Central pattern generators (CPGs), specialized oscillatory neuronal networks controlling rhythmic motor behaviors such as breathing and locomotion, must adjust their patterns of activity to a variable environment and changing behavioral goals. Neuromodulation adjusts these patterns by orchestrating changes in multiple ionic currents. In the medicinal leech, the endogenous neuromodulator myomodulin speeds up the heartbeat CPG by reducing the electrogenic Na+/K+ pump current and increasing h-current in pairs of mutually inhibitory leech heart interneurons (HNs), which form half-center oscillators (HN HCOs). Here we investigate whether the comodulation of two currents could have advantages over a single current in the control of functional bursting patterns of a CPG. We use a conductance-based biophysical model of an HN HCO to explain the experimental effects of myomodulin. We demonstrate that, in the model, comodulation of the Na+/K+ pump current and h-current expands the range of functional bursting activity by avoiding transitions into nonfunctional regimes, such as asymmetric bursting and plateau-containing seizure-like activity. We validate the model by finding parameters that reproduce temporal bursting characteristics matching experimental recordings from HN HCOs under control, three different myomodulin concentrations, and Cs+ treated conditions. The matching cases are located along the border of an asymmetric regime away from the border with more dangerous seizure-like activity. We found a simple comodulation mechanism with an inverse relation between the pump and h-currents makes a good fit of the matching cases and comprises a general mechanism for the robust and flexible control of oscillatory neuronal networks.
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Rhythm-generating neuronal circuits adjust their oscillatory patterns to accommodate a changing environment through neuromodulation. In different species, chemical messengers participating in such processes may target two or more membrane currents. In medicinal leeches, the neuromodulator myomodulin speeds up the heartbeat central pattern generator by reducing Na+/K+ pump current and increasing h-current. In a computational model, we show that this comodulation expands the range of central pattern generator's functional activity by navigating the circuit between dysfunctional regimes resulting in a much wider range of cycle period. This control would not be attainable by modulating only one current, emphasizing the synergy of combined effects. Given the prevalence of h-current and Na+/K+ pump current in neurons, similar comodulation mechanisms may exist across species.
To achieve behavioral flexibility necessary for survival in a variable environment, neuronal circuits must produce, control, and scale functional activity over a broad range of underlying biophysical properties (Marder and Calabrese, 1996; Calabrese, 1998; Doi and Ramirez, 2008; Marder, 2012). Central pattern generators (CPGs) and other rhythmic neuronal circuits are continuously adjusted through neuromodulation, which is orchestrated by changes in multiple ionic currents, including the electrogenic Na+/K+ pump (Marder and Calabrese, 1996; Doi and Ramirez, 2008; Grashow et al., 2010; Harris-Warrick, 2011; Marder, 2012; Marder et al., 2014; Sharples and Whelan, 2017). Yet we are only beginning to understand how the phenomenal robustness of neurons and networks is attained given the wide range of functional burst properties produced by modulation (Grashow et al., 2009; Tang et al., 2012; Marder et al., 2015; Dashevskiy and Cymbalyuk, 2018; Parker et al., 2018). Because neuromodulators or cocktails of neuromodulators may have multiple cellular targets, it is often difficult to determine the combined effects of modulation by sampling effects of single-factor variation, such as dose–response experiments. For example, some modulators, such as dopamine or serotonin, commonly have opposing effects (Seamans et al., 2001; Teshiba et al., 2001; Sharples and Whelan, 2017). Opposing effects may be distinguished by timescales and dose dependence, producing unique transient and steady-state effects (Harris-Warrick et al., 1998; Brezina et al., 2003; Spitzer et al., 2008) and may enhance flexibility through state dependence or protect against overmodulation by incorporating negative feedback control mechanisms (Harris-Warrick and Johnson, 2010). In contrast, effects of the endogenous neuromodulator myomodulin on the leech heartbeat CPG are caused by changes in two membrane currents with superficially similar effects; it decreases burst period by increasing h-current (Ih) and decreasing Na+/K+ pump current (IPump) (Tobin and Calabrese, 2005). How modulators coordinate these effects on activity patterns is poorly understood. Evaluating the advantages offered by the comodulation of two currents with similar effects and the special role of IPump in modulation requires comprehensive accounting using accurate biophysical modeling.
IPump is a unique modulation target (Bertorello and Aperia, 1990; Bertorello et al., 1990; Catarsi and Brunelli, 1991; Scuri et al., 2007; Hazelwood et al., 2008; H. Y. Zhang and Sillar, 2012; L. N. Zhang et al., 2012, 2013; H. Y. Zhang et al., 2015). While maintaining the proper gradients of Na+ and K+ concentrations across the membrane, it produces an outward current with activation kinetics, which do not depend on the membrane potential but instead are governed by the internal Na+ concentration ([Na+]i). Thus, IPump can play an important role in the bursting activity (Li et al., 1996; Frohlich et al., 2006; Arganda et al., 2007; Pulver and Griffith, 2010; Barreto and Cressman, 2011; Krishnan and Bazhenov, 2011; Yu et al., 2012; Jasinski et al., 2013). IPump naturally interacts with Ih: it is most active during depolarized phase because of raised [Na+]i and remains active during the hyperpolarized phase, where IPump is opposed by Ih (Forrest et al., 2012; Y. Zhang et al., 2017).
The interaction of IPump and Ih plays a prominent role in the leech heartbeat CPG. This CPG encompasses two heart interneuron half-center oscillators (HN HCOs): pairs of mutually inhibitory HN interneurons producing alternating bursting activity. IPump and Ih interactions were revealed using the H+/Na+ antiporter monensin, which stimulates IPump by increasing [Na+]i (Kueh et al., 2016). In the presence of Ih, application of monensin dramatically decreases the burst duration (BD) and interburst interval (IBI). If Ih is blocked, then monensin decreases BD but lengthens IBI. This experiment demonstrates how each phase of bursting, BD and IBI, is independently affected by IPump depending on its interaction with Ih. The speedup of the HN HCO burst period by myomodulin (Tobin and Calabrese, 2005), by increasing Ih and decreasing IPump in HNs, suggests coordinated participation of IPump and Ih and demonstrates their importance as a joint modulatory target controlling burst characteristics.
Here we investigated how comodulation of IPump and Ih contributes to flexible control of functional bursting activity.
Materials and Methods
We optimized a single-compartment Hodgkin-Huxley style (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952) model of a single leech heart interneuron (HN) and an HCO from Kueh et al. (2016). The HN HCO comprises two identical HN neurons mutually inhibiting each other (see Fig. 1). Each neuron contains a leak current (ILeak), a IPump governed by intracellular [Na+]i,, and eight voltage-gated currents: fast Na+ (INaF), persistent Na+ (IP), fast low-voltage activated Ca2+ (ICaF), low-voltage activated slowly inactivating Ca2+ (ICaS), hyperpolarization-activated (h-) (Ih), slowly inactivating delayed-rectifier K+ (IK1), persistent K+ (IK2), and fast A-type K+ (IKA) currents. The leak current and Ih each have two components: one carrying Na+, ILeak,Na, and Ih,Na, and one carrying K+, ILeak,K, and Ih,K. The current conservation equation governing membrane potential dynamics used for each neuron is as follows:
The individual currents were computed in a conductance-based manner as follows:
The Na+ and K+ components of the leak current and Ih were separately evaluated and Na+ components were taken into account in the dynamics of [Na+]i as follows:
Components of the leak conductance were determined in terms of the conventional equivalent leak conductance and leak reversal potential, referred to as reference values, into two separate specific Na+ and K+ leak currents so that:
The resulting partial conductances are as follows:
Intracellular [Na+]i is computed dynamically, taking into account the Na+ fluxes generated by two Na+ currents,
[Na+]i also determines the Na+ reversal potential as follows:
Above, F is Faraday's constant, R is the gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, v is the volume of the intracellular Na+ compartment, and
Pump current is governed by
Synaptic Cl– currents have spike-dependent and graded components as follows:
Spike-dependent synapse activation was computed as follows:
Graded synaptic activation was computed using a proxy of presynaptic Ca2+ concentration in the following manner:
We integrated the differential equations describing the model dynamics using the Embedded Runge-Kutta Prince-Dormand (8, 9) method from the gsl_odeiv module in the GNU Scientific Library version 2.6 (https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/). Absolute tolerance was set at 10−9, relative tolerance was set at 10−10, and maximal time step was set to 10−3 s. Models were implemented in the C programming language and compiled using the GNU Compiler Collection version 7.5.0 (https://gcc.gnu.org/).
Parameter sweeps
We characterized and mapped activity regimes of the model under variation of two parameters, the maximal Ih conductance (
Analysis of temporal characteristics of model activity regimes
Analysis of the activity of the model HCO was conducted using custom scripts developed in the MATLAB software (The MathWorks, Inc.). In our parameter sweeps, we observed a variety of different types of activity, which we generally classified as one type of functional activity (functional bursting), or two types of dysfunctional activities: asymmetric bursting, and a plateau-containing activity. We defined functional bursting as symmetrical activity in which cells alternate in generating bursts of spikes; during the burst, cell's membrane potential would rise above −45 mV, and continuously spike until its membrane potential dropped below −45 mV. Asymmetric bursting activity was defined as a similar activity, but with alternating bursts in which bursts of one cell were noticeably longer than those of the other cell. Finally, plateau-containing activity was characterized by the appearance of plateau events in the HCO's activity. We defined plateau-containing activity as an oscillatory activity in which at least one cell in the HCO exhibited at least one depolarized interval in which the cell's membrane potential would rise above −45 mV, but spiking within such interval failed. At some parameter domains, plateau activity could be periodic and consist purely of alternating plateau events, while at other domains, activity could be a mixture of plateau events with conventional bursts.
For automated detection and analysis of the three activity regimes defined above, we specify two terms. The depolarized phase of activity of a neuron is the time interval in which membrane potential rose above −45 mV and remained there for at least 0.5 s. Correspondingly, the hyperpolarized phase of the activity was the interval in which membrane potential was below −45 mV. The duration of these phases provides a measure of the envelope of bursting in functional and asymmetrical regimes and also allows us to uniformly measure the temporal characteristics of plateau events using the same method of analysis.
We define a burst event as a continuous spiking interval during a depolarized phase of activity. Spike times were identified as moments of time at which the peaks in the voltage trace were above a threshold of −30 mV. Spike times were then used to distinguish bursts from plateaus. Spikes that had no predecessor or occurred at least 0.4 s after their predecessor were marked as the beginning of a spike-train. Then, the end of the spike-train was determined by spikes that had no successive spikes for at least 0.4 s. If multiple spike-trains were detected within a single depolarized phase or if the end of the depolarized phase did not have a preceding spike within 0.4 s, that depolarized phase would be tagged as a plateau event. A depolarized phase, which contained a single uninterrupted spike-train from the beginning to the end of the depolarized interval, was then tagged as a burst event. In depolarized phases that were classified as bursts, BD was computed as the time between first and last spike detected, burst period was computed as the time between the first spike in a burst and the first spike in the next burst, and IBI was computed as the time between the last spike in a burst and the first spike in the next burst. In cases where the depolarized phase was defined as a burst, the depolarized phase duration was nearly identical (±1 interspike interval) to BD, making this a good metric for describing the temporal pattern of either bursts or plateaus.
We define a measure of asymmetry between the depolarized phases of each side (HN(R) and HN(L)) of the HCO using the following expression:
Dimensions of the area supporting functional bursting
We investigated the functional regime along each of the
Experimental design and statistical analysis
We conducted two sets of experiments, each with a within-subjects (repeated-measures) design, whereby we would determine the dose-dependent effects of myomodulin with and without 2 mm Cs+ (Ih blocker) applied. Each set of experiments was conducted with 5 medicinal leeches, Hirudo spp., using the electrophysiological protocol outlined below. For both experiments, we analyzed the mean burst period, coefficient of variation of burst period, and mean BD of the HN(3,4) neurons using one-way repeated-measures ANOVAs with treatment as the independent variable. Post hoc pairwise comparisons were then conducted using Tukey's Honest Significant Difference test to determine which of the treatment conditions were significantly different from control or Cs+ alone and whether there was a dose effect between treatments in each experiment. All burst statistics for experiments are reported with the grand mean and SEM. p < 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant for all statistical tests.
Experimental protocols were similar to those described in Kueh et al. (2016). After surgically isolating the mid-body ganglion 3 or 4 of the nerve cord of medicinal leeches (n = 5) and removing the perineurium, extracellular suction electrodes were used to record from left and right HN(3,4) neurons. After allowing the preparation to settle, control recordings were taken. Subsequently, three concentrations of myomodulin (1, 10, and 100 μm) were applied with a 10 min wash-out between each application. Each application lasted between 5 and 10 min, and short recordings (containing 10-14 bursting cycles) were taken at each concentration once the preparation settled into a regular rhythm. We also performed a second set of experiments on a separate group of animals (n = 5) in which Cs+ (2 mm) was used as an Ih blocker. The preferred vertebrate Ih blocker, ZD 7288, does not block leech Ih (multiple unpublished observations). In this set of experiments, ganglia were prepared in the same manner and the same protocol was used; but before the addition of each myomodulin dose, Cs+ was applied for 5-10 min. When analyzing experimental data, burst period was computed as the time between median spikes of adjacent bursts, BD was computed as the time between the first and last spike of each burst, and IBI was computed as the time between the last spike of a burst and the first spike of the subsequent burst.
Mapping experimental data
For each case from a set of experimental conditions (control, Cs+, 1 μm myomodulin, 10 μm myomodulin, 100 μm myomodulin), we determined the parameter pair from within the boundaries of the functional regime which best produced model activity matching the averages of the burst period and the BD of the experimental case. For this, we introduced a simple measure of distance between the model and experimental bursting activity
Once a parameter pair was selected for the Cs+ condition, we restricted the choice of parameter pairs for the Cs+ with myomodulin conditions (Cs+ + 1 μm myomodulin, Cs+ + 10 μm myomodulin, Cs+ + 100 μm myomodulin) to the same value of
Curve fitting
Curve fitting of
Initial values for the constants [c1, c2, c3] = [0.47, 0.2, −0.1].
Code accessibility
C simulation files with compilation instructions are available on ModelDB.
Myomodulin decreases the burst period in leech heartbeat HCOs by increasing Ih and reducing IPump (Tobin and Calabrese, 2005). Here, we investigated advantages that such comodulation might provide by considering a model of a leech heartbeat HCO (Fig. 1). The living HN HCOs exhibits alternating, symmetric bursting with a period of 6-9 s. During bursting, the membrane potentials oscillate between −65 mV at the lowest point between bursts, −40 mV baseline potential during a burst, and up to 10 mV at the peaks of action potentials during the burst. Ih and persistent Na+ current, IP, drive the cell toward a certain membrane potential where the two low-threshold Ca2+ currents, ICaS and ICaF, activate and initiate a burst. Then, IP and ICaS support the burst. IPump is always outward, has no reversal potential, and
Two-parameter map exhibits several activity regimes
To investigate the effects of comodulation of h- and pump currents, we explored model HCO activity in a large domain of two parameters,
Comparison of the depolarized phase duration of each cell in the model HCO revealed a “checkerboard” asymmetric pattern at higher values of
Another dysfunctional activity regime was noted by inspection of the coefficient of variation of the cycle period of model activity, which detected an area of high period variability at low values of IPumpMax. Further investigation of patterns in this area on the map revealed a large domain supporting complex activity consisting of plateau events, single spikes, and bursts. While the exact patterns varied widely, they all exhibited depolarized plateau events in one or both cells' activity. Plateaus in this system in vivo would be considered dysfunctional activities, so we characterized these regimes by the proportion of plateaus events among the depolarized phases of the pattern period (see Materials and Methods) (Fig. 3F1,F2). The major predictor of the presence of plateaus was low IPumpMax, as no plateaus were identified in simulations in which IPumpMax was >0.41 nA (Fig. 3F1,F2). Regimes in which either cell exhibited any plateaus were considered dysfunctional and labeled as plateau-containing. Those regimes at low values of IPumpMax, which were both asymmetric and contained plateaus, we generally marked as plateau-containing as this property represents a more serious pathologic condition. These plateaus appear to be similar to seizure-like plateau activity induced by Co2+ or K+ blockers in leech neurons (Angstadt and Friesen, 1991; Opdyke and Calabrese, 1994).
Functional bursting was revealed within a domain of functional regimes on the two-parameter map (Fig. 4A). Its borders are marked in white in Figure 3B, C, E, F. It exhibited a range of periods from 4.9 to 11.8 s. Representative voltage traces from these regimes are shown in Figure 4B.
Supporting functional bursting through comodulation
By applying a mask of the area labeled functional to the map of burst periods, we obtained our primary finding: comodulation of the two currents can expand the temporal burst characteristics while retaining the functional pattern. Starting from anywhere in this functional comodulation pathway, shaped like a turning stripe, it is clear that by variation of one parameter along either the
We searched the functional area of the map and determined the largest viable parameter difference along the
To infer a comodulation mechanism coordinating the changes of the pump and Ih, we first hypothesized that comodulation would be most robust to perturbation if it traversed the center of the functional regime area, navigating away from the borders, and that the simplest comodulation mechanism would be the basic reciprocal relation of the two parameters. We fitted a simple curve representing reciprocal relations between
Maximal parameter distance along this curve was between points in parameter space (
Model validation and experimental results
In concert, we performed extracellular recordings of pairs of HN(3) or HN(4) neurons, treated equivalently as there have been no observed consistent differences in these HCOs (Kueh et al., 2016), under control conditions and for three different doses of myomodulin (1, 10, 100 μm) (Fig. 6A). Across experiments (n = 5), myomodulin concentration accounted for the variance in burst period (p < 0.0001) and BD (p < 0.0001). The general trend supported our previous studies, which had found that the addition of 1 μm myomodulin decreased burst period from 12.1 ± 1.2 s to 6.8 ± 1.0 s (Tobin and Calabrese, 2005). These new experiments also showed that myomodulin affects the burst period in a dose-dependent manner (control: 9.0 ± 0.7 s; myomodulin 1 μm: 6.4 ± 0.3 s; myomodulin 10 μm: 5.6 ± 0.3 s; myomodulin 100 μm: 4.2 ± 0.1 s) (Fig. 6A1). BD is also impacted in a dose-dependent manner (control: 5.3 ± 0.4 s; myomodulin 1 μm: 3.8 ± 0.2 s; myomodulin 10 μm: 3.3 ± 0.2 s; myomodulin 100 μm: 2.5 ± 0.1 s) (Fig. 6A2). Significant differences in burst period and BD were found between control conditions and each myomodulin condition (* in Fig. 6A1,A2; p < 0.05 for each), and between the 1 μm and 100 μm conditions (# in Fig. 6A1,A2; p < 0.05). Higher doses of myomodulin caused a greater decrease in period.
A second set of experiments was performed with Cs+ (2 mm), an Ih blocker, to evaluate whether the model matches the action of myomodulin on the pump current alone. Extracellular recordings were performed on HN(3) or HN(4) neurons under control conditions, Cs+ conditions, and the same three doses of myomodulin now with Cs+ introduced before application of each dose of myomodulin (Fig. 7A). Here, the period is also affected in a dose-dependent manner (control: 8.4 ± 0.3 s; Cs+: 9.6 ± 0.6 s; myomodulin 1 μm + Cs+: 7.8 ± 0.5 s; myomodulin 10 μm + Cs+: 6.6 ± 0.3 s; myomodulin 100 μm + Cs+: 4.4 ± 0.2 s) (Fig. 7A1). BD is affected in a dose-dependent manner as well (control: 4.8 ± 0.2 s; Cs+: 4.9 ± 0.3 s; myomodulin 1 μm + Cs+: 3.8 ± 0.3 s; myomodulin 10 μm + Cs+: 2.9 ± 0.2 s; myomodulin 100 μm + Cs+: 1.9 ± 0.1 s) (Fig. 7A2). Across five experiments, we found that the variances in burst period and BD were accounted for by treatment effects (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.0001, respectively). Significant differences in burst period and BD were found between the control condition and the myomodulin 10 μm + Cs+ and myomodulin 100 μm + Cs+ conditions (* in Fig. 7A1,A2; p < 0.05 for each). All combined treatment conditions demonstrated significant differences in burst period and BD from the Cs+ alone condition († in Fig. 7A1,A2; p < 0.05 for each). Burst period was significantly different between all combined treatment conditions (# in Fig. 7A1; p < 0.05 for each), but BD was only significant between myomodulin 10 μm + Cs+ and myomodulin 100 μm + Cs+ conditions (# in Fig. 7A2; p < 0.05 for each).
To verify our model, for each experimental condition, we identified a single “best fit” point within the functional area of the map (Figs. 6B, 7B) at which differences between model values of BD and burst period and corresponding experimental values were minimal (Eq. 27; Table 6). These selected points represent the neuromodulation induced by the different doses of myomodulin; experimental conditions with higher concentrations of myomodulin map to model parameter domains at higher
In conclusion, model BD and burst period have good agreement for experimental values under all conditions except Cs+ with 100 μm myomodulin. As the dose of myomodulin increases, burst period and BD decrease and correspond to higher
To test whether reciprocal relation of the two currents could describe experimental data, we then fit a comodulation curve over to the selected parameter value representations of experimental activity, and suggest that the reciprocal relationship may describe the comodulation of Ih and IPump by myomodulin (R2 = 0.97) (Fig. 6B) as follows:
This experimentally justified comodulation curve has an even greater range of achievable periods than the midline comodulation curve. Maximal parameter distance here occurred between the boundary points (
HN HCOs do not typically burst in asymmetric fashion (Kueh et al., 2016; Wenning et al., 2018). When we analyzed asymmetry in the experimental dataset, we saw that, across the 5 subjects in the myomodulin experiments and also across the 5 subjects in the combined myomodulin with Cs+ experiments, average levels of asymmetry, computed in the same manner as the model data, were all <0.2, our selected cutoff for model asymmetry (Tables 7 and 8). The largest average level of asymmetry was observed in the Cs+ alone condition with an average asymmetry measure of 0.105 and an SE of 0.03 across 5 subjects.
The variability in the burst period and BD in experiments was relatively small. Means and SEs for individual leeches are shown alongside grand means and model comparisons in Figures 6A and 7A. Coefficients of variation of burst period averaged across animals did not exceed 0.1 in either the myomodulin only experiments or the Cs+ plus myomodulin experiments (Tables 9 and 10). One subject under control conditions had a coefficient of variation of burst period of 0.128. Across the 5 subjects in the Cs+ plus myomodulin experiments, variability in the coefficient of variation of burst period between treatment conditions was significant (p < 0.05), but average coefficients of variation were <0.1 in all cases. Coefficients of variation of BD averaged across animals were slightly higher but did not exceed 0.13 in either the Cs+ plus myomodulin experiments or the myomodulin only experiments (Tables 11 and 12). The highest coefficient of variation of BD observed in any one preparation was 0.24 in the 100 μm myomodulin with Cs+ condition. The effect of the treatment could not account for the variation in the mean coefficient of variation of BD (p > 0.05). For a full analysis of the burst characteristics of the HN CPG from an extensive dataset, see Wenning et al. (2018).
Neuromodulation allows neuronal networks to flexibly adapt to changing behavioral goals and variable environments. An important question posed by experiments with CPGs is why neuromodulators target more than one membrane current. Also intriguing: why is IPump among targeted currents? The leech heartbeat CPG is an ideal system for exploring these questions, offering well-described cellular and circuit dynamics and a biophysical model rooted in experimental data. We investigated activities of a biophysical model of the leech heartbeat HN HCO under parameter variation of the maximal conductance of the Ih (
The pump current contributes directly to the dynamics of rhythm generation
The role of the Na+/K+ pump in the dynamics of rhythm generating circuits is not well understood. By executing a vital housekeeping function of maintaining Na+ and K+ gradients across the membrane, it generates an outward current which must be accounted for in the checks and balances of oscillatory pattern generating dynamics. Multiple studies, computational and experimental, have shown how its electrogenic nature is fundamental to the excitability of neurons (Forrest et al., 2012; Krishnan et al., 2015; Kueh et al., 2016; Picton et al., 2017). Here, we show that the pump's contribution is critical for robust yet flexible control of bursting. Significantly, in this HN HCO circuit, modifications to IPump have immediate consequences to the bursting rhythm. Blockage or large reductions in pump activity affect Na+ and K+ ionic gradients with consequent effects on bursting rhythms over the time scale of several bursts. For example, blocking the pump with strophanthidin gradually disrupts the HN HCO's rhythm as the cells reach a depolarization block and are unable to fire action potentials (Kueh et al., 2016). Furthermore, in HN HCOs, IPump is a large, active component contributing to bursting dynamics through interaction with Na+ and other currents, and its downmodulation can be used as an effective mechanism to regulate temporal burst characteristics. The pump current interacts with Ih during the IBI both activating it by causing hyperpolarization and opposing it by being an outward current. Imbalance between these currents leads to plateau-containing, highly variable activity or asymmetric activity, which would be maladaptive for the animal. IPump is thus an active contributor to the dynamics of rhythm generation on both long and short timescales. The ability of IPump to act on short timescales supports its potential role in information processing as well (Forrest, 2014).
Variability and relationship to homeostatic mechanisms
With the exception of the asymmetric cases, the duty cycle of the model is very close to 50%, while experimental traces typically display a duty cycle of ∼60% in control and myomodulin alone. This has been a consistent discrepancy with the HN HCO model since its inception (Hill et al., 2001). The onset of spiking in the model is abrupt at the end of inhibition because of the single-compartment nature of the model, a choice that enhances dynamical analysis but sacrifices the nuances of spiking activity. Despite this issue, these HN HCO models have had predictive value and reproduced the core properties of burst generation in a variety of pharmacological, dynamic clamp, and hybrid-system experiments (Hill et al., 2001; Cymbalyuk et al., 2002; Sorensen et al., 2004; Olypher et al., 2006; García et al., 2008; Weaver et al., 2010; Kueh et al., 2016). We note that, in our experiments, the mean duty cycle across animals decreased to 50% in Cs+ and as low as 40% in Cs+ with 100 μm myomodulin.
We found higher levels of animal-to-animal variability in the myomodulin and Cs+ experiments, suggesting that the modulatory effects on the pump alone may vary between individual animals. We propose that Na+/K+ pump expression levels may be variable between animals, but that at least some other channel expressions, including the Ih, may be coregulated with pump to preserve the described mechanism of comodulation. It is well established that ion channel expression is homeostatically coregulated to bound the types of produced activity (Khorkova and Golowasch, 2007; Marder, 2011; O'Leary et al., 2013; Golowasch, 2019; Goaillard and Marder, 2021). Such homeostatic mechanisms prevent significant deviations from a functional pattern through compensation, a negative feedback loop. While the mechanisms that regulate the proportion of ion channels in the membrane may be in place to bound activity, comodulation of the currents that are already present is a separate problem. We emphasize with this system that comodulation is an active measure, which controls the activity in a wide range while simultaneously avoiding catastrophic dysfunction. From a modeling perspective, the methodology for investigating comodulation and coregulation is similar, but these processes serve different biological functions. While coregulation preserves the activity produced in the face of perturbation and long-term changes, comodulation changes or scales the activity, in this case the period.
Proximity to less dangerous boundary increases robustness
Model investigation of the modulation mechanisms should consider the multiparameter space of modulatory action (Goldman et al., 2001). Here, by covarying two currents implicated in comodulation by myomodulin, we found that the experimentally verified comodulation curve tracks very closely to the edge of our defined functional regime (Fig. 6B), which borders the asymmetric regimes. The transition at this edge from functional activity to asymmetric activity is a smooth one, not a catastrophic transition, like the border between functional and plateau activity; and this positioning may contribute robustness to the HCO. Robust functional bursting in this circuit is critical for the animal's survival, as outputs of HN neurons drive the motor neurons which control the tubular leech hearts. Plateauing seizure-like activity of these cells alone would be deleterious for heart function and could also disrupt ionic gradients, so avoidance of the plateau-containing regime would be critical. This regime is reminiscent of seizure-like plateau activity induced in leech neurons, including HNs by substitution of Ca2+ with Co2+ or by application of K+ channel blockers (Angstadt and Friesen, 1991; Opdyke and Calabrese, 1994). Small variations in symmetry of the activity, however, would have little to no consequences for the animal's welfare. Since two asymmetric regimes coexist, in the living animal, biological noise would likely switch the HCO back and forth between them, resulting in nearly symmetric bursting patterns with BDs equal on average.
Multiple targets of neuromodulation
In some circuits, neuromodulators that produce multiple effects and target different currents in opposite directions may create a mechanism protecting circuits against overmodulation, which would lead a circuit into a dysfunctional regime (Harris-Warrick and Johnson, 2010). Modulators with apparently opposing effects can also underlie complex transient responses because they act on different timescales. Studies on the Aplysia radular neuromuscular system demonstrate that two different classes of modulators are coreleased with acetylcholine (Brezina et al., 2003): myomodulins and small cardiac peptides. These modulators have apparently opposing effects on the muscle and occur on different timescales. Experimentally, myomodulins decrease muscle contractile responses to acetylcholine, whereas small cardiac peptides increase the contractile response of the muscle. The long timescale effects of these modulators on the enhancement of calcium current and muscle relaxation rate allow the system to have a “memory” of the previous behavioral state (activity pattern) when changes occur and increase efficient muscle performance throughout multiple cycles. The fast effects on enhancement of potassium current in the muscle allow the system to adapt when the motor pattern changes with minimal losses in performance. These modulatory systems also allow the muscle contractions to be robust in the face of irregular firing patterns often seen in the behaving animal (Brezina et al., 2005) and to navigate through the parameter space to regions unreachable in the steady state to optimize muscle response throughout different motor patterns. From a neuronal circuit's perspective, use of multiple modulators with multiple cellular targets is functionally similar to our case, where a single modulator affects multiple targets within the cell. We found that, even in the steady state, the effect of modulating multiple ionic currents has tangible benefits for navigating the complex control space of the motor rhythm output. Furthermore, while overmodulation implies that the magnitude of modulation can exceed a functional range and lead a circuit into a dysfunctional regime, in the leech heartbeat HCO (comodulation with similar effects) and in the Aplysia radular neuromuscular system (comodulation with opposing effects), control is not achieved by mitigation of an effect, but rather by the complex combination of effects. These findings enforce that studies on neuromodulation should be using specific, system-relevant combinations of neuromodulator-targeted factors rather than single factors, one at a time. Computational modeling helps bridge this gap by reproducing the emergent properties of a neuronal circuit when physiological studies become less feasible. With their ability to capture these emergent properties from the combination of more basic mechanisms, models can be studied as a dynamical system, which then can be evaluated with simpler, targeted multifactor physiological experiments.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant 1 R21 NS111355 to G.S.C. and R.L.C.; and Georgia State University Brains and Behavior Fellowship Program to P.J.E. and W.H.B.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Gennady S. Cymbalyuk at gcymbalyuk{at}gsu.edu