Index by author
July 26, 2023; Volume 43,Issue 30
Abbott, Stephen B.G.
- Featured ArticleResearch Articles, Systems/CircuitsNeuromedin B-Expressing Neurons in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Regulate Respiratory Homeostasis and Promote Stable Breathing in Adult MiceGeorge M.P.R. Souza, Daniel S. Stornetta, Yingtang Shi, Eunu Lim, Faye E. Berry, Douglas A. Bayliss and Stephen B.G. AbbottJournal of Neuroscience 8 June 2023, 43 (30) 5501-5520;
Agardy, Dennis A.
- Research Articles, Neurobiology of DiseaseA Cellular Ground Truth to Develop MRI Signatures in Glioma Models by Correlative Light Sheet Microscopy and Atlas-Based CoregistrationKatharina Schregel, Lennart Heinz, Jessica Hunger, Chenchen Pan, Julia Bode, Manuel Fischer, Volker Sturm, Varun Venkataramani, Kianush Karimian-Jazi, Dennis A. Agardy, Yannik Streibel, Roland Zerelles, Wolfgang Wick, Sabine Heiland, Theresa Bunse, Björn Tews, Michael Platten, Frank Winkler, Martin Bendszus and Michael O. BreckwoldtJournal of Neuroscience 10 July 2023, 43 (30) 5574-5587;
Anggono, Victor
- Research Articles, Cellular/MolecularUbiquitination of the GluA1 Subunit of AMPA Receptors Is Required for Synaptic Plasticity, Memory, and Cognitive FlexibilitySumasri Guntupalli, Pojeong Park, Dae Hee Han, Lingrui Zhang, Xuan Ling Hilary Yong, Mitchell Ringuet, Daniel G. Blackmore, Dhanisha J. Jhaveri, Frank Koentgen, Jocelyn Widagdo, Bong-Kiun Kaang and Victor AnggonoJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2023, 43 (30) 5448-5457;
Bayliss, Douglas A.
- Featured ArticleResearch Articles, Systems/CircuitsNeuromedin B-Expressing Neurons in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Regulate Respiratory Homeostasis and Promote Stable Breathing in Adult MiceGeorge M.P.R. Souza, Daniel S. Stornetta, Yingtang Shi, Eunu Lim, Faye E. Berry, Douglas A. Bayliss and Stephen B.G. AbbottJournal of Neuroscience 8 June 2023, 43 (30) 5501-5520;
Bendszus, Martin
- Research Articles, Neurobiology of DiseaseA Cellular Ground Truth to Develop MRI Signatures in Glioma Models by Correlative Light Sheet Microscopy and Atlas-Based CoregistrationKatharina Schregel, Lennart Heinz, Jessica Hunger, Chenchen Pan, Julia Bode, Manuel Fischer, Volker Sturm, Varun Venkataramani, Kianush Karimian-Jazi, Dennis A. Agardy, Yannik Streibel, Roland Zerelles, Wolfgang Wick, Sabine Heiland, Theresa Bunse, Björn Tews, Michael Platten, Frank Winkler, Martin Bendszus and Michael O. BreckwoldtJournal of Neuroscience 10 July 2023, 43 (30) 5574-5587;
Berman, Robert
- Research Articles, Behavioral/CognitiveRegulation of the Ca2+ Channel CaV1.2 Supports Spatial Memory and Its Flexibility and LTDKyle E. Ireton, Xiaoming Xing, Karam Kim, Justin C. Weiner, Ariel A. Jacobi, Aarushi Grover, Molly Foote, Yusuke Ota, Robert Berman, Timothy Hanks and Johannes W. HellJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2023, 43 (30) 5559-5573;
Berry, Faye E.
- Featured ArticleResearch Articles, Systems/CircuitsNeuromedin B-Expressing Neurons in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Regulate Respiratory Homeostasis and Promote Stable Breathing in Adult MiceGeorge M.P.R. Souza, Daniel S. Stornetta, Yingtang Shi, Eunu Lim, Faye E. Berry, Douglas A. Bayliss and Stephen B.G. AbbottJournal of Neuroscience 8 June 2023, 43 (30) 5501-5520;
Blackmore, Daniel G.
- Research Articles, Cellular/MolecularUbiquitination of the GluA1 Subunit of AMPA Receptors Is Required for Synaptic Plasticity, Memory, and Cognitive FlexibilitySumasri Guntupalli, Pojeong Park, Dae Hee Han, Lingrui Zhang, Xuan Ling Hilary Yong, Mitchell Ringuet, Daniel G. Blackmore, Dhanisha J. Jhaveri, Frank Koentgen, Jocelyn Widagdo, Bong-Kiun Kaang and Victor AnggonoJournal of Neuroscience 7 July 2023, 43 (30) 5448-5457;
Blom, Tessel
- Research Articles, Behavioral/CognitiveVisual Information Is Predictively Encoded in Occipital Alpha/Low-Beta OscillationsWilliam Turner, Tessel Blom and Hinze HogendoornJournal of Neuroscience 21 June 2023, 43 (30) 5537-5545;
Bode, Julia
- Research Articles, Neurobiology of DiseaseA Cellular Ground Truth to Develop MRI Signatures in Glioma Models by Correlative Light Sheet Microscopy and Atlas-Based CoregistrationKatharina Schregel, Lennart Heinz, Jessica Hunger, Chenchen Pan, Julia Bode, Manuel Fischer, Volker Sturm, Varun Venkataramani, Kianush Karimian-Jazi, Dennis A. Agardy, Yannik Streibel, Roland Zerelles, Wolfgang Wick, Sabine Heiland, Theresa Bunse, Björn Tews, Michael Platten, Frank Winkler, Martin Bendszus and Michael O. BreckwoldtJournal of Neuroscience 10 July 2023, 43 (30) 5574-5587;