Figure 5. Comparison of rotation direction tuning properties between EO and DP conditions. A, The magnitude of response of each unit (difference in response between the peak and trough of the rotation tuning curve) in the EO condition is plotted against response magnitude in the DP condition. Color denotes monkey (black for m39, blue for m31), shape denotes rotation tuning significance [upward triangle, EO and DP tuning both significant (N = 30 for m39, N = 165 for m31); circle, only EO tuning significant (N = 65 for m39, N = 37 for m31); square, only DP tuning is significant (N = 31 for m39, N = 23 for m31); downward triangle, the tuning of neither condition was significant (N = 150 for m39, N = 61 for m31)], and symbol fill denotes MU or SU (solid for SU, open for MU). Solid line indicates the unity–slope diagonal. All MSTd units were included regardless of significance of rotation tuning. B, Comparison of tuning strength, as quantified by the DirDI, between EO and DP conditions. Format is the same as in A. All MSTd units were included regardless of the significance of rotation tuning. C, Comparison of rotation direction preferences between EO and DP conditions. This panel includes MU activity recorded from m39 (black, N = 23) and m31 (blue, N = 117). For units with bimodal direction tuning in either condition (71 of 140), the smallest difference between peaks in the two conditions was used. All MUs with significant rotation tuning (ANOVA, p < 0.05) in both the EO and DP conditions were included. Inset displays the difference distribution between rotation preferences for the two conditions. Format is the same as in Figure 4E. D, Same as C but for SUs (N = 7 for m39, N = 48 for m31) with significant rotation tuning (ANOVA, p < 0.05) in both EO and DP conditions. Format is the same as in C; 29 of 55 SUs had bimodal direction tuning. E, Rotation preferences of units in the EO condition plotted against their preferences for 2D motion direction (N = 94 for m39, N = 202 for m31). Units with significant tuning in the EO condition (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and 2D direction tuning protocol (ANOVA, p < 0.05) were included (34 of 94 with bimodal EO tuning for m39; 49 of 202 bimodal for m31). Inset, Histogram (top right) shows the distribution of differences between EO and 2D direction preferences. For units with bimodal tuning in the EO condition, the direction at the largest peak was used. Color denotes monkey (black for m39, blue for m31), symbol fill denotes unit type (open for MU, solid for SU), and symbol shape denotes tuning modality (circle for unimodal, square for bimodal). Note that axis ranges are expanded such that all data points wrap between the black diagonal lines corresponding to differences of ±180°. F, Same as in E but for rotation direction preference in the DP condition (N = 60 for m39, N = 188 for m31). Units with significant tuning in the DP condition (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and significant tuning for the 2D direction tuning protocol (ANOVA, p < 0.05) were included (12 of 60 with bimodal DP tuning for m39; 61 of 188 bimodal for m31). Format is the same as in E.