During infancy and adolescence, language develops from a predominantly interhemispheric control—through the corpus callosum (CC)—to a predominantly intrahemispheric control, mainly subserved by the left arcuate fasciculus (AF). Using multimodal neuroimaging, we demonstrate that human left-handers (both male and female) with an atypical language lateralization show a rightward participation of language areas from the auditory cortex to the inferior frontal cortex when contrasting speech to tone perception and an enhanced interhemispheric anatomical and functional connectivity. Crucially, musicianship determines two different structural pathways to this outcome. Nonmusicians present a relation between atypical lateralization and intrahemispheric underdevelopment across the anterior AF, hinting at a dysregulation of the ontogenetic shift from an interhemispheric to an intrahemispheric brain. Musicians reveal an alternative pathway related to interhemispheric overdevelopment across the posterior CC and the auditory cortex. We discuss the heterogeneity in reaching atypical language lateralization and the relevance of early musical training in altering the normal development of language cognitive functions.