Preclinical assessments of pain have often relied upon behavioral measurements and anesthetized neurophysiological recordings. Current technologies enabling large-scale neural recordings, however, have the potential to unveil quantifiable pain signals in conscious animals for preclinical studies. Although pain processing is distributed across many brain regions, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is of particular interest in isolating these signals given its suggested role in the affective (“unpleasant”) component of pain. Here, we explored the utility of the ACC toward preclinical pain research using head-mounted miniaturized microscopes to record calcium transients in freely moving male mice expressing genetically encoded calcium indicator 6f (GCaMP6f) under the Thy1 promoter. We verified the expression of GCaMP6f in excitatory neurons and found no intrinsic behavioral differences in this model. Using a multimodal stimulation paradigm across naive, pain, and analgesic conditions, we found that while ACC population activity roughly scaled with stimulus intensity, single-cell representations were highly flexible. We found only low-magnitude increases in population activity after complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) and insufficient evidence for the existence of a robust nociceptive ensemble in the ACC. However, we found a temporal sharpening of response durations and generalized increases in pairwise neural correlations in the presence of the mechanistically distinct analgesics gabapentin or ibuprofen after (but not before) CFA-induced inflammatory pain. This increase was not explainable by changes in locomotion alone. Taken together, these results highlight challenges in isolating distinct pain signals among flexible representations in the ACC but suggest a neurophysiological hallmark of analgesia after pain that generalizes to at least two analgesics.
Significance Statement
Our study measured neural activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) of transgenic mice to improve measures of pain and analgesia in preclinical models. We found that although ACC population activity scaled with stimulus intensity and could be decoded, single-cell representations of sensory stimuli were flexible. Low-magnitude increases in ACC population activity were observed after pain, but subpopulations with specific activity changes driven by pain/analgesia were difficult to disambiguate from intrinsic variability. Interestingly, responses were temporally sharpened and exhibited increased cell-to-cell correlations in the presence of two distinct analgesics after complete Freund's adjuvant but not before. These distinct neural signatures of analgesia occurring only after pain may broaden our understanding of central mechanisms of pain and analgesia.
While much has been learned about the peripheral and spinal mechanisms of nociception and pain signaling, the circuit mechanisms and neural activity dynamics that govern the processing, encoding, and distribution of pain signals in the brain remain an area of active research. Foundational studies from other sensory modalities, including vision, have revealed how the fundamental properties of stimulus inputs (e.g., orientation, spatial frequency, temporal dynamics) are encoded in single cells and distributed across a specialized visual hierarchy in mouse models (Wang and Burkhalter, 2007; Niell and Stryker, 2008). Pain signals, however, are comprised of multidimensional experiences consisting of sensory (intensity, location) and affective (unpleasantness) components that work in synchrony to evoke defensive behaviors. Originating from sensory inputs transduced by nociceptors and conducted through the dorsal root ganglion, pain signals subsequently ascend the spinal cord and arrive at thalamic areas including the paraventricular, ventral postrolateral, ventral posteromedial, and dorsal medial thalamic nuclei (Mercer Lindsay et al., 2021; Tan and Kuner, 2021). Thalamocortical neurons project to several pain-related cortical areas contributing to a broader pain percept, including the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (sensory), basolateral amygdala (BLA; affective), insular cortex (sensory and affective), and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC; affective; Almeida et al., 2004; Tan and Kuner, 2021). Distinctive lines of evidence indicate that the ACC is a critical brain region involved in the processing of pain perception in humans and rodents (Shackman et al., 2011; Fuchs et al., 2014). The affective–motivational (”unpleasant”) component of pain is particularly attributed to ACC function (Johansen et al., 2001). Double anterior cingulotomies have been shown to provide significant pain relief to individuals suffering from intractable pain without disrupting sensation, attention, cognition, or executive function (Strauss et al., 2017). In rodents, analogous effects of ACC lesions are observed where escape/avoidance behaviors are reduced without corresponding reductions in mechanical sensitivity (Fuchs et al., 2014). Bilateral evoked and spontaneous hyperactivity in the ACC has been reported in a mouse nerve injury model of neuropathic pain (Zhao et al., 2018). Similar ACC hyperactivity has also been observed in inflammatory pain conditions in rats (Zhou et al., 2018). Furthermore, optogenetic inhibition of ACC excitatory neurons has been shown to reduce mechanical hypersensitivity in both nerve injury models and inflammatory pain models (Kang et al., 2015; Elina et al., 2021). Acuna et al. (2023) reported that mouse ACC single-cell stimulus selectivity was highly dynamic over time, whereas population ensembles, not single-cell responses, allowed for the decoding of noxious and other sensory stimulation. Spared nerve injury (SNI)-induced neuropathic pain led to a slight but significant reduction of decoding performance, which was restored by gabapentin (GBP) treatment. The BLA, which is reciprocally connected with the ACC, has also been attributed to the unpleasantness of pain and exhibits pain-related hyperactivity (Tan and Kuner, 2021; Meng et al., 2022). It has been shown that by isolating a subset of neurons in the BLA as a stable “nociceptive ensemble,” which heightened neural activity to innocuous stimuli during pain, can be revealed, suggesting a neural signature of allodynia (Corder et al., 2019). Silencing this ensemble also inhibits pain affective behaviors without attenuating sensory-driven withdrawal reflexes, demonstrating the utility of isolating pain-specific subsets from neural population activity. These results unlock the intriguing possibility of robust and quantifiable signals for use in preclinical pain research, where biomarkers have been notoriously difficult to unveil. Given the ease of access to the ACC and its importance in affective pain, we asked whether specific neurophysiological signatures or tractable ensembles are identifiable across pain and analgesia by imaging calcium transients from miniaturized microscopes in the ACC of conscious mice.
Materials and Methods
Adult male homozygous (HOM) C57BL/6(Thy1-GCaMP6f)GP5.17Dkim mice aged 4–8 months were used for all imaging experiments. Littermate-controlled HOM, heterozygous (HET), and wild-type (WT) mice generated from HET C57BL/6(Thy1-GCaMP6f)GP5.17Dkim parents were used to detect any genotype-specific differences in paw withdrawal threshold (PWT) threshold. GCaMP6f expression is particularly enriched in L5 in this transgenic mouse line, including the ACC area (Dana et al., 2014). More GCaMP-expressed cells in L5 should produce the largest signal-to-noise ratio in fluorescence detection compared with those in L2/3. The imaging location focused on L5 neurons in the center of the imaging area with L2/3 cells more likely to be out of focus on the edges, leading to more detectable neurons in L5 compared with L2/3. Zhao et al. (2018) reported the level of evoked GCaMP responses at L5 in mouse ACC was correlated with the intensity of somatosensory stimulations at L5 in mouse ACC, fitting with the results reported here. All animal procedures used in this study were approved by the Eli Lilly Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Surgical procedures
Anesthesia was induced with 5% inhaled isoflurane and subsequently maintained at 1.5–2% on a stereotaxic apparatus. The crown of the head was shaved, and an ophthalmic ointment was applied to each eye. The skin of the shaved area was then disinfected with three alternating applications of betadine and sterile ethanol wipes. Buprenorphine SR-LAB (1 mg/kg) or Ethiqa XR (3.25 mg/kg) was then delivered subcutaneously, followed by a 0.1 ml injection of 0.5% lidocaine and 0.25% bupivacaine at the incision site. A scalpel was then used to make an incision along the midline of the shaved and disinfected area to expose the lambda and bregma skull sutures. The periosteum was removed, and the exposed skull surface was dried with sterile cotton swabs. Skull tilt along the anterior–posterior and medial–lateral axes was measured and adjusted such that no more than a 50 µm deviation was present along either axis. The coordinates for three skull screws were then marked [from the bregma: (AP, −2 mm; ML, −2 mm), (AP, −2 mm; ML, +2 mm), (AP, +2 mm; ML, +1.3 mm)], along with the coordinates for the ACC in which the endoscopic lens is implanted (AP, +1.5 mm; ML, −0.75 mm). Four additional marks were made around the target coordinates for the ACC 0.6 mm in each cardinal direction to outline the area for the 1-mm-diameter lens to be implanted (from the ACC target, AP, +0.6 mm; AP, −0.6 mm; ML, −0.6 mm; ML, +0.6 mm). A dental drill with a 0.7 mm burr was then used to create shallow burr holes for the skull screws (18-8 stainless steel, 000-120 thread, 1/16″ length), which were inserted using the minimal number of rotations necessary to ensure stable attachment. A dental drill with a 0.5 mm burr was then used to create a shallow circular outline slightly ∼1–1.2 mm in diameter around the lens implantation site, after which a 25 ga needle was used to lift out the circular skull piece to create the craniotomy. The dura was then scraped away with a 25 ga needle, and a bent (90°, 0.8 mm length) blunt ended 27 ga needle was used to aspirate tissue from the craniotomy at a depth of 0.8 mm while irrigating with 0.9% sterile saline. Irrigated (0.9% sterile saline) hemostatic gel foam was then placed in the craniotomy until bleeding ceased. An endoscopic lens attached to a specialized holder bar (supplied by Inscopix) was attached to the stereotaxic and used to insert the lens 1.3 mm into the craniotomy at a 10° angle. The gap between the skull and the lens was then sealed using Kwik-Sil and allowed to cure. Metabond (three drops base, one drop catalyst, one scoop of powder) was then used to secure the lens in place and cover all exposed area of skull to form a headcap. Additional Metabond was added around the lens to create a flat surface up to the top of the exposed lens, which was covered with parafilm and Kwik-Sil. Mice then received a postoperative subcutaneous dose of 5 mg/kg ketoprofen and 0.05 ml/10 g body weight of sterile saline. One week was allowed for any excess blood to be cleared from the lens implantation site. A baseplate attached to the miniaturized microscope was then aligned to the implanted lens under isoflurane anesthesia. Once in position, the baseplate was secured in place with Metabond and then covered with a baseplate cover after the microscope was removed. After 24 h, the mice were ready for imaging.
Multimodal stimulation
Mice were briefly anesthetized with inhaled isoflurane on a stereotaxic apparatus (5% induction, 1.5–2% maintenance) to allow the miniaturized one-photon fluorescence microscope (Inscopix nVoke or nVeu) to be secured to the baseplate. Mice were then placed in a clear cylindrical chamber on top of a metal grate and allowed at least 10 min to recover from anesthesia. A battery of stimuli was then delivered by briefly contacting the central plantar of the right hindpaw of these mice, including 0.07, 0.4, and 2.0 g von Frey filaments, a 25 ga needle (pinprick), and 4, 55, and 30°C water droplets. As an additional control, we used the 2.0 g von Frey filament to approach without touching the paw (referred to as “approach” throughout the text). Within an 8 min recording block, four separate stimuli randomly chosen were delivered in triplicate every 30 s, with a 30 s break between each triplicate. A 3 min break followed each recording block, with a total of five triplicates (15 total trials) being applied for each stimulus over the course of the experiment.
Paw withdrawal assay
Paw withdrawal testing was performed using the “up–down” method (Dixon, 1980; Chaplan et al., 1994). Von Frey filaments of 0.04, 0.07, 0.16, 0.4, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 g were briefly (<1 s) applied to the center of the chosen hindpaw until a paw withdrawal was observed. Each experiment started with the 0.4 g filament, with filaments of higher force used for the subsequent trial if no response was observed and filaments of a lower force used for the subsequent trial if a paw withdrawal was observed. This continued until four measurements after the first change in the direction (of the force increase or decrease) was observed (a minimum of six response recordings total). The 50% withdrawal threshold was then calculated using the Dixon method. In cases where the first four measurements resulted in withdrawals, the withdrawal threshold was set to 0.04 g. For each recording condition [“naive”, complete Freund's adjuvant (“CFA”), “GBP”] or genotype (“WT”, “HOM”, “HET”), these experiments were conducted in sets of three for each mouse. A single averaged value was obtained for each mouse across each set of three for statistical analysis between recording conditions, between genotypes, or between the control hindpaw and affected hindpaw. A Tukey’s HSD test after two-way ANOVA (see below, Statistical analysis) was used to compare the effects of recording condition (“naive,” “CFA,” “GBP”) and paw (“left,” “right”) on PWT. A Tukey’s HSD test after three-way ANOVA was used to compare the effects of recording condition (“naive,” “CFA”), paw (“left,” “right”), and genotype (“WT,” “HOM,” “HET”) on PWT.
Miniaturized fluorescence microscope image processing
All imaging data was first processed using Inscopix Data Processing Software (IDPS) and Inscopix APIs in python. Raw videos recorded at 20 Hz were first concatenated, cropped, and downsampled to 10 Hz. A spatial bandpass filter was then applied (low cutoff, 0.005; high cutoff, 0.5 pixel−1) to remove low and high spatial frequency components in the videos, followed by motion correction. To identify the GCaMP positive neuronal soma contours, we then applied the constrained nonnegative matrix factorization (CNMFe) algorithm implemented in IDPS to the motion-corrected videos with the following parameters. The average diameter of a putative cell was set to 7 pixels. The minimum correlation of a pixel with its nearest neighbors to determine putative cell centers to initialize as seed pixels was set to 0.8, while the minimum peak-to-noise ratio for a pixel to be considered was set to 10. A spatial downsampling factor of 2 was used when estimating background activity. A multiple of the average cell diameter, known as the ring size factor, was set to 1.4 and used to create a ring model for the estimation of background around pixels. The Gaussian kernel pixel width used for spatial filtering before initialization and the closing kernel size (in pixels) used for removing or connecting small components of cell footprints were both determined automatically by the software. A temporal correlation threshold (merge threshold) used for merging spatially close cells was set to 0.7. CNMFe was run using the parallel patch processing mode across four graphics processing unit threads, with the size of each patch to be processed set to 80 pixels and the amount of overlap between neighboring patches set to 20 pixels. After CNMFe, the changes in the fluorescence (ΔF/F) over time for the individual soma were calculated. Event detection was used to identify prominent periods of activity within the fluorescence traces of each putative cell as a quality metric. For this purpose, an event threshold factor of 4 median absolute deviation and a minimum decay time of 0.20 s were used to define spikes in calcium as events. Next, quality metrics were applied to remove low-quality cells. Cells with a maximum diameter across the cell contour >7 and <70 pixels, cells with an event signal-to-noise ratio of >3, and cells with an event rate >0.001 Hz were accepted, while all other cells not meeting these criteria were excluded. Accepted cells were longitudinally registered across recording days using IDPS with a minimum correlation of 0.6 for cells to be considered a match between recordings. Briefly, IDPS takes each set of cell images within different recordings (e.g., naive, CFA, GBP recordings) for each mouse and normalizes them to create cell maps for each recording. Next, the cell maps from each recording (within each mouse) are aligned to one another, accounting for differences in translation and rotation. IDPS then attempts to match cells across the cell maps by maximizing the normalized cross-correlation between pairs of cells from each of the cell maps. Those matches reaching a correlation coefficient greater than the minimum correlation value are considered longitudinally tracked, while the remainder of cells is considered local to cell maps derived from individual recording sessions. To further verify the success of longitudinal registrations, we plotted longitudinally registered cell contours on top of maximal projections of ΔF/F within each recording session. Only mice with at least 50 longitudinally tracked cells were considered for any analysis requiring the tracking of single neurons over recording sessions.
Single-cell responder classifications
To define positive, negative, and neutral responders, we first calculated mean ΔF/F values in 1 s bins. We then compared the binned values 5 s after stimulation to the binned values 5 s before stimulation across trials using a Wilcoxon rank–sum test (p < 0.05), where the number of pre- and poststimulation values for comparison were 5× the number of trials for each stimulation type. The neurons in which poststimulation responses were significantly larger and smaller than prestimulation responses were classified as positive (“si”) and negative (“sd”) responders, respectively. The neurons without significant ΔF/F differences between pre- and poststimulation periods were classified as neutral responders (“ns”).
Analysis of stimulus selectivity
To determine stimulus selectivity for each cell, we first computed the mean z-score values during the peak response period (0–5 s after stimulation) for each stimulus. For each cell, the absolute value of the minimum z-score was then added to the z-score from all other stimuli. Doing so preserved the magnitude of difference between each stimulus for each cell while also preventing the artificial inflation of the selectivity index above 1 (which could otherwise arise due to negative values; Simmons et al., 2007). The maximum mean z-score value among the stimuli was then taken as the preferred stimulus, and a selectivity index ranging from 0 (least selective) to 1 (most selective) was computed with the following equation:
Analysis of neural population activity
To compute z-scores, we defined the 5-s-before-stimulus delivery as the prestimulus period. The mean and standard deviation for the prestimulus period were calculated and then used to z-score (z) the full time series for each cell, where
x is the ΔF/F of an individual time bin, μpre is the mean ΔF/F of the prestimulus period, and σpre is the standard deviation of the prestimulus period as follows:
Locomotion analysis
To track stimulus-evoked movements during multimodal imaging experiments, we made two separate measures. The first was a binary observational record of paw withdrawal after each stimulation, which was used to determine the percentage that a withdrawal occurred across trials to a particular stimulus within each animal and recording condition. The second was a measurement of acceleration, which was recorded concurrently with the neurophysiology time series by the accelerometer built into the miniaturized microscopes used for this study (Inscopix nVoke). Three separate 50 Hz data streams including acceleration measurements in the x, y, and z directions relative to the miniscope
Decoding analysis
Decoding was defined here to predict somatosensory stimulation modality from the averaged evoked ensemble, GCaMP ΔF/F (0–5 s after somatosensory stimulations) using a multiclass classifying algorithm, Gaussian naive Bayes (Laplace smoothing value, 1 × 10−9). We performed decoding in two ways, two-class and seven-class predictions [two-class, “innocuous” and “noxious” classes (“innocuous,” von Frey filament [0.07, 0.4, and 2 g] and 30°C water; “noxious,” pinprick, 55 and 4°C water); seven-class, 30, 4, 55°C water; 0.07, 0.4, and 2 g von Frey filament; and pinprick]. The decoding procedure and performance calculations were (1) randomly splitting training and test sets multiple times (threefold split × 10 times), (2) training the naive Bayes models with the two of the split sets (training set), and (3) predicting the stimulation modalities from the other split set (test set) and obtaining confusion matrices and accuracies. The 30 confusion matrices (threefold split × 10 times in each day and animal) were individually normalized by calculating the precisions (TP/TP + FP, where TP is true positive and FP is false positive) and then averaged within each day and animal. (The number of the resultant confusion matrices at this step is 36, 12 animals × 3 treatments.) The matrices were averaged across animals and displayed in Figure 4H,I. The train–test split was performed stimulation-wise (seven-class). For example, if we delivered the pinprick 15 times, then we randomly split them into 10 for training and 5 for test sets. We applied the same split method for the other stimulation modalities as well. The shuffling procedure was random assignments of the individual somatosensory stimulation labels to the evoked ensembles 100 times for each animal (total, 1,200 shuffles). The evoked ensemble/somatosensory stimulation dataset we collected here was balanced, because we delivered essentially the same numbers of each somatosensory stimulation modality. Noxious versus innocuous split was slightly unbalanced (noxious, innocuous = 3 : 4 = 0.4286 : 0.5714). This ratio was observed in the averaged normalized confusion matrices for the shuffled datasets (Fig. 4H).
Pairwise correlations
For each cell, 5 s poststimulus windows (0–5 s) for each trial were concatenated. Pearson's correlations of ΔF/F (100 ms bins) were then computed between all simultaneously recorded neuron pairs across these trials within each animal, stimulus, and recording condition, using the Pandas library in Python.
Pain ensemble definition
We first defined a putative nociceptive ensemble as a union of sets of cells with significantly increased activity within the peak response period (0–5 s poststimulus) to the pinprick and 55 or 4°C water stimuli within each recording condition. For each mouse and within each stimulus, we then determined the ratio of cells with significantly increased responses which were also nociceptive to the total nociceptive cell count.
Statistical analysis
Given the number of stimuli and recording conditions used in our study, we made extensive use of the Tukey’s HSD test from the Python SciPy library to correct for Type 1 errors from multiple comparisons. This package was used to apply the Tukey’s HSD test for samples of equal sample size (for comparisons of mouse-averaged values) and the Tukey–Kramer method for samples of unequal sizes (for comparisons of various cell groups). For cases where the number of comparisons being made were more than could be indicated on plots of mean values, we utilized grid plots to display the p value ranges in which each result lies. The number of statistical comparisons also necessitated the organization of exact p values into statistical tables within the extended data. To search for differences in PWT across genotypes, we first obtained trial-averaged values of PWT for each mouse, such that single values were used for comparison per mouse–condition–paw combination. We performed a three-way ANOVA testing the main effects of genotype (WT, HET, or HOM Thy1-GCaMP6f), paw (left or right), and condition (naive or CFA) on PWT. We then performed Tukey's honest significant difference (Tukey’s HSD test) test to correct for multiple comparisons and extract individual p values. To search for differences across recording conditions in HOM Thy1-GCaMP6f mice, we obtained trial-averaged values of PWT for each mouse, such that single values were used for comparison per mouse–condition–paw combination. We performed a mixed-effect analysis testing the main effects of paw (left or right) and condition (GBP-Ctrl, naive, CFA, GBP) on PWT. We then performed a Tukey’s HSD test to correct for multiple comparisons and extract individual p values. To determine statistical differences in mean z-score between cell groups, we obtained single z-score values by calculating the mean across a 5 s poststimulus response window for each cell. These values were then used in Tukey’s HSD tests to determine individual p values for comparisons between conditions and stimuli. Area under the curve (AUC) measures of single cells were obtained via trapezoidal integration from the poststimulus time until the end of the trace and then analyzed via Tukey’s HSD test across conditions and stimuli. Percentages of cell types were determined for each mouse–condition–stimulus combination and then used for comparison via Tukey’s HSD test. Single values of acceleration were obtained for each mouse–condition–stimulus combination by calculating the means across the 5 s poststimulus response window, which were then used for statistical comparison between conditions for each stimulus via Tukey’s HSD test. Single values of the paw withdrawal percentage were obtained for each mouse–stimulus–condition combination and used for comparison via Tukey’s HSD test. All statistical analysis of z-score magnitude, AUC, percentage of cell types, acceleration, and percentage of withdrawal was performed using the statsmodels package in Python.
Animals were deeply anesthetized and were transcardially perfused with saline and then 4% PFA in PBS. The brain tissue was removed ∼15–20 h after the fixation and cut into ∼3–5-mm thickness blocks. The brain blocks were sequentially equilibrated in 10% (>1 h), 20% (>1 h), and then 30% (overnight) sucrose in PBS. The blocks were embedded in an optimum cutting temperature compound (Sakura Finetek) and stored at −80°C. For the postmortem imaging for GCaMP fluorescence, we cut 40 µm brain sections, floated on PBS, transferred to slide glasses, and covered with coverslips. The GCaMP fluorescence was observed under EVOS FL fluorescence microscope (AMG). For the in situ hybridization studies, we cut 10 µm sections, adhered, and dried them on SuperFrost Plus Gold slides. The sections were baked at 60°C for 30 min and dehydrated by soaking successively in 50, 70, and 100% ethanol for 5 min each at room temperature and then stored ethanol at −20°C up to 2 weeks. RNAscope hybridization was carried out using a RNAscope LS 2.5 Multiplex Fluorescent Assay (catalog #322800) from Advanced Cell Diagnostics in combination with a Leica Bond RX Automated Stainer (Leica Biosystems) to process samples according to the manufacturer's (Advanced Cell Diagnostics) instructions. Slides were loaded on the Leica Bond RX for pretreatment and RNAscope procedures. Pretreatment steps were HIER 5 min at 95°C ER2 followed by Advanced Cell Diagnostics 15 min Protease at 40°C. RNAscope probes were purchased from Advanced Cell Diagnostics against vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (vGlut1; catalog #416638-C2), vesicular GABA transporter (vGAT; catalog #319198-C3), and GCaMP6 (catalog #557098). The slides were scanned with the 20× objective on Axioscan 7 (Carl Zeiss). Imaging wavelengths are as follows: vGluT1, 570 nm; vGAT, 520 nm; and GCaMP, 690 nm.
GCaMP6f is expressed in excitatory but not inhibitory neurons in GP5.17 mice
To determine the utility of neural ensembles in the ACC toward preclinical assessments of pain, we utilized the C57BL/6J-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6f)GP5.17Dkim/J mouse line, allowing for the stable expression of the genetically encoded calcium indicator GCaMP6f in neurons over months (Dana et al., 2014). Similar to other Thy1 lines, the GP5.17 transgene is prominently expressed in L2/3 and L5 pyramidal neurons of several cortical regions, including the ACC (Dana et al., 2014). However, there is evidence to suggest that Thy1 lines can in fact express their transgenes in inhibitory interneurons in some cases, albeit at lower levels (Wang et al., 2007; Proskurina and Zaitsev, 2021). To evaluate if GCaMP6f is expressed in excitatory or inhibitory neurons of the ACC in GP5.17 mice, we performed triple fluorescent in situ hybridization with RNAscope using probes for the GCaMP6f, vGluT1, and vGAT genes (Fig. 1). GCaMP6f (GFP) mRNA signals were detected in the entire ACC cortical area with higher expression in deeper layers (Fig. 1A,F) as reported previously (Dana et al., 2014). Though we observed variations in the levels of GCaMP6f and vGluT1 among cells, GCaMP6f signals were colocalized well with vGluT1 (Fig. 1A–C,F–H,K–M). However, GCaMP6f signals were rarely colocalized with vGAT signals, supporting the notion that GCaMP6f expression is absent or at least severely limited in inhibitory neurons (Fig. 1A,D–F,I,J,N–P). Together, these results suggest that the detected GCaMP6f fluorescent signals in the GP5.17 ACC area are primarily derived from excitatory neurons.
Tables 1-1 to 8-3
Download Tables 1-1 to 8-3, DOCX file.
Mechanical sensitivity in Thy1-GCaMP6f GP5.17 is indistinguishable from WT littermates
To evaluate the feasibility of GP5.17 mice for behavioral assessments with mechanical stimuli, we assessed PWT using von Frey filament stimulations (Chaplan et al., 1994; Fig. 1Q). We bred GP5.17 and its parental line C57BL/6 and measured PWT once daily for HOM, HET, and WT littermates (10 mice for each genotype), with genotypes blinded to the experimenter. PWT testing was performed on the left and right hindpaws under naive conditions for the first 3 d, followed by 7 additional days of testing after CFA was injected to induce inflammatory pain in the right hindpaw. In the uninjected (left) paw, no significant differences in the mean PWT values could be found between any of the genotypes in either the naive or CFA conditions (Fig. 1R, Extended Data Table 1-1). Furthermore, no significant differences in these values were observed between the naive and CFA conditions within any genotype (Fig. 1S, Extended Data Table 1-1). No significant differences in PWT between genotypes in the naive or CFA conditions were observed in the CFA-injected (right) paw (Fig. 1T, Extended Data Table 1-1), while significant decreases between the naive and CFA conditions were observed within each genotype (Fig. 1U, Extended Data Table 1-1). Taken together, these results suggest that HET and HOM GP5.17 mice exhibit comparable CFA-induced mechanical allodynia to their WT counterparts.
To determine neural correlates of nociception in the ACC, we utilized one-photon excitation from head-mounted miniaturized microscopes to image calcium transients in freely moving HOMO GP5.17 mice across pain and analgesic conditions (Fig. 2A–C). Mice were first habituated 1 h/d for 3 d to a clear cylindrical chamber sitting atop a metal grate, through which thermal or mechanical stimuli were delivered. We used two concurrent stimulation paradigms for testing, including a standard “up–down” PWT assay (Dixon, 1980; Chaplan et al., 1994; performed on both hind paws) with mechanical stimuli (0.04, 0.07, 0.16, 0.4, 1, 2, 4, 6 g von Frey filaments) and a multimodal stimulus paradigm (right hindpaw only) consisting of noxious and innocuous thermal and mechanical stimuli (0.07, 0.04, 2 g von Frey filaments, pinprick, 4, 30, 55°C water droplets, approach without touch) to facilitate our understanding of stimulus encoding and nociception in the ACC (Fig. 2D). To determine how behavioral responses and ACC activity dynamics are shaped by pain and analgesia, we performed these assays across separate days when mice were naive (Day 4), received intraplantar injections of CFA 24 h prior to induce inflammatory pain (right paw only, Day 6), and received a 75 mg/kg oral (gavage) dose of GBP 1 h before the recording session (Day 7; Fig. 2E). PWT measurements, which have long been a standard for behavioral measurements of allodynia and hyperalgesia, were used as a benchmark to determine if CFA and GBP exerted their effects in accordance with previously published studies (Chincholkar, 2018; Zhu et al., 2021). We did not find significant differences in PWT between paws under naive conditions. After CFA injections, however, we observed robust and significant decrease in PWT in the CFA-injected paw compared with that in the uninjected paw (Fig. 2F). This difference was mitigated after GBP treatment, with both CFA-injected and uninjected paws exhibiting similar withdrawal thresholds (Fig. 2F, Extended Data Table 2-1). For the un-injected paw, no significant differences in PWT could be found between any recording condition (naive, CFA, GBP; Fig. 2G, Extended Data Table 2-1). However, a significant reduction in the mean PWT was observed for the CFA-injected paw compared with the naive and GBP conditions (Fig. 2G, Extended Data Table 2-1). No significant difference was found between the naive and GBP conditions of the CFA-injected paw, indicating that GBP restored mechanical sensitivity to its original state (Fig. 2G, Extended Data Table 2-1). When comparing PWT between HOM GP5.17 mice implanted with GRIN lenses and those without, no significant differences could be found within the naive or CFA conditions for either paw, suggesting that the surgical procedure itself did alter mechanical sensitivity (Fig. 2H).
Population responses in the ACC largely reflect stimulus intensity while single-cell responder classifications vary across days
During multimodal imaging experiments, we imaged the ACC of the left hemisphere while stimulating the contralateral (right) hindpaw. In total, we recorded calcium transients from 1,680 neurons (12 mice) in the naive condition, 1,625 neurons (12 mice) after intraplantar CFA injections 24 h prior to recording, and 1,284 neurons (12 mice) after a 75 mg/kg oral (gavage) dose of GBP 1 h before the recording session. After the delivery of a stimulus, we observed increased or decreased calcium transients for subsets of ACC neurons from trial-averaged (z-scored ΔF/F) activity heatmaps, where the peak periods of excitation or inhibition occurred within the first 5 s after stimulation (referred to herein as the “peak response period”) and subsequently decayed across time (Fig. 2I,K). We then categorized these neurons based on the statistical significance of their cross-trial increases or decreases in activity, providing a snapshot of the response polarity (positive, negative, or neutral) and the robustness of single-cell activity across recording conditions (naive, CFA, and GBP) and somatosensory stimuli (Fig. 2I). Each neuron was assigned a responder classification based on whether it displayed significantly increased (“si”), significantly decreased (“sd”), or no significant (“ns”) change in activity when comparing raw ΔF/F values in prestimulus (−5 to 0 s) versus poststimulus (0–5 s) windows across trials (1 s bin size) for each stimulus within each recording condition (Wilcoxon rank–sum test, p < 0.05; Fig. 2I,J). This resulted in most neurons being classified as “ns” (68.3% for the pinprick), while those classified as “si” (20.4% for the pinprick) and “sd” (11.3% for the pinprick) comprised the fewest across the population (Fig. 2J–L). Higher-intensity stimuli evoked larger percentages of responsive cells (“si” or “sd”) and smaller percentages of unresponsive cells (“ns”) across the population (Fig. 2L, Extended Data Table 2-2). However, alluvial plots across stimuli suggested that single cells were highly variable in these classifications (Fig. 2M).
To evaluate the stability of responder classifications across somatosensory stimulations, we first classified ACC cells into “si,” “ns,” or “sd” cell groups in response to a single stimulus (pinprick) and then assessed the responder classification stability and population response magnitude of these groups across all other stimulus modalities in naive mice (Fig. 3A). Aligning single cells across trial-averaged (z-scored ΔF/F) activity heatmaps to each stimuli revealed nonuniform single-cell response dynamics between stimuli but demonstrated a tendency for the majority of cells (pinprick “si” or pinprick “sd” groups in particular) to be classified comparably in response to other stimulation modalities as they were in the pinprick (Fig. 3A,B). In support of this observation, the population responses (mean z-score across the peak response period) between the pinprick-defined cell groups remained significantly separated from one another for each stimulus (Fig. 3C, Extended Data Table 3-1). The response magnitudes of these cell groups (“si” and “sd” in particular) largely scaled with stimulus intensity, with innocuous stimuli (0.07, 0.4, 2 g, approach) eliciting lower magnitude differences on average compared with noxious stimuli (4 and 55°C and pinprick—though biased by initial selection criteria). Interestingly, approaching (but not touching) the hindpaw with a 2 g filament yielded low-magnitude but time-locked responses, perhaps indicating a visual sensory or contextual component of stimulus delivery. Additionally, the seemingly innocuous water stimuli (30°C) evoked average peak response magnitudes that were comparable to noxious (4, 55°C) water stimuli, perhaps as a result of either the large receptive fields activated by water droplets or a negative valence assigned to water stimuli in the context of our experiments. For most stimuli, cell groups displayed significantly higher percentages of responder classifications that matched their original responder classifications (defined by the pinprick) when compared with other cell groups (Fig. 3D–F, Extended Data Tables 3-2–3-4). When single “si” or “sd” cells deviated from their original classifications, they were more likely to be classified as “ns” than they were to switch identities between “si” and “sd,” suggesting that although the participation of single cells in the response to a particular stimulus varies, the response polarities (increased or decrease activity) of those cells are relatively stable when they are actively engaged (Fig. 3B,D–F, Extended Data Tables 3-2–3-4). The mean z-scores and percentages of “sd” cells scaled to stimulus intensity similarly to “si” cells, likely indicating the increased inhibition across the engaged ensemble necessary to counterbalance excitation (Fig. 3C–F). When we assessed the responder fractions of “si,” “ns,” and “sd” across the full populations of cells recorded under each condition (naive, CFA, GBP), only minimal differences were observable (Fig. 3G–I, Extended Data Tables 3-5–3-7). Though the percentages of “si” and “sd” cells classified for each mouse were larger after CFA compared with those after naive recordings for each stimulus and the percentages of “ns” cells were smaller, these differences did not reach statistical significance across animals. Surprisingly, however, GBP engaged a significantly larger proportion of “si” cells in response to noxious water stimuli (4, 55°C) and a significantly lower proportion in response to approach, with an opposite trend for “ns” cells (Fig. 3G,H). To compare the stability of the responder classes over days with and without pain or analgesia, we made a separate set of multimodal recordings in a different group of mice across 3 d with unchanging experimental conditions (no pain or analgesia). Among cells longitudinally tracked across recording conditions (naive–CFA–GBP or Day 1–Day 2–Day 3), we then determined the percentage of cells that changed their responder classifications across conditions for each stimulus (e.g., si–si–si, unchanged; si–ns–si, changed; Fig. 3J). For most stimuli (with the exception of 55°C water), we observed a similar extent of changes in responder classification between days (Day 1–Day 2–Day 3) and conditions (naive–CFA–GBP), suggesting intrinsic variability that is independent from pain or analgesia (Fig. 3J). Next, we assessed the fidelity of single-cell responder classifications across all stimuli. To do this, we categorized cells as “multimodal” if they exhibited an “si” or “sd” response to more than one stimulus, “unimodal” if they exhibited “si” or “sd” response to a single stimulus but “ns” to others, and “unresponsive” if classified as “ns” to all stimuli. Though 0.07, 0.4, and 2 g and approach might all be considered “innocuous” stimuli, they were all considered separately given that the relative engagement of each single-cell responder classification for these stimuli was unique (Fig. 3B). This analysis revealed that most ACC neurons recorded under the naive condition were multimodal (∼60%), while unimodal and (∼21%) and unresponsive (∼19%) cells comprised the remainder (Fig. 3K–M). Interestingly, we found increases in the percentage of multimodal cells comprising the population on average after CFA and GBP (with naive vs GBP reaching significance) and decreases in unimodal and unresponsive cells (though not significant), suggesting a trend toward a decreased fidelity of responder classifications across stimulation modalities after pain and analgesia (Fig. 3K–M).
Flexible stimulus preferences of single ACC neurons across days
Next, we assessed the degree to which single ACC neurons exhibit stimulus-specific selectivity and whether that selectivity changes under pain or analgesic conditions. For each cell recorded within each condition (naive, CFA, GBP), we defined a preferred stimulus and computed a selectivity index based on the mean response magnitudes to all other stimuli (see Materials and Methods, Analysis of stimulus selectivity; Simmons et al., 2007). Activity heatmaps of mean z-scores during the peak response period revealed subpopulations of cells selective for individual stimuli via this definition (Fig. 4A). Most selective neurons were classified as “si” or “ns,” though in rare cases an “sd” cell could be considered selective so long as the trial-averaged response to the selective stimulus was greater than for all other stimuli (Fig. 4A). Some cells could be found that were highly selective for a particular stimulus, though these were quite rare with only ∼5–6% of cells per recording condition having a selectivity index >0.7 (Fig. 4B). Across recording conditions of pain and analgesia (naive–CFA–GBP) or days with unchanged experimental parameters (Day 1–Day 2–Day3), longitudinally tracked single cells exhibited substantial flexibility in their selectivity preferences (Fig. 4C,D). Only 2.7% (naive–CFA–GBP) to 2.9% (Day 1–Day 2–Day3) of longitudinally tracked cells maintained their stimulus preferences across these recording conditions, with no significant differences observed between mice recorded across pain/analgesia and those recorded across unchanged days (Fig. 4E). This highly variable selectivity is consistent with previous reports suggesting dynamic stimulus representations in single cells across time in the ACC (Acuna et al., 2023). When characterizing the magnitude of selectivity across recording conditions, only a mildly significant increase was observed for 4°C water stimuli after CFA compared with those after naive recordings (Fig. 4F). GBP also significantly decreased selectivity magnitude in response to the pinprick compared with naive recordings while significantly increasing it for noxious water stimuli (4, 55°C; Fig. 4F, Extended Data Table 4-1). We did not find significant differences in the percentages of cells selective to any stimulus after CFA compared with that after naive recordings (Fig. 4G, Extended Data Table 4-2). After GBP treatment, however, significant increases in the percentages of cells selective for 4 and 55°C were observed compared with the naive and CFA (55°C only) conditions (Fig. 4G, Extended Data Table 4-2). A trend of decreased selectivity was observed for all other stimuli after GBP, with significant decreases observed for 0.07 g and pinprick stimuli compared with naive and 0.07 and 2 g stimuli compared with CFA (Fig. 4G, Extended Data Table 4-2). Next, we utilized a naive Bayes decoder to assess the discriminability of multimodal stimuli across all recorded cells for each condition. We first tested broad classifications of innocuous (0.07, 0.4, 2 g, 30°C water) or noxious (4, 55°C water, pinprick) stimuli, finding reasonable decoding accuracies above chance levels. These decoding accuracies were significantly higher than shuffled data for all recording conditions (Fig. 4H,J). The decoding of single stimuli yielded lower accuracy classifications that remained above the chance level (Fig. 4I,K), with lower accuracies overall than other recent examples in the ACC (Acuna et al., 2023). This may partially be explained by limiting our stimulations to the right hindpaw, whereas Acuna et al. stimulated different body parts, that is, cold, pinprick, and touch were applied to the plantar surface, heat was applied to the proximal portion of tail, and air puff was applied to either side of the animals’ face. Similar decoding performance to ours was reported in the BLA ensembles for the essentially the same stimulation paradigms used here (Corder et al., 2019). The reported decoding performance by Acuna et al. was slightly, but significantly, reduced under the SNI condition and then restored by GBP treatment. In our study, changes in the decoding performance under the pain condition were not observed (Fig. 4J,K). These results demonstrate the capability of the ACC to encode a variety of multimodal stimuli at the population and single-cell level. However, response polarity and stimulus selectivity are highly stochastic across recording days, suggesting population encoding that relies on continuously flexible, rather than fixed, single-cell representations of sensory stimuli.
Limited excitability changes and nociceptive engagement in the ACC after CFA
The use of conscious calcium imaging recordings in preclinical pain research necessitates robust neurophysiological hallmarks of pain and analgesia. The prevailing view of pain as a condition of hyperexcitability would suggest generalized increases in activity, and indeed small but significant increases in firing rates and calcium transients have been reported in the ACC of rat CFA models and mouse SNI models, respectively (Zhao et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). To search for similar changes in our recordings, we first assessed the raw ΔF/F recorded during both the prestimulus baseline (−5 to 0 s) and the poststimulus (evoked) response period (0–5 s) for all recorded cells compared across conditions (Fig. 5A). In addition to the naive, CFA, and GBP recording conditions, we included an additional set of recordings (in five mice) where GBP was treated 4 d prior to naive recordings (GBP-Ctrl, 75 mg/kg oral gavage) to assess the effects of GBP without CFA. Given this experimental time course, residual GBP (GBP-Ctrl) before subsequent recording sessions (naive, CFA, GBP) was negligible (Radulovic et al., 1995) and allowed us to compare excitability changes driven by GBP before and after pain. Though the magnitude was low, we found surprisingly that the prestimulus baseline activity (ΔF/F) across all cells was significantly lower after CFA compared with that after naive recordings for all stimuli except 30 and 55°C water, significantly lower compared with that after GBP for pin and 0.4 g, and significantly lower compared with that after GBP-Ctrl for 55 and 4°C stimuli (Fig. 5A, Extended Data Table 5-1). In the poststimulus period, we found no significant differences in evoked ΔF/F after CFA compared with those after naive but found significant increases for several stimuli after GBP or GBP-Ctrl compared with those after naive or CFA recordings (Fig. 5A, Extended Data Table 5-2). When restricting the analysis to exclusively “si” cells, we did not find significant differences in ΔF/F for any stimuli for naive versus CFA recordings but found significant increases after GBP and GBP-Ctrl for the pinprick and 4°C stimuli (Fig. 5B, Extended Data Table 5-3). Similarly to the analysis of all cells, “si” cells showed significant increases in evoked activity for several stimuli after GBP and GBP-Ctrl, with only 4°C showing significantly increased activity after CFA compared with that after naive (Fig. 5B, Extended Data Table 5-4). Next, we assessed the relative rather than absolute response strength of the poststimulus response period [mean z-score (0–5 s) across all recorded cells; Fig. 5C, Extended Data Table 5-5]. Compared with naive recordings, CFA caused low-magnitude but significant increases in evoked activity in response to all stimuli except the pinprick, with increased responses to approach perhaps indicating increased pain expectation (Fig. 5C, Extended Data Table 5-5). GBP yielded mixed results, with significant increases in response to 0.07 g (vs naive) and all water stimuli (vs naive, CFA, and GBP-Ctrl) and significant decreases in response to approach (vs naive and CFA) and 2 g (vs CFA) stimuli (Fig. 5C, Extended Data Table 5-5). GBP-Ctrl recordings were largely indistinguishable from naive with the exception of stronger pinprick responses and yielded significantly lower magnitude responses to several stimuli compared with CFA recordings (0.07 and 2 g, 4°C, approach). A similar analysis performed on exclusively “si” cells did not yield significant differences in mean response strength between the GBP-Ctrl and naive or CFA conditions for any stimulus, and only 55°C water evoked a significant increase after GBP compared with that after GBP-Ctrl (Fig. 5D, Extended Data Table 5-6). After CFA, we found small but significant increases in “si” cell responses to 4°C water and 2 g stimuli compared with naive recordings, with 2 g responses also significantly larger in CFA compared with those in GBP (Fig. 5D, Extended Data Table 5-6). After GBP, both 55 and 4°C water evoked significantly larger responses than in naive recordings, with the response to 55°C also being significantly larger than for CFA (Fig. 5D, Extended Data Table 5-6). Approach stimuli evoked significantly weaker responses after GBP compared with those after both naive and CFA recordings, perhaps due to a disruption in visual or contextual information by GBP-induced drowsiness (Fig. 5D, Extended Data Table 5-6). Next, we performed a search for longitudinally tracked cells that ramped up their activity after CFA and subsequently ramped down their activity after GBP (“up_down” cells) by comparing the response magnitudes of single cells within the peak response period (Fig. 5E). Doing so revealed the existence of cell groups with this activity pattern for all stimuli, where response magnitudes are significantly increased after CFA with no significant differences between naive and GBP recordings (Fig. 5F, Extended Data Table 5-7). However, similar groups of “up_down” cells could also be found in control recordings across days without pain or analgesic manipulations (Fig. 5G,H, Extended Data Table 5-8). Furthermore, direct comparisons of the proportions (percentage of “up_down” cells) and response magnitudes (z-score 0–5 s) of “up_down” cells observed across conditions (naive–CFA–GBP) and days (Day 1–Day 2–Day 3) yielded no significant differences for all stimuli except one (approach), suggesting that the “up_down” activity patterns driven by pain and analgesia cannot be disambiguated from the intrinsic variability observed across recording days (Fig. 5I,J).
Another strategy to estimate pain among neural populations is to measure the relative engagement of a defined population of cells rather than population response magnitudes. This concept was first demonstrated in the amygdala, where cells demonstrating significantly increased responses to one or more noxious stimuli were considered as a nociceptive ensemble (Corder et al., 2019). We applied the same concept to our ACC recordings, where the unions of “si” cells to the pinprick and 55 and 4°C in each condition (naive, CFA, and GBP) were defined as a nociceptive ensembles (total longitudinally tracked cell number, 696; nociceptive cell counts: naive, 169; CFA, 230; GBP, 224 in seven animals; Fig. 5K,L). Next, we assessed whether the “si” cells evoked by each innocuous stimulation were part of the nociceptive (nox) ensemble and calculated the percentages of the total longitudinally tracked cells that were exclusively nociceptive, stimulus evoked and nociceptive, or stimulus evoked and not nociceptive (Fig. 5M). We observed small increases in the nociceptive engagement of neurons evoked by innocuous stimulations after CFA, which subsequently decreased after GBP (Fig. 5M). We then calculated the fraction of the overlapping “si” cell number evoked by each innocuous stimulations to the cell counts of the noxious ensemble, observing mild but significant increases in the overlapping neuronal populations responsive to only 2 g von Frey stimulation, but not for 0.4 or 0.07 g stimulations (Fig. 5N). This observation was less pronounced than results observed in the BLA using the sciatic nerve injury pain model (Corder et al., 2019). In summary, our results revealed only limited increases in ACC population activity driven by CFA. Furthermore, while we could specifically identify subpopulations of cells that ramped up their activity after CFA and subsequently ramped down after GBP, these activity patterns could not be disambiguated from random variability across recording sessions (Fig. 5E,G).
Temporal sharpening and increases in correlated activity in the presence of analgesia after inflammatory pain
In the population average time course of ACC “si” neuron activity, we noticed a temporal sharpening of responses to certain stimuli after GBP treatment compared with the GBP-Ctrl, naive, or CFA conditions (Fig. 6A). To capture these differences, we computed the total duration that single cells remain 1.5 standard deviations above the prestimulus baseline period, providing a quantitative estimate of sustained excitability. Distributions of these response durations across all stimuli revealed a shift toward shorter durations after GBP compared with those after the naive, CFA, or GBP-Ctrl recording conditions (Fig. 6B). Significant decreases in response duration were observed for most stimuli (except 4°C) after GBP compared with those after the naive recording condition and for most stimuli (except for 0.07, 55°C) compared with CFA (Fig. 6C, Extended Data Table 6-1). No significant differences in duration were observed between the naive and GBP-Ctrl conditions, while duration was significantly lower in GBP compared with GBP-Ctrl for several stimuli (2 g, pinprick, 4 and 55°C; Fig. 6C, Extended Data Table 6-1). Furthermore, response durations after GBP were significantly lower for most stimuli (except 0.07 g) compared with control recordings across days without pain or analgesic manipulations (Fig. 6D,E). To determine if this sharpening of response duration generalized to other mechanistically distinctive analgesics, we imaged a separate set of mice responding to multimodal stimulation that were dosed with ibuprofen (IBP, an NSAID), instead of GBP (a gabapentinoid). Similar to the effects of GBP, IBP caused a shift in the distribution of response durations across stimuli toward smaller values (Fig. 6F). While only 0.07 g stimuli yielded a difference in response durations between the naive and CFA conditions for these experiments, durations were lower after IBP compared with naive for all stimuli, with significant reductions observed for all but two stimuli (2 g, pinprick; Fig. 6G, Extended Data Table 6-2). IBP did not change response durations compared with CFA with a single exception, where 55°C responses were significantly reduced (Fig. 6G, Extended Data Table 6-2). Similar to GBP, we found no significant differences in response durations between naive and IBP-Ctrl recordings, minimal differences between CFA and IBP-Ctrl recordings (significant decrease for 30°C after CFA only), and significantly higher durations for IBP-Ctrl compared with IBP for several stimuli (all but approach; Fig. 6G, Extended Data Table 6-2).
Next, we asked whether temporal sharpening could be indicative of correlated ACC activity. This was of particular interest in the context of analgesia when considering that correlated activity is thought by some to limit information in the brain, though this idea is debatable (Bartolo et al., 2020; Valente et al., 2021; Hazon et al., 2022). To explore this idea in the context of our experiments, we searched for covariations in activity across ACC neural populations driven by pain or analgesia. Pearson's correlations of ΔF/F were computed across trials between all pairs of simultaneously recorded neurons for each individual stimulus within each animal. To capture correlations relevant to stimulus-evoked activity, we only considered 5 s poststimulus windows (0–5 s) for each trial, where the peak activity is observed to occur in the population activity time course. We then concatenated these windows and correlated ΔF/F across time between all neuron pairs. This resulted in probability distributions of Pearson's correlation coefficients for any particular stimulus that were largely indistinguishable between recording conditions (naive–CFA–GBP) across all neuron pairs (Fig. 7A). However, the probability distributions of coefficients from exclusively “si”–“si” neuron pairs were shifted toward higher values after GBP compared with any other condition (Fig. 7A). The mean Pearson's correlation coefficients of all “si”–“si” pairs after GBP were significantly increased when compared with the naive, CFA, and GBP-Ctrl conditions for all stimuli except 0.07 g (not significant GBP vs GBP-Ctrl) and approach (not significant for GBP vs CFA or GBP vs GBP-Ctrl; Fig. 7B, Extended Data Table 7-1). While small but significant increases in correlation coefficients were observed for select stimuli after CFA compared with those after naive recordings (0.07 g, pinprick, 4 and 30°C, approach), these differences were not maintained when comparing coefficients averaged within each mouse (Fig. 7C, Extended Data Table 7-2). These results indicate, therefore, that GBP robustly increases trial–trial correlations among “si”–“si” cell pairs and between mice after (but not before) CFA injections for all but the most innocuous stimuli (0.07 g GBP vs GBP-Ctrl, approach for all comparisons; Fig. 7C, Extended Data Table 7-2). Additionally, we performed this analysis on the prestimulus period (−5 to 0 s), finding significantly elevated correlation coefficients in the presence of GBP after CFA (but not before) to some stimuli (pinprick, 4, 55, 30°C), while no significant differences were found between comparisons of other recording conditions (naive vs CFA vs GBP-Ctrl; Fig. 7D, Extended Data Table 7-3). However, the magnitude of these coefficients was significantly lower compared with the poststimulus period for all stimuli besides approach (Fig. 7E). To control for any differences driven by repeated sensory experience, we performed the same correlation analysis on a set of animals recorded over 3 d without any pain or analgesic manipulations (Day 1–Day 2–Day 3). In this case, we did not observe a rightward shift in the probability distributions of correlation coefficients for the poststimulus response period among all cell pairs or exclusively “si”–“si” pairs, and only low-magnitude differences in these coefficients were observed among “si”–“si” pairs between days (Fig. 7F,G, Extended Data Table 7-4). Though several significant (but low-magnitude) differences were found among “si”–“si” cell pairs between days, these differences were not maintained when comparing averaged values across mice (Fig. 7H, Extended Data Table 7-5). In the prestimulus baseline period, we found significantly increased correlations for 55°C water stimuli on Day 3 compared with those on Day 1 and Day 2, but did not find differences for any other stimulus or recording day (Fig. 7I, Extended Data Table 7-6). When comparing the prestimulus versus poststimulus periods, we found minor but significant differences (p = ∼0.02) for three stimuli on Day 1 only (Fig. 7J). Finally, we asked whether the increased correlations were specific to GBP or if they generalized to other analgesics. Toward this end, we performed the same analysis on recordings from an experimental set where GBP was replaced with IBP. Surprisingly, we saw a rightward shift in the probability distributions of correlation coefficients in the presence of IBP after (but not before) CFA (Fig. 7K). This shift was reminiscent of that caused by GBP and was also clearly observable across the distribution of all correlation pairs in addition to “si”–“si” pairs alone (Fig. 7K). Similarly, we found low-magnitude differences in the correlation coefficients across cell pairs between the IBP-Ctrl, naive, and CFA conditions which were not maintained when comparing mouse-averaged values (Fig. 7L,M, Extended Data Tables 7-7, 7-8). However, high magnitude and significant increases in correlation coefficients were observable from treatment with IBP after (but not before) CFA which were maintained when comparing mouse-averaged values (Fig. 7L,M, Extended Data Tables 7-7, 7-8). Similarly, recordings during IBP after CFA (but not before) during the prestimulus period showed significantly increased correlations for most stimuli (no significant differences for approach) compared with all other recording conditions (Fig. 7N, Extended Data Table 7-9). Unlike GBP, however, IBP did not show significant increases in these correlation coefficients poststimulus compared with prestimulus (Fig. 7O). These results reveal robustly increased correlations among neurons excited (“si” cells) by a variety of stimuli in the presence of GBP only after pain. Correlations among neural populations are typically very low given the diversity of neural dynamics underlying the encoding of information in the brain, with the ∼0.05 typically seen in our data falling well within the range of commonly reported values (∼0.01–0.20; Cohen and Kohn, 2011; Hazon et al., 2022). Therefore, increases to ∼3–4 times this value after GBP are surprisingly large in this context. Even more surprisingly, these results generalized to another analgesic that exerts its effects through separate mechanisms, potentially suggesting a neurophysiological hallmark of pain attenuation by analgesia in the ACC.
Locomotion scales with stimulus intensity and is attenuated by GBP
Locomotion and paw withdrawal have long been used as behavioral measures to assess stimulus intensity and pain in rodent models. During multimodal imaging experiments, we made observational assessments as to whether a paw withdrawal was evoked by a particular stimulus. Furthermore, we utilized the accelerometer integrated within the miniaturized microscopes to record total body acceleration simultaneously with the neurophysiology time series. Using these measures, we asked how paw withdrawals and the intensity of escape-like behaviors change across stimulus intensity and pain or analgesic conditions. Considering that locomotion has been shown to decrease correlated neural activity in cortical systems, we also sought to determine if the results of our cross-trial correlation analysis could be explained by differences in locomotion (Dadarlat and Stryker, 2017). Within any recording condition, higher percentages of hindlimb withdrawals were typically associated with higher total acceleration values (Fig. 8A). Noxious cold and hot water (4, 55°C) evoked significantly higher total acceleration than most other stimuli within any recording condition, while no significant differences could be found among innocuous mechanical stimuli (0.07, 0.4, 2 g; Fig. 8B,C, Extended Data Table 8-1). However, acceleration values across animals roughly scaled with stimulus intensity within all recording conditions (Fig. 8D, Extended Data Table 8-2). No significant differences in total acceleration after CFA compared with those after naive recordings could be found for any stimulus (Fig. 8D, Extended Data Table 8-2). GBP, however, facilitated a significant decrease in total acceleration responses to every stimulus compared with naive recordings after CFA (GBP) and nearly every stimulus compared with naive recordings when dosed before CFA (GBP-Ctrl; Fig. 8D, Extended Data Table 8-2). Importantly, no significant differences in acceleration were observed between recordings where GBP was dosed before or after CFA (GBP vs GBP-Ctrl), suggesting that the differences in neural activity correlations between these conditions described previously cannot be explained by decreased locomotion alone (Fig. 8D, Extended Data Table 8-2). Innocuous mechanical stimuli (0.07, 0.4 g) were significantly more likely to evoke a paw withdrawal after CFA compared with that after naive recordings (2 g borderline significant, p = 0.053; Fig. 8E, Extended Data Table 8-3). Additionally, we found significantly lower withdrawal likelihood in the presence of GBP before CFA (GBP-Ctrl, all stimuli except approach), as well as after CFA (GBP, all stimuli except the pinprick, 55°C, and approach) compared with CFA recordings, consistent with concurrent measurements of PWT (Fig. 8E, Extended Data Table 8-3).
Drug development for pain is hampered by a lack of preclinical biomarkers, necessitating the need for robust, unbiased, and quantifiable measures of pain and analgesia not captured by purely behavioral measures or anesthetized recordings. We contribute here by utilizing head-mounted miniaturized microscopes to record calcium transients in L5 the ACC of freely moving mice during pain and analgesia. L5 pyramidal neurons have long-distance projections to subcortical structures including the hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray, which are involved in the descending modulation of spinal sensory transmission. ACC neurons with long-distance projections, presumably from L5, have been described in other brain regions including the amygdala, the locus ceruleus, and notably the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. These networks are likely to support integrated pain-related responses, fear, arousal, vocalization, and descending modulation (Bliss et al., 2016). We first validated that GCaMP6f is restricted to excitatory neurons in C57BL/6(Thy1-GCaMP6f)GP5.17Dkim mice and found similar PWT to mechanical stimuli between GP5.17 and WT mice and found that CFA-induced inflammatory pain robustly decreased PWT that were rescued by GBP (Wang et al., 2007; Dana et al., 2014; Chincholkar, 2018; Proskurina and Zaitsev, 2021; Zhu et al., 2021). Of particular interest was a question of whether ACC neurons distinguish between various stimulus intensities and modalities. In primary sensory cortices, individual neurons can encode simple stimuli in a relatively stable manner across trials and days that are further stabilized by learning (Niell and Stryker, 2008; Poort et al., 2015; Marks and Goard, 2021). Associative cortical areas, however, necessitate flexibility in single-cell representations given their roles as integrators of multisensory and contextual information. This idea is highlighted in several neurophysiological studies of associative areas which show that, despite stable behavioral performance, single-cell representations of sensory stimuli constantly reconfigure (Rule et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021; Acuna et al., 2023). Generally, we found that population activity in the ACC scales with stimulus intensity, with noxious hot and cold water evoking strong activity increases perhaps driven by both temperature and larger receptive field activations.
Within a recording session, cells allocated to a particular response polarity (increased, neutral, or decreased activity) to one stimulus were more likely to either respond in a similar manner to other stimuli when they are engaged in the response or remain neutral. Though the majority of ACC neurons (∼60%) responded to more than one stimulus, a reasonable number responded specifically to single stimuli (∼21%). Though rare, we also found ACC neurons with highly selective stimulus preferences as measured by relative differences in response magnitude (∼2.7–2.9%). However, cell-to-cell variability in both response polarity and stimulus selectivity was high not only across states of pain and analgesia but also across consecutive recording days without additional pain or analgesic manipulations. Despite this variability, the ability to decode sensory stimuli across the population within any particular recording condition remained relatively stable. These findings confirm that while single stimulus representations in the ACC are flexibly represented over time, population activity more reliably reports single stimulus encoding (Acuna et al., 2023).
Small generalized increases in the firing rate have been observed in the ACC using electrophysiological recordings in freely moving rats after CFA, while generalized increases in calcium transients have been observed in the ACC of head-fixed nerve injury mouse models of neuropathic pain (Zhao et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). We observed low-magnitude increases relative to the baseline period across the population of recorded cells and for “si” cells in response to some stimuli (2 g mechanical and 4°C water). While cells that specifically ramp up their activity after pain and ramp down their activity after analgesia could be identified (“up_down” cells), similar activity patterns can be observed across days in the absence of pain or analgesia, highlighting the difficulty in disambiguating changes driven by pain and those that may simply be the result of a flexible allocation of ACC neurons. By defining nociceptive cells as those with significantly increased responses to the most noxious of stimuli, a framework could be established from which to make comparisons regardless of the flexibility of single ACC neurons across days (Corder et al., 2019). However, we did not find convincing evidence for the presence of such an ensemble in the ACC, consistent with the recent findings of others (Acuna et al., 2023). Though increased paw withdrawals after CFA might imply increases in ACC activity, it is possible that other confounding factors masked this. While we think of the ACC as a center of affective pain, it is a hub of multisensory information that can also be activated by auditory, olfactory, and visual stimuli and displays sensory experience-dependent plasticity (Sasabe et al., 2003; Morrison et al., 2004; Sidorov et al., 2020). While such activity may be abstracted in the ACC compared with sensory representations in primary sensory cortices, it is nonetheless directly influenced by sensory input. Therefore, an experimenter could themselves act as a visual, olfactory, or auditory stimulus leading to a contamination of ACC signals not directly related to pain. We also cannot ignore that transient thermal or mechanical stimuli must be delivered by hand, while stimuli in other sensory modalities (auditory, visual) can be automatically delivered to yield relatively robust trial-to-trial responses. Attempting to manually apply a stimulus to the same receptive field will remain a challenge for large-scale neurophysiological recordings in pain, as it increases the likelihood of stochastic responses across trials. Additionally, subpopulations of cells in the ACC are highly correlated with locomotion, and we don't fully understand the relationship between pain-specific neural activity in the ACC and that which might influence motor control (Sachuriga et al., 2021).
Perhaps surprisingly, we found prominent differences in ACC activity driven by analgesia (GBP and IBP) after CFA, but not before. Covariations across neural population activity are typically low in magnitude, with mean values ranging from ∼0.01 to 0.2 (Cohen and Kohn, 2011; Kohn et al., 2016). However, they have been suggested to limit information about sensory stimuli and spatial representations in cortical systems (Dadarlat and Stryker, 2017; Bartolo et al., 2020; Hazon et al., 2022). While more prominently displayed for some stimuli than others, we found that responses became more transient and correlated during analgesia after pain, perhaps representing a mechanism whereby analgesia might limit painful information in the ACC. Though neuronal correlations are known to be higher in the absence of locomotion, we did not find significant differences when comparing total acceleration values between GBP and GBP-Ctrl conditions, suggesting that locomotion alone cannot account for these differences (Vinck et al., 2015; Dadarlat and Stryker, 2017). A definitive and detailed analysis of how exactly increased correlations among neuronal populations limits information (if at all) is difficult to unveil however (Averbeck et al., 2006). Although we demonstrated the ability to decode single stimuli in the presence of GBP, neural correlations and decoding are not necessarily linked (Averbeck et al., 2006).
This result is also surprising considering that GBP is an anticonvulsant, used to counteract the highly synchronized neural activity that is characteristic of seizures by decreasing excitability, and might be expected to decrease covariations in neural activity. Additionally, the finding that two mechanistically distinct analgesics (NSAID, gabapentinoid) exert a similar influence on the ACC by increasing pairwise neuronal correlations after pain is unexpected. While the underlying principles of these changes are elusive, it is relief from pain rather than molecular mechanism of action that unifies these findings. Gabapentanoids efficiently penetrate the BBB and bind to the calcium channel alpha-2-delta subunit to modulate calcium channel properties and trafficking (Dolphin, 2018). In contrast, IBP exerts its anti-inflammatory effects peripherally. Though temporal sharpening and increases in the covariations of neural activity across the population occurred during pain relief, we do not yet know whether these effects are brain wide or restricted to the ACC. Increases in these correlations did not impair the ability of the ACC to detect the stimuli, but they may represent a disruption in the ability to assign a negative valence to the stimuli if we consider increased covariations in activity as being information limiting. The effectiveness of GBP in pain despite its suitable safety profile in clinical uses may be due to these specific and subtle actions to impede pain signaling.
Regarding the action of analgesics on ACC neuronal activity, there is some precedent for the notion that ACC activity increases rather than decreases in the presence of analgesia in the context of pain. For instance, ACC activity has been shown to unexpectedly increase in the presence of nitrous oxide, while spontaneous ACC activity was shown to increase in the presence of GBP (Acuna et al., 2023; Weinrich et al., 2023). These findings and ours suggest that the neural population activity dynamics governing the attenuation of painful information in the ACC operate with a unique logic beyond simple excitability increases driven by pain followed by decreases after analgesia. Future studies may determine if these findings generalize to other pain models, analgesics, and brain areas.
This research was supported by Eli Lilly and Company.
All authors are full-time employees of Eli Lilly and Company.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Akihiko S. Kato at kato_akihiko{at}lilly.com.