained in WM and would not modify WM contents. Nevertheless, not all the triggering events could efficiently reactivate contents (e.g., the retrocue failed to trigger content information), implying that content and structure might be stored in different regions and have different characteristics. Auditory content, presumably retained in sensory cortex, is sensitive to auditory perturbation, whereas structure information might be maintained in high-level areas (e.g., parietal region) (Bueti and Walsh, 2009; Parkinson et al., 2014; Summerfield et al., 2020) and frontal cortex (Ninokura et al., 2003; Berdyyeva and Olson, 2010; Hsieh et al., 2011; Naya et al., 2017). Notably, our results advocating the “activity-silent” view are based on multivariate decoding analyses in noninvasive EEG recordings. Studies using new techniques or animal recordings will deepen our understanding of the interesting view.
The white-noise-elicited content reactivation during retention correlates with subsequent recalling performance, further confirming its genuine indexing of content maintenance in auditory WM. Interestingly, a trend of late content reactivation for incorrect trials suggests that content information might not be completely lost but still retained in WM, yet in a less excitable latent state (i.e., being triggered in a late and less robust way). A recent visual WM study reveals that top-down attention could modulate the latent states of WM items; that is, the most task-relevant one would be in a more excitable state and tends to be reactivated earlier by TMS perturbation (Rose et al., 2016). Moreover, computational modeling that incorporates competition between items also predicts late reactivation for weakly stored WM items (Mongillo et al., 2008). Therefore, in addition to reactivation strength, the latency of content reactivations might also serve as a potential index to assess subsequent WM performance.
What would be the benefit of the dissociated content and structure representation in WM system? An apparent advantage is that this would allow rapid and versatile transfer of the structure information to new contents (Tse et al., 2007; Friston and Buzsáki, 2016; Kaplan et al., 2017; Behrens et al., 2018; Whittington et al., 2018). Visual WM studies also reveal that different attributes (e.g., color, shape, or orientation) of a single object are coded independently (Bays et al., 2011; Fougnie and Alvarez, 2011; Cowan et al., 2013). Back to the current experiment, all trials share the fixed sequence structure (e.g., 3-tone sequence), and it would therefore be more efficient for the brain to separately encode and maintain the ordinal position information and allocate tone information anew in each trial to the corresponding ordinal positions.
Finally, structure and content also show different coding dynamics (i.e., stable and dynamic representations, respectively). The transformed code for WM contents has been widely found (e.g., Meyers et al., 2008; Barak et al., 2010; Lundqvist et al., 2016, 2018; Sprague et al., 2016; Parthasarathy et al., 2017, 2019; Spaak et al., 2017; Trübutschek et al., 2017; Wolff et al., 2017, 2020; Quentin et al., 2019; Rademaker et al., 2019; Yue et al., 2019; Kamiński and Rutishauser, 2020; Yu et al., 2020). Notably, theses studies do not always use the PING approach but still observe the transformed represenation for WM contents, thereby ruling out possiblities that the dynamic code for content is because of the presentation of PING stimulus. Moreover, the control behavioral experiment (Fig. 6D) suggests that the PING stimulus serves as a neutral probe to access WM representation and would not interefere with WM performance. Possible interpretations for the dynamic coding are that WM content is coded in a way that is optimized for subsequent behavioral demands (Myers et al., 2017; Panichello and Buschman, 2020) or transformed into a subspace to resist distractions from new inputs (Murray et al., 2017; Libby and Buschman, 2019). In contrast, the ordinal structure displays a stable representation over memory course, also in line with previous findings (Walsh, 2003; Kalm and Norris, 2017; Luyckx et al., 2019; Bernardi et al., 2020). Stable structure coding would be advantageous for memory generalization and formation (i.e., rapid implementation of stable structure to dynamic contents).
Together, content (tone frequency) and structure (ordinal position) are the two basic formats of information to be maintained in WM. Our findings demonstrate that they are encoded and stored in a largely dissociated way and display distinct representational characteristics, which echo their varied functions in memory formation: detailed and dynamic contents versus abstract and stable structure.
This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China 31930052 to H.L., and Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission Z181100001518002 to H.L.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Huan Luo at huan.luo{at}pku.edu.cn