Figure 2. THC and WIN 55,212-2 modified expression of respiratory genes in mouse frontal cortex. A, Genes commonly and distinctively modified by THC and/or WIN 55,212-2 are indicated. The expression changes induced by THC and WIN on respiratory genes can be found in Extended Data Figures 2-1 and 2-2, respectively. Comparison of genes differentially expressed by THC and WIN across the different respiratory chain complexes in (B) Vglut1+ pyramidal neurons, (C) non-neuronal cells, and (D) Gad1/2+ neurons. CI, CIII, and CIV, proton-mobilizing complexes; CV, ATP synthase, Ass. F, assembly factor; cluster numbers indicated at bottom of histograms. The cell-specific effects of THC and WIN on the expression of NDUFB8 subunits in microglia and layer 2/3 neurons of the prelimbic cortex can be found in Extended Data Figure 2-3. E, Mean cellular expression of Cnr1 and of genes coding for indicated downstream effectors in pyramidal (C1, C6, C8) and microglial (C7) clusters were obtained using the Average Expression function in Seurat. Inset shows expression ratios for βarr:Gαi/o subunits calculated using all Gαi/o versus βarr1/βarr2 effectors (top) or using cell-prevalent Gαi/o versus βarr effectors (bottom). Note: Expression profiles for Cnr1 and downstream effectors across all other clusters are provided in Extended Data Figure 2-5 for comparison. Only microglia displayed trace amounts of Cnr2. F, Concentration response curves for WIN and THC were obtained for the indicated effectors using a heterologous expression system (HEK293 cells). All responses were normalized to the endogenous ligand 2-AG which was the standard. Pharmacodynamic parameters can be found in Extended Data Figure 2-4. Data correspond to 3–4 independent experiments with four replicates per experiment. Curves generated by WIN and THC at each effector were compared by two-way ANOVA which showed an effect of drug as indicated in the figures, an effect of concentration (p ≤ 0.001), and an interaction (p ≤ 0.001), except for CB1-Gαi2 (p = 0.8700) and CB2-βarr2 (p = 0.4520), where no interaction was observed. C1–18 refer to clusters shown in Figure 1. C1, pyramidal neurons of layers 2/3; C6, pyramidal neurons of layers 2/3; C8, pyramidal neurons of layer 5a; C3, astrocytes; C7, microglia; C11, polydendrocytes; C10, medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) interneurons expressing parvalbumin; C12, MGE interneurons expressing somatostatin; C13, caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE) interneurons expressing vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; C16, CGE interneurons expressing neuropeptide Y; C18, neurons expressing glutamic acid decarboxylase (Gad).