The small G-protein Ras–related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1) promotes the formation of filamentous actin (F-actin). Actin is a major component of dendritic spines, and we previously found that alcohol alters actin composition and dendritic spine structure in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the dorsomedial striatum (DMS). To examine if Rac1 contributes to these alcohol-mediated adaptations, we measured the level of GTP-bound active Rac1 in the striatum of mice following 7 weeks of intermittent access to 20% alcohol. We found that chronic alcohol intake activates Rac1 in the DMS of male mice. In contrast, Rac1 is not activated by alcohol in the NAc and DLS of male mice or in the DMS of female mice. Similarly, closely related small G-proteins are not activated by alcohol in the DMS, and Rac1 activity is not increased in the DMS by moderate alcohol or natural reward. To determine the consequences of alcohol-dependent Rac1 activation in the DMS of male mice, we inhibited endogenous Rac1 by infecting the DMS of mice with an adeno-associated virus (AAV) expressing a dominant negative form of the small G-protein (Rac1-DN). We found that overexpression of AAV-Rac1-DN in the DMS inhibits alcohol-mediated Rac1 signaling and attenuates alcohol-mediated F-actin polymerization, which corresponded with a decrease in dendritic arborization and spine maturation. Finally, we provide evidence to suggest that Rac1 in the DMS plays a role in alcohol-associated goal–directed learning. Together, our data suggest that Rac1 in the DMS plays an important role in alcohol-dependent structural plasticity and aberrant learning.