Figure 5. Comparison of GL261 subregions. A, Coregistered MRI and LSM data of an animal with a GL261 glioma. A, The tumor was segmented on T2w images (A, top left, light red). Scale bar, 1 mm. The inlet shows a magnification of the tumor, which grows bulky and is mainly T2w hyperintense compared with the surrounding tissue. Scale bar, 1 mm. LSM datasets were used to define subregions of a GL261 glioma: areas with densely packed tumor cells (A, top middle; green; scale bar, 500 µm) were differentiated from the remaining tumor (A, top middle, yellow; scale bar, 500 µm) and from areas with accumulated Cx3cr1-EGFP-positive myeloid cells (microglia, monocytes, dendritic cells, and NK cells; A, top right, pink; scale bar, 500 µm). A, Magnification of the T2w image (left inlet) reveals a rather homogeneously T2w-hyperintense tumor center with a T2w-hypointense rim. Scale bar, 1 mm. A, Magnification of the LSM images reveals that tumor cells are not evenly distributed, but rather exhibit a radial formation with interspersed areas of lesser cell density (middle inlet). Scale bar, 100 µm. A, Myeloid cells accumulate along the tumor borders, but can also be found in the adjacent tissue (right inlet). Scale bar, 100 µm. Overlays of these regions on maps of T2 relaxation time and FA are shown below. The areas of T2w-suspected (light red) and LSM-confirmed tumor (yellow/green) overlap, while myeloid cell accumulation (pink) extends beyond the main tumor bulk. B, When comparing quantitative MRI parameters between these regions, significant differences were observable between mean values of the T2w-segmented tumor and LSM-defined subregions. C, The density of Cx3cr1-EGFP-positive myeloid cells was automatically quantified. On the left, an exemplary segmentation output is shown (white, Cx3cr1-EGFP-positive myeloid cells; downsampled voxel size, 7.3 × 7.3 × 30 µm). Scale bar, 500 µm. Millions of myeloid cells, in this case 2,096,833 cells, were automatically segmented, which showcases the power of our segmentation approach. By this, cell quantities in the tumor and in anatomic brain regions were made accessible for further analyses. On the right, a heat map displaying the number of myeloid cells per voxel of a downsampled LSM dataset is shown (voxel size, 255.5 × 255.5 × 1050 µm). Scale bar, 500 µm. The highest number of myeloid cells per voxel was observable in the tumor periphery. D, Myeloid cell density per mm³ was calculated and compared between brain regions. The tumor periphery displayed the highest myeloid cell density, significantly exceeding most non-tumor-bearing regions. D, Myeloid cell density was lowest in the thalamus. E, We additionally correlated regional myeloid cell density to T2 and T2* relaxation time as well as FA and observed a significant positive correlation between myeloid cell density and T2 relaxation time. Asterisks indicate the level of significance of multiplicity-adjusted p-values.