Figure 11. Accuracy, uncertainty, and coverage vary with stimulus contrast in V1 and with movement speed in M1. A, For static, oriented gratings, cross-validated decoding accuracy increases following stimulus onset (white triangle) but depends on stimulus contrast (top). Posterior entropy decreases, with lower entropy for higher contrast stimuli, and coverage (at 90% nominated) also varies. Dashed lines denote chance (top), maximum entropy (middle), and nominated coverage (bottom). B, At 200 ms after stimulus onset (black triangles in A), we find that the (post hoc-corrected) posterior entropy for the Poisson GLM varies with contrast. Dots denote averages in deciles, error bars denote 95% confidence intervals, and curves denote logistic regression fits. C,D, Analogous results for recordings from M1 during center-out reaching with maximum movement speed split by terciles. Cross-validated decoding accuracy increases shortly before movement onset (white triangle) but depends on the reach speed (top). Posterior entropy decreases with lower entropy for higher speeds. Results in D are for 100 ms after movement onset (black triangles in C).