Humans make decisions about food every day. The visual system provides important information that forms a basis for these food decisions. Although previous research has focused on visual object and category representations in the brain, it is still unclear how visually presented food is encoded by the brain. Here, we investigate the time-course of food representations in the brain. We used time-resolved multivariate analyses of electroencephalography (EEG) data, obtained from human participants (both sexes), to determine which food features are represented in the brain and whether focused attention is needed for this. We recorded EEG while participants engaged in two different tasks. In one task, the stimuli were task relevant, whereas in the other task, the stimuli were not task relevant. Our findings indicate that the brain can differentiate between food and nonfood items from ∼112 ms after the stimulus onset. The neural signal at later latencies contained information about food naturalness, how much the food was transformed, as well as the perceived caloric content. This information was present regardless of the task. Information about whether food is immediately ready to eat, however, was only present when the food was task relevant and presented at a slow presentation rate. Furthermore, the recorded brain activity correlated with the behavioral responses in an odd-item-out task. The fast representation of these food features, along with the finding that this information is used to guide food categorization decision-making, suggests that these features are important dimensions along which the representation of foods is organized.
Significance Statement
The visual domain forms an important basis for food decisions. This study sheds light on how the human brain processes food. Our results provide evidence for factors such as food naturalness, transformation level, and perceived caloric content as key organizing principles in the representational structure of foods. These factors are represented rapidly in the brain and are used by participants to make food categorization decisions. Finally, this study highlights the potential of multivariate electroencephalography analysis as a tool for investigating food processing in the human brain.
Humans make food choices every day. Our visual system allows us to gather information about distant foods, making visual information an important basis for food choices. There is evidence that food processing through vision and taste rely on overlapping processes, with activation in the same regions (Simmons et al., 2005) and shared information about the taste (Avery et al., 2021), evoked by food that is seen and tasted (cf. Nakamura et al., 2020). Recent evidence suggests that food could be an important organizational feature in the ventral visual stream, as neural responses in the ventral visual cortex are selective for visual food stimuli (Khosla et al., 2022; Jain et al., 2023). Previous work has shown that information about animacy, category, and exemplars emerges in the brain before 100 ms (Carlson et al., 2013; Cichy et al., 2014; Contini et al., 2017; Grootswagers et al., 2019). However, relatively few studies have focused on the time-course of visually presented food representations.
Several studies have investigated the neural food/nonfood distinction in the temporal domain (Stingl et al., 2010; Tsourides et al., 2016). For example, one multivariate magnetoencephalography (MEG) study showed that evidence for information about food versus nonfood emerges from 85 ms after the stimulus onset (Tsourides et al., 2016). Fewer studies have investigated whether, and when, other features of food are represented in the brain. Two dimensions that are of relevance from an evolutionary perspective are (1) the distinction between natural and prepared food (i.e., food with signs of human intervention) and (2) the energetic value of the food (i.e., calorie content).
The distinction between natural and prepared food may be an important one for modern humans. Even chimpanzees have been shown to spontaneously prefer cooked food (Wobber et al., 2008; Warneken and Rosati, 2015). Several studies have investigated the neural distinction between natural and prepared foods (Pergola et al., 2017; Coricelli et al., 2019; Vignando et al., 2019), suggesting that the neural response is modulated by whether food is natural or prepared. However, it is still unclear whether the brain carries information about this distinction and what the time-course of this information is.
Another important feature of food is the energetic value or caloric content. Several electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have found that the brain response to food stimuli is modulated by the caloric content of the stimuli (Killgore et al., 2003; Toepel et al., 2009; Meule et al., 2013; Mengotti et al., 2019) or perceived healthiness of the food (Rosenblatt et al., 2018). However, it remains unclear whether, and at what time, the brain carries information about the energetic content of food.
In addition to features such as naturalness and calorie content, the way the brain processes food information could depend on perceiver characteristics. For example, one study used multivariate pattern analysis on EEG data to show there was information about the subjective “tastiness” of the food from ∼530 ms after the stimulus onset (Schubert et al., 2021). It is still unclear whether the brain represents the level of arousal in addition to the valence (palatability) of the food. In addition, it is unclear whether general food preferences across the population can be used to track valence information in the brain or whether more fine-grained personal valence information is needed.
Here, we used multivariate analysis methods on EEG data to investigate the time-course of edibility information, naturalness, calories, perceived immediate edibility, valence, and arousal information in the brain. In addition, as previous MEG work showed effects with short latencies and in the absence of a task (Tsourides et al., 2016), we asked whether these representations emerge even when the stimuli are not the focus of attention. Finally, to determine whether the food feature information is represented in a way that is accessible to the brain, and used to guide behavior, we correlated the EEG representations to behavioral food similarity judgments from a different group of participants.
Materials and Methods
Twenty healthy adults participated in the EEG study. The participants had a mean age of 20.9 years (SD, 3.74; range, 18–33 years). Seventeen participants identified as female, two as male, and one as nonbinary. All participants were right-handed, reported normal or corrected-to-normal vision, and had no history of psychiatric or neurological disorders. The participants were recruited from the University of Sydney and received course credit for their participation. The study was approved by the Human Ethics Committee of the University of Sydney (ethics ID, 2019/340), and all participants provided informed consent before participating.
Experimental design
The stimulus set consisted of 154 food images and 160 nonfood object images (Fig. 1A). The food images were taken from the FoodCast Research Image Database (FRIDa; Foroni et al., 2013). The subset was chosen to be familiar to Australian participants, and no rotten food items were included. We selected 71 natural food items and 83 transformed (or prepared) food items. The nonfood stimuli were from a free image-hosting website (PNG Imaging) and were a subset of those used in previous EEG object decoding work (Grootswagers et al., 2019). The nonfood stimulus set consisted of 80 animate and 80 inanimate objects. In this study, we define animacy as whether the object can move on its own volition, and it is therefore different than aliveness. We used the animacy distinction, as this has been extensively used in previous work (Carlson et al., 2013; Cichy et al., 2014; Contini et al., 2017; Grootswagers et al., 2019). The 160 nonfood object stimuli were divided into eight categories (humans, mammals, birds, insects, plants, clothing, furniture, and tools). Each category had five different objects. For example, the “mammal” category consisted of cow, giraffe, etc. There were four exemplars of each object. Note that the fruit category from this set was not included because they are foods. The aquatic category was also excluded because some exemplars might be seen as unprepared foods (e.g., fish or squid).
Stimuli and task. A, Examples of the stimuli. The left panel shows examples of the 154 food stimuli that were used. Stimuli were selected from the FRIDa (Foroni et al., 2013). The selected stimulus set consisted of 71 natural food images (top) and 83 transformed food images (bottom). The right panel shows examples from the 160 nonfood object stimuli. Images were obtained from a free image-hosting website (PNG Imaging) and were used in previous work (Grootswagers et al., 2019). The stimulus included 80 animate (top) and 80 inanimate objects (bottom) from eight different categories (humans, mammals, birds, insects, plants, clothing, furniture, and tools). B, An overview of the fixation monitoring task, in which the stimuli were not task relevant. Stimuli were presented for 100 ms with an interstimulus interval of 50 ms. Participants pressed a button when the fixation bullseye changed from black to red. The third stimulus on this example (croissant) shows an example of a target. C, An overview of the food categorization task. Participants saw a food stimulus for 117 ms and were asked to indicate whether the depicted food item was natural or prepared. There was a response time-out of 1,000 ms. When a response was given, the fixation bullseye turned into a black dot for 200 ms. There was a randomly selected intertrial interval ranging between 500 and 1,000 ms.
We used the PsychoPy library (Peirce et al., 2019) in Python to run the experiment. The images were presented on a white background and were 256 by 256 pixels. Participants were seated ∼60 cm from the screen, and the stimuli were ∼6.25 by 6.25 degrees of visual angle. A central fixation bullseye was presented throughout the experiment, and participants were instructed to remain fixation on the central bullseye. The EEG experiment consisted of two different tasks, a fixation monitoring task and a food categorization task (Fig. 1B,C). There were six blocks in total, and each block consisted of the fixation monitoring task followed by the food categorization task. The experiment took ∼50 min to complete. Participants used a button box to respond in both tasks.
Fixation monitoring task (passive viewing)
Figure 1B gives an overview of the fixation monitoring task. During this task, participants viewed streams of images. The images were presented at 6.67 Hz; each stimulus was on the screen for 100 ms, followed by a blank screen for 50 ms. The stimuli consisted of 314 unique images, depicting food (154 images) and nonfood objects (160 images). There were six blocks in the experiment. Each block consisted of six image sequences, and each sequence contained 157 image presentations. This means there were 942 image presentations per block, three repeats of the 314 unique images. The order of the stimulus presentations was randomized across two consecutive sequences. Each sequence was ∼24 s, and participants were given the option to have a break after every sequence to minimize fatigue and eyeblinks.
The participants monitored the fixation bullseye and pressed a button when the fixation bullseye turned to red instead of black for the duration of a stimulus presentation (100 ms). Participants were instructed to respond as fast and accurately as possible. The purpose of the task was to keep participants engaged and ensure their gaze remained fixated on the center of the screen. Each sequence had between two and four targets (fixation color changes). The targets were presented at random intervals with the following constraints. The first 10 and last 10 stimulus presentations of the sequence were never targets, and two targets were always at least 15 stimulus presentations apart.
Food categorization task
Figure 1C provides an overview of the food categorization task. In this task, participants indicated for each image whether the depicted food was “natural” or “prepared.” The naturalness distinction was chosen as a task because previous work suggests that naturalness could be an important feature in how we process food. Several studies have found evidence the neural response is modulated by whether food is natural or prepared (Pergola et al., 2017; Coricelli et al., 2019; Vignando et al., 2019). In addition, this distinction could be important for behavior, as there is evidence that naturalness mediates the behavioral ratings of other food features such as arousal and perceived calorie content (Foroni et al., 2013). The stimuli were the same as those used in the fixation monitoring task, but only the food images were used. Each stimulus was presented once per block in a randomized order. Participants completed six blocks in total. The food stimulus was presented for 117 ms, and participants had 1,000 ms to make a response. If participants responded, the fixation bullseye turned to a filled black dot for 200 ms. This was done to indicate to the participant that their response was recorded. If no response was made within 1,000 ms, feedback was given that the response was too slow and the experiment automatically moved on to the next trial. There was an intertrial interval ranging between 500 and 1,000 ms. Participants were instructed to respond as fast and accurately as possible. They responded by pressing one of the two buttons on a button box. The buttons used to indicate whether the food was “natural” or “prepared” switched between each block. This was done to make sure that any differences in the neural signal between natural and prepared foods could not be driven by motor preparation or execution. At the start of each block, instructions were shown detailing the button–response mapping for that block. Participants were given the opportunity to take a break after every 22 trials to avoid fatigue.
EEG acquisition and preprocessing
The EEG data were recorded with a 128-channel BrainVision actiCHamp system, at a sampling rate of 1,000 Hz, referenced online to FCz. The electrodes were placed according to the international 10–20 system (Oostenveld and Praamstra, 2001). We used a minimal EEG preprocessing pipeline, following earlier work (Grootswagers et al., 2021; Robinson et al., 2021). First, we rereferenced to the average of all electrodes. Then we applied a low-pass filter of 100 Hz and a high-pass filter of 0.1 Hz, and we downsampled the data to 250 Hz. Finally, we created epochs locked to each stimulus onset, from −100 ms before the stimulus onset to 1,200 ms after the stimulus onset.
Decoding analysis
We used decoding analyses to determine if and when there was information in the EEG data about two dimensions: (1) whether an object is a food or nonfood item and (2) whether a food is natural or prepared. For these analyses, we used a linear discriminant analysis to distinguish the classes of interest on the pattern of activation across all electrodes, for each individual time-point and for each individual participant, using the CoSMoMVPA toolbox for MATLAB (Oosterhof et al., 2016). The classifiers were trained and tested on data from single trials; no trial averaging was used. For the EEG data obtained during the fixation monitoring task, we used an exemplar-by-block cross-validation approach (Carlson et al., 2013; Grootswagers et al., 2019). We used a pair of images, one from each class, from one block as test data. We trained the classifiers on the remaining images from the remaining five blocks in an iterative way. Images were paired up at random. We repeated this analysis 10 times with different random image pairings and averaged across the obtained decoding accuracies. Each of the random image pairing iterations ran through the full cross-validation process, leaving each block out as a test block once. We used exemplar-by-two-block cross-validation procedure for the data obtained during the food categorization task. Participants used button presses to indicate whether a food was natural or prepared during this task, which means that motor preparation or execution could contaminate the signal for this task. We left out two blocks with opposite response button mapping as test data, iterating over all nine possible combinations of two test blocks with opposite button mapping.
To determine the time-course of the representation of edibility, we trained the classifier to distinguish food from nonfood objects for each time-point. This analysis was done for the fixation monitoring task only because nonfood objects were not included in the food categorization task condition. We balanced the groups of food and nonfood items, making sure there were an equal number of food and nonfood stimuli. To determine the time-course of food naturalness representations, we trained the classifier to distinguish between natural and prepared food. We did this for both the fixation monitoring task and the food categorization task. For the fixation monitoring task, only the food items were included. We balanced the groups of natural and prepared stimuli. As a comparison for the time-course of edibility decoding, we also decoded animacy for the fixation monitoring task. Only the nonfood items were selected for this analysis. To match the power between the animacy and edibility analyses, we repeated the edibility decoding analysis matching the number of training trials with the animacy analysis. Decoding analyses were done separately for each individual participant, and Bayes factors were calculated at the group level.
Previous work has shown that eye movements could be a possible confounding factor in decoding analyses (Quax et al., 2019). The fixation bullseye was presented during the stimulus presentation, as well as between stimulus presentations, and participants were instructed to remain fixated on the bullseye. The rapid (100 ms) stimulus presentation in both tasks removes the incentive to make eye movements. In addition, the next stimulus is presented 150 ms after the previous one in the fixation monitoring task, which means the next stimulus will already be on the screen once the saccade is completed. Although the fast timing of both tasks mitigates the contribution of eye moments to the decoding accuracy, we cannot fully rule out their contribution to the decoding, as all electrodes were used in the analyses described above. We anticipated that posterior regions would drive the decoding of visual information in this experiment, whereas a potential contribution of eye movements to the signal would be expected in frontal electrodes that are located near the eyes (Lins et al., 1993). To determine whether posterior brain regions were indeed driving the decoding, we repeated the same decoding analyses described above using a subset of the following 56 posterior electrodes: CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP5, CP6, CPP1h, CPP2h, CPP3h, CPP4h, CPP5h, CPP6h, CPz, O1, O10, O2, O9, OI1h, OI2h, Oz, P1, P10, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, PO10, PO3, PO4, PO7, PO8, PO9, POO1, POO10h, POO2, POO9h, POz, PPO10h, PPO1h, PPO2h, PPO5h, PPO6h, PPO9h, Pz, TP10, TP7, TP8, TP9, TPP10h, TPP7h, TPP8h, and TPP9h. This analysis follows the logic of previous work, using a 64-channel setup, where the posterior 28 electrodes were selected (Robinson et al., 2021). Although the contribution of eye movement signals cannot be fully ruled out, this method uses data that are unlikely to be contaminated by eye movements.
Representational similarity analysis
To gain insight into what features of foods are represented in visual processing dynamics, we used representational similarity analysis (RSA; Kriegeskorte et al., 2008; Kriegeskorte and Kievit, 2013). RSA representational dissimilarity matrices (RDMs) encode the dissimilarity between two food items. We obtained an RDM based on the EEG data (Fig. 2A) for each time-point, individual participant, and the two different tasks (fixation monitoring and food categorization). In the fixation monitoring task, we used only the food stimuli to construct the RDMs. Pairwise decoding was used as a measure of neural dissimilarity, computed using the same decoding methods described above. We made seven models, each describing a feature of the foods: naturalness, perceived transformation, perceived immediate edibility, real calories, perceived calories, valence, and arousal (Fig. 2B). All models were computed based on data included in FRIDa (Foroni et al., 2013) and therefore based on data from a different group of participants. The naturalness and real calorie models were based on objective values, whereas the other models were based on the subjective behavioral ratings of 73 participants. The naturalness model coded for the dissimilarity in whether the food was natural (i.e., whether it can be found in nature) or prepared (Fig. 3A). The perceived transformation model coded for the dissimilarity in how much a food was perceived to have been transformed from its natural state (i.e., how processed the food is; Fig. 3B). Therefore, the differences between the naturalness and perceived transformation models are as follows: (1) the naturalness model is objective, whereas the perceived transformation model reflects subjective ratings from participants, and (2) the naturalness model is binary, whereas the perceived transformation model is continuous. For example, in the naturalness model, both pickles and lasagna are classified as prepared foods. However, in the perceived transformation model, lasagna is rated as more transformed than pickles. The perceived immediate edibility model coded for the dissimilarity in the amount of time and effort that was perceived to be required before the food could be eaten (Fig. 3B). Both natural and prepared foods can be immediately edible, and perceived immediate edibility is therefore not related to naturalness or perceived transformation. For example, an apple or cupcake is immediately edible, whereas dried beans or uncooked pastas require time to prepare. The real calorie model was based on the calorie content of 100 g of the food. The perceived calorie model was based on subjective behavioral ratings of the caloric content of 100 g of the food. The valence model was based on how positive or negative the item represented in the image was rated. Finally, the arousal model represents the emotional salience of the items, as rated by the participants. Because the valence and arousal models were based on data from a different group of participants, they do not capture the personal preferences of the EEG participants. Rather, if there is a correlation between the EEG and these models, this will provide evidence for the coding of information about preference that generalizes across the population. For each time-point and individual EEG participant, we correlated the EEG RDM with each of the seven food feature models.
Representational similarity analysis overview. A, The RDM for the EEG data for the fixation monitoring task (left) and the food categorization task (right), averaged over a 100–400 ms time-window for visualization. The RDM is a 154 by 154 matrix and each point codes for the dissimilarity between two food stimuli. The food items are ordered as follows: all natural foods in an alphabetical order, followed by all prepared foods in an alphabetical order. B, The seven food feature model RDMs. All points in the RDMs refer to the same combinations of food items as A. The top row, from left to right, shows the naturalness model, perceived transformation model, and perceived immediate edibility model. The bottom row, from left to right, shows the real calorie model, perceived calorie model, valence model, and arousal model. C, The five low-level image feature control model RDMs and three CORnet-S deep convolutional artificial neural network models. We used these control models for visual differences between the groups of food stimuli. D, The dissimilarity between all models: the seven food feature models, five low-level image feature control models, and three CORnet-S control models. The dissimilarity is calculated as 1 − the correlation (Spearman's ρ). E, A two-dimensional projection of all model dissimilarities. The distance between two models approximates their dissimilarity. The configuration was obtained through multidimensional scaling. The food feature models are shown in orange, the low-level image feature control models in gray, and the CORnet-S control models in blue.
Food feature model examples. A, An example of stimuli arranged according to the naturalness model. This model is based on objective categorization of whether a food is natural or prepared. This model is binary, where a food item is either classified as natural or prepared. B, Examples of stimuli arranged according to two subjective models that are based on ratings from a different group of participants (Foroni et al., 2013). These models are continuous. The top panel shows the perceived transformation model, with stimuli perceived to be more natural on the left and those perceived to have undergone more preparation on the right. The bottom panel shows the perceived immediate edibility model. Foods that are perceived to require the most intervention before they can be consumed are shown on the left, and foods that are immediately ready to eat are shown on the right.
To account for low-level visual differences between the stimulus groups, we partialled out the control models from the correlations between the EEG and food models (Fig. 2C). There were three models based on deep neural networks (CORnet-S) and five low-level image feature control models. We used the “partialcorr” MATLAB function from the Descriptive Statistics toolbox to calculate the partial rank correlations between the EEG and food feature model RDMs, controlling for the low-level visual and CORnet-S control models. Figure 2D shows the dissimilarity (1 − correlation) between the seven food feature models, the five low-level image feature control models, and the three deep neural network models, and Figure 2E shows the multidimensional scaling of the model dissimilarities. The five low-level image feature control models included a silhouette model, a pixel-wise color model, a pixel-wise luminance model, a mean luminance model, and an RMS contrast model. The control models were based on the color/luminance values of the images and were not measured on the experiment screen. The silhouette model, pixel-wise color model, and pixel-wise luminance models were based on vectorized images. The silhouette model used the Jaccard distance between the binary alpha layers of each pair of images as a measure for dissimilarity. The pixel-wise color model and pixel-wise luminance models were based on the CIELAB color values and grayscale values, respectively, using correlation as a distance measure. We used the rgb2lab function in MATLAB to convert from RGB to CIELAB, assuming that the white point was D65 and the color space of the screen was sRGB. The mean luminance model and RMS contrast model were based on a value calculated across the entire image (Harrison, 2022), using the mean grayscale values of the stimuli and the standard deviation of the grayscale values of the stimuli, respectively, and the mean difference as a distance measure. In addition, we used CORnet-S (Kubilius et al., 2019), a deep convolutional artificial neural network, to control for low-level visual differences between the stimulus classes. To obtain the models, we used the openly available CORnet-S code (https://github.com/dicarlolab/CORnet) on the images from this experiment. We used the layers “V1,” “V2,”,and “V4,” designed to be analogous to the ventral visual areas V1, V2, and V4, respectively. We then used a cosine distance metric to obtain the dissimilarity for each pair of stimuli in the RDM.
To determine if information about whether an object is a food could be driven by low-level visual differences between the stimulus groups, we made EEG RDMs for all stimulus items, food and nonfood, presented in the fixation monitoring task. We correlated this to an edibility model that coded for the dissimilarity in whether an item was a food or nonfood object. We ran partial correlations in two separate analyses, partialling out (1) the five low-level image feature control models and (2) the three CORnet-S control models described above.
It is important to note that the naturalness, perceived transformation, and perceived calorie models are correlated. It is possible that naturalness is driving the correlation between these models. The naturalness model provides an objective and binary description of naturalness (natural or prepared), whereas the perceived transformation model is based on continuous subjective ratings on the naturalness/transformation dimension. There is evidence that the perceived calorie model also has information about naturalness, as the perceived calorie ratings are biased by whether the item is natural or prepared. Participants were more likely to underestimate the calories in natural foods and overestimate the calories in prepared foods (Foroni et al., 2013). This means that it is possible that naturalness is the underlying dimension linking these models. We examined which of these correlated food feature models explain unique variance in the EEG data. We used partial correlations to examine the contribution of the naturalness, perceived transformation, and perceived calorie models. To examine the contribution of the naturalness model, we calculated the full correlation between the EEG RDM and the naturalness model, as well as three partial correlations, partialling out (1) the perceived transformation model, (2) the perceived calorie model, and (3) both. We followed the same logic for the perceived transformation model. Here, we calculated the full correlation with the EEG and again three partial correlations, partialling out (1) the naturalness model, (2) the perceived calorie model, and (3) both. Finally, to assess the contribution of the perceived calorie model, we calculated the full EEG correlation and four partial correlations, partialling out (1) the naturalness model, (2) the perceived transformation model, (3) the real calorie model, and (4) all of these models.
Investigating the link between the brain and behavior
The analyses described above can provide insight into which features of food stimuli are represented in the brain. There is often an implicit underlying assumption that above-chance decoding accuracy or EEG–model correlation means this information is represented in a way that is accessible by the brain. However, evidence of information alone is not enough to make this claim (de-Wit et al., 2016). One way to determine whether these food features are represented in an accessible way is to determine whether they are used by the brain to guide behavior. To establish a link between the brain's representation and behavior, we ran an online odd-one-out triplet experiment (Hebart et al., 2020) with new participants. In this experiment, participants were presented with three food images on the screen and asked to select the odd-one-out, using any criteria. The advantage of the triplet odd-item-out task is that the third food acts as a context for the other two foods, allowing us to determine which features are used to make a decision. This allows us to establish a behavioral model of human food discrimination that encompasses multiple features. We constructed a behavioral similarity model, where similarity was measured as the probability of two foods being chosen together (i.e., if two foods were presented together, what was the probability that the third food was selected as the odd-one-out). We then correlated the behavioral similarity model to the EEG RDM, separately for each individual participant, time-point, and the two different EEG tasks (fixation monitoring and food categorization). By recruiting a different group of participants for the behavioral and EEG experiments, we can assess a general link between the coding of food features in the brain and behavioral similarity ratings rather than a participant-specific one.
We recruited 110 participants to take part in the triplet odd-item-out task using Prolific. This sample of participants did not participate in the EEG experiment. The age data were lost for 10 participants and the gender data for 12 participants, and the demographics reported here are based on the remaining participants. Participants had a mean age of 30.07 years (SD, 9.30 years; range, 20–65 years). Forty-six participants identified as female and 58 as male. The participants were healthy adults and received payment for their participation. The study was approved by the Human Ethics Committee of the University of Sydney, and all participants provided informed consent before participating.
We used the same 154 food images as in the EEG experiment. Participants completed 150 trials, and the experiment took ∼35 min to complete. Note that a subset of the possible combinations of triplets based on 154 items was tested for each participant. Each participant saw a unique combination of triplets, but even across participants, it was not possible to test all triplet combinations. This means that a different number of observations contribute toward the dissimilarity score in each cell of the RDM, and 1.54% of cells have no observations. Hebart et al. (2020) recently showed that a sample of only 0.14% of possible triplet combinations contained enough information to reliably predict the entire RDM. The cells with no observations were excluded from the correlation analyses.
Statistical analysis
We used Bayesian statistics (Kass and Raftery, 1995; Wagenmakers, 2007; Rouder et al., 2009; Dienes, 2011; Morey et al., 2016) to assess whether there was evidence for above-chance decoding accuracies or for (partial) correlations above 0. We used the Bayes factor (BF) R package (Morey and Rouder, 2018) for all statistical analyses. We applied all statistical analyses at the group level.
For the decoding analysis, we used the same analysis for both the fixation monitoring and food categorization tasks. We applied Bayesian t tests for each time-point to determine the level of evidence in favor of chance decoding (null hypothesis) or above-chance decoding (alternative hypothesis). We used a point null for the null hypothesis and a half-Cauchy prior for the alternative hypothesis to make the test directional (Morey and Rouder, 2011). The prior was centered around chance-level decoding (i.e., d = 0), and we used the default prior width of d = 0.707 (Jeffreys, 1998; Rouder et al., 2009; Wetzels et al., 2011). We excluded the interval between d = 0 and d = 0.5 from the prior to exclude small effect sizes, as these have been shown to occur at chance under the null hypothesis (Teichmann et al., 2022). We repeated this Bayesian t test analysis for each time-point in the epoch.
For the representational similarity analysis, we used a Bayesian t test for each time-point to test the (partial) correlation against 0. We applied the same Bayesian t tests for the fixation monitoring task as well as the food categorization task. We used the same point null as described above and a half-Cauchy prior for the alternative hypothesis to test for positive correlations. We used the default prior width of 0.707 and excluded the interval between d = 0 and d = 0.5 from the prior for consistency with the t test used for the decoding analysis.
BFs above 1 show evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis (above-chance decoding or positive correlation), and BFs below 1 show evidence for the null hypothesis (chance decoding or no correlation). BF > 3 or BF < 1/3 has been interpreted as some evidence and BF > 10 or BF < 1/10 as strong evidence (Wetzels et al., 2011; Schmalz et al., 2020). Here, we use the second consecutive BF > 10 to define the onset time of above-chance decoding.
The decoding of food and naturalness
To determine the time-course of the representation of visually presented food items in the brain, we decoded food versus nonfood object items for the fixation monitoring task. Participants passively viewed sequences of food and nonfood object images at 6.67 Hz. Figure 4A shows the edibility decoding accuracy. There was information in the EEG signal about whether an object was food, starting around ∼80 ms after the stimulus onset with peak food decoding at ∼196 ms. These results indicate that at ∼80 ms, the brain encodes the distinction between food and nonfood objects. To determine whether there could be a contribution from eye movement signals to these results, we repeated the decoding analysis on 56 selected posterior electrodes. This captures the signals from occipital, temporal, and parietal regions while minimizing susceptibility to contamination from eye movements picked up by frontal electrodes (Lins et al., 1993), although the contribution of eye movements cannot be fully ruled out. Figure 4A shows the food decoding accuracy for the posterior 56 electrodes. We observe the same pattern of results for the decoding based on the posterior 56 electrodes as all electrodes. There was evidence for edibility decoding from 80 ms after the stimulus onset.
The time-course of food representation. The shaded area around the plot lines shows the standard error of the mean. The BFs are shown below the plots on a logarithmic scale. BFs > 1, plotted in the corresponding line color, show evidence for above-chance decoding, and BFs < 1, plotted in gray, show evidence for chance decoding. White circles show insufficient evidence (BF close to 1). A, The decoding accuracy of food versus nonfood object decoding over time. The theoretical chance is at 50% decoding accuracy. The light blue line shows the decoding based on all channels, whereas the dark blue line shows the decoding based on the posterior 56 channels only. B, Animacy decoding in green as a comparison. We repeated the edibility decoding analysis, matching the number of training trials with the animacy analysis. Edibility decoding is shown in blue. C, The correlation between the EEG RDMs and the edibility model over time. The purple line shows the full correlation, the red line shows the partial correlation with the low-level visual control models partialled out, and the yellow line shows the correlation with the CORnet-S control models partialled out. The BFs are shown below the plot. D, The correlation between the EEG RDMs and the edibility model over time for the EEG dataset from Grootswagers et al. (2022). Following Figure 4C, the purple line shows the full correlation, and the yellow line shows the correlation with the CORnet-S control models partialled out. The BFs are shown below the plot, with the bottom panel showing the BFs for the difference between the full and partial correlation (teal). This is based on a one-tailed test of full correlation > partial correlation.
As a comparison, Figure 4B shows animacy decoding. Note animacy decoding was based on the nonfood objects only, which means this analysis is based on fewer trials compared with the edibility decoding analysis. To match the power between analyses, we also repeated the edibility decoding, matching the number of trials with the animacy decoding analysis. There was information about edibility in the EEG data from 84 ms onward and about animacy from 100 ms onward. Note that both edibility and animacy decoding could be driven, at least in part, by low-level visual differences between the groups of stimuli.
To determine whether this edibility distinction (i.e., food vs nonfood objects) could be driven by low-level visual differences between the food and nonfood objects, we correlated EEG RDMs with an edibility model, partialling out control models (Fig. 4C). First, we controlled for the five low-level visual control models. We found evidence for a full correlation between the EEG and edibility model from 116 ms onward. When partialling out the low-level visual control models, we found evidence for a partial correlation between the EEG and edibility model from 132 ms onward. We also used CORnet-S layers V1, V2, and V4 as a control for low-level visual differences between food and nonfood object stimuli. There was no reliable evidence for a positive correlation after controlling for the CORnet-S models. This means that the observed “edibility” information could have been driven by visual differences between food and nonfood images. This would mean that the CORnet-S control models provide a better control than the five low-level visual control models.
We hypothesized that the lack of a correlation between the EEG and edibility model, when using CORnet-S control models, could have been exacerbated by our stimulus set. The food and nonfood objects were presented on a white background, making differences in shape between the two classes salient. To test this hypothesis post hoc, we used an existing EEG dataset (Grootswagers et al., 2022) that used the THINGS stimulus set (Hebart et al., 2019), consisting of images with a natural background. We selected 277 food concepts and 280 nonfood concepts. Figure 5 shows examples of selected stimuli from the THINGS stimulus set. The food concepts covered both natural and prepared items. The nonfoods were chosen to cover 140 animate and 140 inanimate concepts. The animate concepts covered animals and human body parts, and the inanimate stimuli covered clothing, furniture, home décor, kitchen tools, musical instruments, office supplies, parts of a car, plants, sports equipment, tools, toys, and vehicles. A complete list of included concepts (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PWC4K) and all images (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/JUM2F) can be found through the Open Science Framework. We tested for edibility information in this dataset (Fig. 4D) and found edibility information from 112 ms onward after partialling out the CORnet-S models. However, this information was reduced compared with the full correlation. Notably, the peak between ∼250 and 380 ms was not impacted by partialling out the control models. Table 1 shows an overview of latencies for the partial correlations between the edibility model and the EEG data from the fixation monitoring task, as well as the THINGS EEG data (Grootswagers et al., 2022). Together, the results show that we need to be careful when interpreting the edibility results based on segmented images. Images with a natural background provide a better stimulus set, as these natural images reduce the salience of these visual differences. Critically, the analysis of natural images shows there is edibility information as early as 112 ms after the stimulus onset.
Example stimuli from the THINGS dataset (Grootswagers et al., 2022). The stimuli from the THINGS dataset were replaced with visually similar images in this figure due to copyright. The included stimuli consisted of 277 food concepts (left) and 280 nonfood concepts (right). Each concept contained 12 different images depicting the same concept. The food concepts covered both natural and prepared items, and the nonfoods covered animate and inanimate items. The Open Science Framework has a complete list of included concepts (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PWC4K). All original images from the THINGS stimulus set (Hebart et al., 2019) can also be found via the Open Science Framework (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/JUM2F). The visually similar matched images were obtained from publicdomainpictures.net and free-images.com.
Overview of the RSA results for the categorization task, fixation monitoring task, and the THINGS data from Grootswagers et al. (2022)
To gain insight into whether the naturalness distinction between foods is represented in the brain, we decoded natural versus prepared foods for both the food categorization and fixation monitoring tasks. For the food categorization task, participants actively had to think about whether a food was natural or prepared. While in the fixation monitoring task, the food stimuli were not task relevant. The decoding accuracies are shown in Figure 6. For the food categorization task, the naturalness of the food items could be decoded ∼116 ms after the stimulus onset, with peak decoding ∼436 ms. For the fixation monitoring task, the naturalness of food could be decoded ∼108 ms after the stimulus onset, with peak decoding observed ∼236 ms. We observed the same pattern of results when only the posterior 56 electrodes were used in the decoding analysis, with an above-chance decoding onset of naturalness information from 108 ms after the stimulus onset in the food categorization task and 104 ms after the stimulus onset in the fixation monitoring task. It is possible that low-level visual differences between the natural and prepared stimuli contributed to the decoding of naturalness information. We therefore repeated the naturalness analysis using RSA, using eight models to control for these possible differences (see Materials and Methods, Representation of food properties). The naturalness decoding results should be interpreted together with the naturalness RSA results.
The time-course of naturalness representation in food items. The plot lines show the decoding accuracy for natural versus prepared decoding for the food categorization task (cool plot colors) and the fixation monitoring task (warm plot colors). The lighter-colored lines show the decoding accuracy based on all channels, whereas the darker-colored lines show the decoding accuracy based on the posterior 56 channels. Plotting conventions are the same as in Figure 4. The shaded area around the plot lines indicates the standard error of the mean, and 50% decoding accuracy is the theoretical chance. BFs are shown on a logarithmic scale below the plot. BFs > 1, indicating evidence for above-chance decoding, are shown in the corresponding plot colors. BFs < 1, indicating evidence for chance decoding, are shown in gray.
Taken together, the decoding results show that whether an object is a food is represented in the brain. Using segmented images, the edibility information was driven by visual differences between food and nonfood stimuli. However, when using natural images, there was information about edibility that was not driven by visual differences from 112 ms onward. The naturalness of a food item is represented from ∼108 to 116 ms after the stimulus onset, although we did not control for low-level visual differences in this analysis (see Representation of food properties for the control analysis). Interestingly, both types of information are represented when the food stimulus is not task relevant. However, it is still unclear whether additional features of food are represented in the brain. In the subsequent analyses, we used RSA to address this question.
Representation of food properties
We used RSA to determine which dimensions of food were represented in the EEG signal at each time-point. We calculated partial correlations between the EEG RDMs for the fixation monitoring and food categorization tasks and seven different food models: naturalness, perceived transformation, perceived immediate edibility, calories, perceived calories, valence, and arousal. Note that the food feature models were based on behavioral ratings collected by Foroni et al. (2013) as part of the FRIDa stimulus set. To minimize the potential contribution of low-level visual differences between the stimuli to these correlations, we controlled for eight models: three CORnet-S models and five low-level image feature control models. An overview of latencies for the partial correlations between the food models and the EEG data from both tasks can be found in Table 1. Figure 7 shows the partial correlation between the food models and the EEG data from the food categorization task, controlling for the visual models. There was evidence for a partial correlation (BF > 10) between the EEG and naturalness and perceived transformation, starting ∼376 and 208 ms and peaking ∼444 and 432 ms, respectively. There was also evidence for a partial correlation between the EEG and the perceived immediate edibility model. This information emerged ∼640 ms after the stimulus onset, which is later compared with the onset of naturalness and perceived transformation information. There was evidence for no correlation with the real calorie content for most of the time-course except for a few time-points in a small window ∼528–548 ms. However, there was evidence for a correlation with the perceived calories of the foods. Evidence for the correlation with the perceived calories emerged ∼324 ms after the stimulus onset, and the partial correlation peaked at 424 ms. There was evidence for no partial correlation between the EEG and either valence or arousal. Note that the valence and arousal models were based on ratings from a different cohort of participants. This means these models might not have been a good fit between these groups. We explore this point further in the discussion.
Partial correlations between the food feature models and the food categorization task EEG. The five low-level visual models and three CORnet-S control models were partialled out. Plotting conventions are the same for all three panels. The top panel shows the partial EEG correlations with the naturalness model (purple), perceived transformation model (red), and perceived immediate edibility model (yellow). The shaded areas around the plot lines show the standard error of the mean. The BFs are shown below the plot on a logarithmic scale. BFs > 1 are shown in the corresponding plot color: purple for the naturalness model (top), red for the perceived transformation model (middle), and yellow for the perceived immediate edibility model (bottom). They indicate evidence for a partial correlation. BFs < 1 are shown in gray and indicate evidence for no partial correlation. The middle panel shows the partial correlations between the EEG and the real calories model (blue) and perceived calories model (green). The BFs are shown below for the real calories model (top) and perceived calories model (bottom). The bottom panel shows the partial EEG correlation with the valence model (purple) and the arousal model (light blue). The corresponding BFs are plotted below for the valence model (top) and the arousal model (bottom).
The data show that the naturalness, perceived transformation, and perceived calorie models can explain part of the variance in the EEG data. However, it is unclear whether these findings are driven by the task, as participants were asked to report whether the food was natural or prepared, making the naturalness and perceived transformation dimensions task relevant. To determine whether the findings hold when the foods are not task relevant and presented at a fast rate, we correlated the EEG for the fixation monitoring task with the food models, again partialling out the eight visual control models (Fig. 8). Overall, the pattern of results is similar to the active food categorization results. There was a correlation between the EEG and (1) the naturalness model and (2) the perceived transformation model from ∼180 to 220 ms after the stimulus onset, respectively, both peaking at 232 ms. Unlike the results for the food categorization task, there was evidence for no partial correlation between the EEG and perceived immediate edibility for most of the time-course. As in the food categorization results, the fixation monitoring results showed evidence for no partial correlation between the EEG data and the real calorie content, but there was evidence for a partial correlation between the EEG and the perceived calorie model. Evidence for the latter emerged ∼256 ms after the stimulus onset. Finally, the valence model showed no evidence for a partial correlation with EEG for most time-points, with some evidence in favor of a partial correlation (BF > 3) for a few time-points between 332 and 368 ms. There was evidence for no partial correlation between the EEG data and the arousal model. Taken together, the results show that the naturalness, perceived transformation, and perceived calorie models explain part of the EEG variance, whereas the real calories, valence, and arousal models have little to no explanatory power. This pattern of results holds for the fixation monitoring task, where the stimuli are not task relevant and presented at a rapid presentation rate (6.67 Hz). There was a late correlation between the EEG and perceived immediate edibility model, but this was only observed for the food categorization task.
Partial correlations between the food feature models and the fixation monitoring task EEG. All plotting conventions are the same as in Figure 7.
We used partial correlations to determine whether the correlated food feature models provide unique contributions to the correlations between the models and the EEG RDMs. Specifically, we investigated the correlation between the EEG and (1) naturalness, (2) perceived transformation, and (3) perceived calories, partialling out one or more correlated models. We did this separately for the categorization task (Fig. 9A) and the fixation monitoring task (Fig. 9B). The naturalness and perceived transformation models share most of their variance. No time-points with BFs over 10 remain when partialling out one model from the correlation between the other model and the EEG in either task. The exception is the correlation between perceived transformation and the EEG for the fixation monitoring task, where a few time-points have BFs over 10 when partialling out naturalness. The shared explanatory power between the naturalness and perceived transformation models is expected, as both models are conceptually similar. The “perceived transformation” is a continuous and more subjective version of the “naturalness” model. We also investigated the unique contribution of the perceived calorie model. Interestingly, the perceived calorie model provides very little unique contribution over the naturalness and perceived transformation models, with only a few time-points showing BFs above 10 for both tasks when either model is partialled out. However, the naturalness and perceived transformation models do have a unique contribution above the perceived calorie model, where clusters of time-points with BFs over 10 remain when the perceived calorie model is partialled out. In addition, partialling out the real calories from the correlation between the EEG and perceived calorie model does not appear to diminish the correlation. This is expected, as although the real and perceived calorie models are correlated, the real calorie model does not have explanatory power regarding the EEG data. Taken together, these results show that the naturalness and perceived transformation model explain shared variance in the EEG signal. They can explain EEG variance over and above the perceived calorie model, but the perceived calorie model itself explains very little unique variance in the EEG.
Unique model contributions to the correlation with EEG. A, The model contributions for the categorization task (temporally smoothed with a kernel of five time-points for visibility). The top panel shows the full correlation between the EEG RDM and the naturalness model (black), as well as three partial correlations, partialling out (1) the perceived transformation model (yellow), (2) the perceived calorie model (red), and (3) both (purple). The middle panel shows the full correlation with the EEG and the perceived transformation model (black) and three partial correlations, partialling out (1) the naturalness model (blue), (2) the perceived calorie model (red), and (3) both (purple). The bottom panel shows the full EEG correlation with the perceived calorie model (black) and four partial correlations, partialling out (1) the naturalness model (blue), (2) the perceived transformation model (yellow), (3) the real calorie model (green), and (4) all these models (purple). The BFs are shown below each plot (no temporal smoothing was applied). BFs > 10 are shown in the plot color, and BFs < 10 are shown in gray. B, The model contributions for the fixation monitoring task. All plotting conventions are the same as for Figure 9A.
Behavioral human food discrimination model
We used RSA to study what features humans use to discriminate food stimuli. We used behavioral responses from an odd-one-out triplet experiment, completed by a different group of participants, to make a behavioral RDM (Fig. 10A). Importantly, the feature that was used to make an odd-one-out decision was not constrained, and participants could use any feature they wished to make this decision. To gain insight into the features that contribute to participant's odd-one-out decisions, we correlated the behavioral RDM with the seven food feature model RDMs (Fig. 2B) and the five low-level image feature control model RDMs (Fig. 2C). Figure 10B shows the correlations between the behavior and the food/visual models. All low-level image feature models had relatively low correlations with the behavioral RDM, suggesting that participants did not often rely on visual differences between stimuli to make their odd-one-out decision. The highest correlations were between the behavioral RDM and perceived transformation, naturalness, and perceived calories. This suggests that participants often rely on one or more of these features to inform their odd-one-out decision. Note, these three food models are correlated (Fig. 2D,E), which means it is difficult to distinguish between these features in terms of the driver behind behavioral odd-one-out decisions.
Behavioral human food discrimination model. A, The behavioral RDM, based on the odd-one-out triplet task. Each point in the 154 by 154 RDM represents the dissimilarity between two food stimuli. The food items are ordered as follows: all natural foods in an alphabetical order, followed by all prepared foods in an alphabetical order. B, The correlations between the behavioral RDM and the food/visual feature model RDMs. We included seven food feature models (Fig. 2B) and five low-level image feature models (Fig. 2C).
The link between the neural representation of food features and behavior
The results above elucidate the emerging representation of visually presented food stimuli. To determine whether this information is represented in a way that is accessible to the brain and used to guide behavior, we aimed to establish a link between the neural representations and behavior obtained from two different groups of participants. To this end, we correlated the EEG with the behavioral RDM from the triplet data. Figure 11 shows the time-course of the correlation between the EEG for the two tasks and behavior. There was a correlation between the EEG for the food categorization task, where participants indicated whether a food was natural or prepared, and the behavioral RDM from ∼184 ms onward. Interestingly, there was also a correlation between the EEG data for the fixation monitoring task and the behavioral RDM, even though the food was not task relevant in the EEG task. This correlation emerged ∼136 ms after the stimulus onset, with a clear peak at 232 ms after the stimulus onset. Together, this pattern of results suggests that the features that guide behavioral similarity judgments are represented in the neural signal from ∼136–184 ms onward, for both tasks.
The correlation between the behavioral model RDM and the EEG for the two different tasks. The correlation with the EEG for the food categorization task is shown in blue, and the correlation with the EEG for the fixation monitoring (passive viewing) task is shown in orange. The shaded areas around the plot lines show the standard error of the mean. BFs are shown below the plot. BFs > 1 are shown in blue for the food categorization task (top) and in orange for the fixation monitoring task (bottom). BFs < 1 are shown in gray.
In this study, we used time-resolved multivariate analyses to explore the brain processing dynamics of visual food stimuli and asked whether the food item must be task relevant for the brain to represent food stimuli and features (e.g., perceived calories). When using segmented images, the distinction between food and nonfood items in the brain was driven by visual differences between stimuli. However, when using natural images, there was information about edibility from 112 ms after presentation. The neural signal contained information about food naturalness, the level of transformation, and the perceived caloric content, for both tasks, whereas perceived immediate edibility was only represented when participants engaged in the food categorization task. In addition, the recorded brain activity correlated with the behavioral responses of a different group of participants in an odd-item-out task.
The finding that the brain represents edibility information is in line with previous work using fMRI (Killgore et al., 2003; Simmons et al., 2005; Rothemund et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2016; Avery et al., 2021; Khosla et al., 2022; Jain et al., 2023) and MEG (Stingl et al., 2010; Tsourides et al., 2016). We found that edibility information was represented from 80 ms onward using segmented stimuli, in line with previous work (Tsourides et al., 2016). However, using RSA with CORnet-S control models, we found that there was no longer evidence for a correlation between the EEG and edibility model (for segmented stimuli) or a reduction in the correlation before 250 ms using THINGS natural images (Hebart et al., 2019; Grootswagers et al., 2022). This means that care must be taken when interpreting the onset times based on segmented stimuli. Importantly, using natural images, we find information of edibility information emerges after 112 ms, indicating the brain rapidly distinguishes food from nonfood stimuli. Notably, the onset time of edibility information occurs at a similar time as information about subjective relevance and wanting ratings (Turner et al., 2017), which was present in the 100–150 ms window after the stimulus onset.
Our results also show that the brain represents whether food is natural or prepared. This distinction emerged ∼180–376 ms after the stimulus onset and was observed even when controlling for low-level visual information. This finding is consistent with previous EEG work that found differences in amplitude in response to natural compared with prepared foods (Pergola et al., 2017; Coricelli et al., 2019). Our work builds on previous findings by showing that the brain represents information about food naturalness. Finally, this information was observed even when the stimuli were presented at a fast rate (6.67 Hz) and the food was not task relevant. These findings are consistent with rapid processing by the brain of naturalness information in visually presented food and suggest that the level of transformation is an important dimension along which the brain organizes food representations.
In addition to representing food naturalness, our results show that the brain represents the perceived energetic/caloric content of food. We observed partial correlations between the EEG and the perceived calories model, emerging ∼256 ms after the stimulus onset for the fixation monitoring task. This finding is in line with previous work from fMRI (Killgore et al., 2003; Mengotti et al., 2019) and EEG (Toepel et al., 2009) and suggests that this information could be represented automatically. Our study adds to previous work by showing that the brain represents information about the energetic/caloric content of the food. Interestingly, the EEG did not show reliable evidence for a correlation with the real caloric content of the food, except for a small window ∼528–548 ms in the stimulus categorization task. As the perceived calorie model is not based on the participants from the EEG task, it is therefore not personal biases in calorie perception but rather generalizable ideas about the energetic value of foods that are represented in the neural signal.
We also found evidence for information about the perceived immediate edibility of the food in the food categorization task, although this information emerged much later compared with information about naturalness. We did not find immediate edibility information for the fixation monitoring task, which could mean that the coding of perceived immediate edibility is not automatic and is only present when attention is oriented toward the food item. Although the food is task relevant in the food categorization task, the “perceived immediate edibility” dimension itself is not relevant for the task, as participants are asked to rate whether the food is natural or prepared. The naturalness and perceived immediate edibility dimensions are not strongly correlated (r = 0.19), suggesting that attending to an unrelated feature of a food item could be sufficient for the coding of perceived immediate edibility to occur. However, note that the timing of the fixation monitoring task was also faster, which means there could have been earlier masking in this task (Robinson et al., 2019).
Finally, our results showed that the brain did not reliably represent general valence or arousal. This finding seems inconsistent with Schubert et al. (2021), who found that personal subjective tastiness (valence) could be decoded from 530 to 740 ms onward, depending on the task. There are a few possible explanations for this apparent difference. First, the behavioral valence and arousal ratings in our task were based on a different cohort of participants and therefore represent general preferences across the population rather than personal preference. It is possible that these subjective ratings did not transfer across participants, and only personal preference is reliably coded in the brain. A larger range of food stimuli, including low valence/high arousal foods such as rotten foods, might tap into universal representations of valence and arousal. Alternatively, the lack of this information could also be driven by the internal state of the participant. Participants in the study by Schubert et al. (2021) were asked to fast for 4 h before the study, whereas no specific instructions about fasting were given in this study. It is possible that temporary states, such as hunger, as well as longer-term differences, such as diet and body mass index, can mediate the coding of different food features. Future work can further investigate the degree of universality and individuality of the representation of food features in the brain.
We have shown that the brain represents various food features, such as edibility, naturalness, and perceived caloric content. To directly test whether this information is used by the brain to guide behavior, we correlated the EEG with a behavioral RDM, based on a triplet odd-item-out task done by a different group of participants. Our results showed that there was a correlation between the brain and behavior from 136 to 184 ms onward. This means that the EEG signal from that time and later could predict the behavioral response of a different group of participants. This correlation was found for both EEG tasks, suggesting that the information about foods is used to guide similarity judgments about the food. Interestingly, the features that were used the most by participants to make an odd-one-out decision were naturalness/perceived transformation and perceived calories. These are also the features that are represented in the neural signal. In addition, because the EEG data were obtained from a different group of participants compared with the behavioral data, this suggests a degree of universality in the features that guide food similarity decisions. This adds further evidence to the importance of naturalness and energetic content in the perception of food.
The fixation monitoring task and food categorization task were used to provide insight into the passive and active processing of visual food stimuli, respectively. The experiment is not designed to directly compare the coding of food information between the two different tasks. However, visual inspection shows a clear pattern in naturalness coding. There is information about naturalness between ∼100 and 300 ms after the stimulus onset, regardless of the task. This suggests that the early stage of food stimulus processing in the brain could be automatic and therefore unaffected by attention. However, note that the fixation monitoring task was not difficult, which means additional cognitive resources may have been available to participants to process features of the presented food. The naturalness information was only sustained over time in the food categorization task. This could reflect the active representation of the relevant feature in short-term memory and/or the decision the participant makes about this stimulus. Alternatively, there could have been masking due to the fast nature of the fixation monitoring task (Robinson et al., 2019). The prolonged coding of the attended stimulus is in line with previous attention work that showed initial representation of attended and unattended features, with extended representation of the attended feature only (Grootswagers et al., 2021; Moerel et al., 2021, 2022; Goddard et al., 2022).
The findings from this study elucidate the time-course with which different food dimensions are represented in the neural signal. Information about the naturalness and perceived caloric content of the food are represented rapidly in the brain. This suggests that these features are key organizing principles in the representational structure of foods.
Data Availability
The analysis code and figures can be found via the Open Science Framework (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PWC4K), and the dataset can be found via OpenNeuro (https://doi.org/10.18112/openneuro.ds004995.v1.0.2).
This work was supported by Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects awarded to T.A.C. (DP160101300 and DP200101787). We acknowledge the University of Sydney High Performance Computer service for providing high-performance computing resources.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Denise Moerel at denise.moerel{at}sydney.edu.au.