Estimating the direction of functional connectivity (FC) can help further elucidate complex brain function. However, the estimation of directed FC at the voxel level in fMRI data, and evaluating its performance, has yet to be done. We therefore developed a novel directed seed-based connectivity analysis (SCA) method based on normalized pairwise Granger causality that provides greater detail and accuracy over ROI-based methods. We evaluated its performance against 145 cortical retrograde tracer injections in male and female marmosets that were used as ground truth cellular connectivity on a voxel-by-voxel basis. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was calculated for each injection, and we achieved area under the ROC curve of 0.95 for undirected and 0.942 for directed SCA in the case of high cell count threshold. This indicates that SCA can reliably estimate the strong cellular connections between voxels in fMRI data. We then used our directed SCA method to analyze the human default mode network (DMN) and found that dlPFC (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and temporal lobe were separated from other DMN regions, forming part of the language-network that works together with the core DMN regions. We also found that the cerebellum (Crus I-II) was strongly targeted by the posterior parietal cortices and dlPFC, but reciprocal connections were not observed. Thus, the cerebellum may not be a part of, but instead a target of, the DMN and language-network. Summarily, our novel directed SCA method, visualized with a new functional flat mapping technique, opens a new paradigm for whole-brain functional analysis.
- default mode network
- directed seed-based connectivity analysis
- functional flat mapping
- language network
- marmoset
- resting-state fMRI
Significance Statement
We developed a novel directed seed-based connectivity analysis (SCA) method. To evaluate its performance, we used 145 retrograde tracer injections into the common marmoset left cortex as ground truth cellular connectivity on a voxel-by-voxel basis. We achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.95 for undirected and 0.942 for directed SCA; thus SCA can estimate strong cellular connections with high accuracy. Then, we analyzed the human default mode network (DMN) with directed SCA and found that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and temporal lobe were not part of the DMN but part of the language-network. Moreover, our analysis showed that the cerebellum may not be part of, but instead a target of, the DMN and language-network.
Understanding the connectivity between brain regions is important for elucidating the network structure of the brain (the connectome). Connectome analysis can provide the basis for understanding pathological conditions, and the uncovered structure can help formulate new hypothesis-driven studies. The brain can be analyzed using both invasive and noninvasive approaches. An example of an invasive approach is the common marmoset retrograde tracing study of Majka et al. (2020), used to investigate cellular connectivity. The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is a primate with a brain that is near-lissencephalic, with many regions anatomically and functionally homologous to the human brain (Okano, 2021). Noninvasive approaches generally have a lower spatiotemporal resolution compared with invasive ones, but they are important because invasive approaches cannot be applied to humans. Therefore, in this research, we directly compared noninvasive and invasive approaches at the voxel level to investigate the relationship between structural (cellular) and functional connectivity (FC). To do this, we mapped the injection sites of Majka et al.'s study and the number of connected cells to the left cortex at the submillimeter-voxel level. This was used as ground truth connectivity that was compared with 48 sessions of awake marmoset resting-state (rs-)fMRI data, analyzed by our seed-based connectivity analysis (SCA) approach at the voxel level.
SCA is usually performed by calculating the correlation between a seed and all other voxels. A one-sample t test in each voxel is performed for second-level (group) analysis (Holmes and Friston, 1998). However, correlations do not detect directional influence (Okuno and Woodward, 2021), and in this work, we propose a novel directed SCA method. Here, directional influence (causality estimation) at the voxel was calculated for both input and output directions by normalized pairwise Granger causality (npwGC; Granger, 1969), and a one-sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test in each voxel was performed for second-level analysis. Retrograde tracing can be used as a ground truth to assess the accuracy of directed and undirected SCA by ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve analysis. In this scheme, we investigated the optimal spatial smoothing size and nuisance factor removal method for fMRI preprocessing. We found a FWHM (full-width at half-maximum) of 3–4 voxels was optimal for spatial smoothing, and ICA-AROMA (Pruim et al., 2015) for nuisance factor removal greatly improved the AUC (area under the curve). We achieved an AUC of 0.95 for a strong cellular connectivity condition (cell count, >100, at a voxel) for undirected SCA and an AUC of 0.942 for directed SCA. These results show that undirected and directed FC are very reliable for detecting strong cellular connections, lending credence to future noninvasive studies.
Finally, we applied our novel directed SCA to investigate the directional influence among human default mode network (DMN) voxels. The full voxel FC matrix is huge, making it hard to interpret, so we developed a novel visualization technique called “functional flat mapping.” Here we applied dimension reduction using Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP; McInnes et al., 2018), and the FC matrix was reduced to a unique 2D planar map. We found that the cerebellum (Crus I-II) is strongly targeted from the posterior parietal cortices (PPC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) regions, but reciprocal connections were not observed. Thus, the cerebellum appears to not be a part of but a target of the DMN. The temporal lobe and dlPFC regions were previously defined as the brain's language network (Mineroff et al., 2018), separated from the DMN regions. Graph analytics of directional SCA showed a clear separation between these two networks, even in rs-fMRI data. Thus, directional analysis can clarify the functional separation of dlPFC-temporal versus posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)–PPC–mPFC as DMN regions, and furthermore, zero-lag FC (including undirected SCA) indicates these two networks operate together. Our novel directed SCA can reliably detect voxel-based directional influence and complements zero-lag FC analysis. We believe that our approach described in this article will be useful for further neuroimaging studies.
Materials and Methods
Preprocessing of marmoset rs-fMRI data
Awake rs-fMRI data of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) were acquired as part of the Brain/MINDS project (Okano et al., 2015; Muta et al., 2022). A Bruker BioSpec 9.4 T MRI machine (Biospin) was used. The experimental settings of the gradient recalled echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence were as follows: flip angle, 65; repetition time (TR), 2,000 ms; echo time (TE), 16 ms; pixel size, 0.7 × 0.7 mm; slice thickness, 0.7 mm; matrix size, 60 × 42 × 52; and frame length, 150.
For our experiments, T1WI, T2WI, and rs-fMRI NIfTI files of healthy awake marmosets aged 3–6 years (three males, one female; 12 sessions × 4 = 48 sessions of fMRI data) were used. Preprocessing and image registration were performed using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM12; Penny et al., 2007). SPM12 registered NIfTI images to the Marmoset MRI Standard Brain (Iriki, 2017). We removed the first 10 frames of the rs-fMRI data. For finding the optimal spatial smoothing size for group SCAs, a FWHM from 1 voxel (0.7 mm) to 5 voxels (3.5 mm) at 0.2 voxel steps was investigated. Temporal high-pass filters were investigated from 0.1 to 0.001 Hz. Combinations of several nuisance factor removal methods were investigated. The methods were global mean (gm; the average signal across all voxels), global signal (the average signal across all brain voxels), mean CSF (cerebrospinal fluid; the average signal across CSF voxels), mean white matter (the average signal across white matter voxels), 6HMP (head motion parameters), 24HMP, aCompCor, tCompCor (Behzadi et al., 2007), ICA-AROMA (Pruim et al., 2015), and polynomial detrending (Friman et al., 2004).
Undirected SCA
Undirected SCA was done by calculating the correlation coefficients between a seed voxel and all other voxels. MATLAB scripts for this analysis were developed in-house and worked together with the VARDNN toolbox (Okuno and Woodward, 2021). After calculating the correlation coefficients in each voxel from individual sessions, a mixed-effects model was applied to acquire final group results. A one-sample t test in each voxel was performed for second-level (group) analysis (Holmes and Friston, 1998). Bonferroni’s correction was then applied to correct for the familywise error (FWE) rate and a T value threshold was applied to acquire significantly correlated voxels.
We used the BrainSpace toolbox (Vos de Wael et al., 2020) to generate the principal gradient of the marmoset left cortex. The mixed-effects model T value matrix (9,862 × 9,862 voxels) of the marmoset left cortex was processed with the “kernel: normalized angle” and “approach: diffusion mapping” settings, and 10 components of the gradient map were obtained. Then, the first component was used as the principal gradient (Gradient 1).
Directed SCA
Directed SCA was calculated by npwGC between a seed voxel and all other voxels. MATLAB scripts for this analysis were developed in-house and worked together with the VARDNN toolbox. We applied pairwise Granger causality (pwGC), first proposed by Granger (1969), to describe the temporal relationship between two nodes as follows:
Transforming retrograde tracing data into the whole-brain voxel space
Majka et al. (2020) published a comprehensive retrograde tracer dataset (145 injections) for the left hemisphere cortex of the common marmoset brain. The data can be downloaded from the Marmoset Brain Connectivity Atlas (https://www.marmosetbrain.org/), and they were integrated into the STPT (serial two-photon tomography) template image space (Skibbe et al., 2022). We transformed the retrograde tracer results from the STPT template to the Marmoset MRI Standard Brain (Iriki, 2017) by manual affine transformation, and this was used for our comparison between functional and cellular connectivity.
Preprocessing of human rs-fMRI data for investigating spot time lag
Human rs-fMRI data from Tokyo Metropolitan University was used for investigating the spot time lag parameter of directed SCA. A 3.0 Tesla scanner (GE HealthCare, SIGNA Premier), 48-channel coil for the head (GE HealthCare) was used. The data have multiple TRs (750, 1,200, 2,000 ms) for the same 10 subjects aged 23.8 ± 4.87 years (three males, seven females). Experimental settings of the gradient-echo echo–planar imaging (EPI) sequence were as follows: flip angle, 52; TR, 750, 1,200, and 2,000 ms; TE, 36 ms; pixel size, 3 × 3 mm; slice thickness, 2.6 mm; spacing, 0.6 mm; matrix size, 80 × 80; multiband factor, 8; and frame length, 400, 250, and 150. The CONN toolbox (Whitfield-Gabrieli and Nieto-Castanon, 2012) was used for preprocessing. CONN performed the realignment and coregistration of NIfTI images to the standard Montreal Neurological Institute brain space. The first 10 frames of the rs-fMRI data were removed, and the remaining data were smoothed using a FWHM of 6.8 mm (3.4 voxels). ICA-AROMA was applied for nuisance factor removal.
Preprocessing of HCP rs-fMRI data for DMN analysis
Rs-fMRI data from the WU-Minn HCP consortium (the S500 release; Van Essen et al., 2013) was used for human DMN analysis. Scanning used a customized SC72 gradient insert and a body transmitter coil with 56 cm bore size, and data were saved in NIfTI format. Experimental settings of the gradient-echo EPI sequence were as follows: flip angle, 52; TR, 720 ms; TE, 33.1 ms; pixel size, 2 × 2 mm; slice thickness, 2 mm; matrix size, 104 × 104 × 90; multiband factor, 8; and frame length, 1,200. More information on the rs-parameters can be found at the HCP website (https://www.humanconnectome.org/storage/app/media/documentation/s500/HCP_S500_Release_Reference_Manual.pdf).
T1WI, T2WI, and rs-fMRI NIfTI files from the S500 release were downloaded, and a total of 200 sessions (50 male subjects × 2 sessions, 50 female subjects × 2 sessions) were used in our experiments. Preprocessing was the same as for the data used to investigate the spot time lag. Spatial smoothing using a FWHM of 6.8 mm (3.4 voxels) and ICA-AROMA were applied for directed and undirected SCA of human DMN.
Independent component analysis of HCP rs-fMRI data
After preprocessing, group ICA was applied to acquire 15 components from the human rs-fMRI data. The systematic checking of the optimal component number was done in a previous study (Okuno et al., 2024). Here, MELODIC (Beckmann and Smith, 2004) was used to obtain group ICA from 200 sessions. Multisession temporal concatenation was performed, and a spatial map was obtained. Finally, the DMN component used in our study was manually selected from the 15 rs-fMRI data components. For surface mappings of human data, the command “wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping” of the Connectome Workbench visualization software (Marcus et al., 2011) was used to map NIfTI image data onto the human cortical surface. Finally, the cortical surface (in gray), the mapped functional data, and the Brodmann label mapping (included in the HCP data) were overlaid to produce our visualizations.
Graph analytics of the human DMN
Directed and undirected SCA of human rs-fMRI data generated a huge FC matrix (24,860 × 24,860 voxels, 1 voxel size, 4 × 4 × 4 mm3 downsampled from the CONN atlas and used as mask). The threshold to obtain the adjacency matrix is taken from p < 0.05 and Bonferroni’s correction or top 5% of values in the T value/Z-score matrix (chosen based on our analysis of 145 retrograde tracer injections in the common marmoset). For directed SCA, the threshold was Z > 4.61, and for undirected SCA, the threshold was T > 18.82. Based on these adjacency matrices, graphs were visualized by the Scalable Force-Directed Placement (SFDP) algorithm (Hu, 2005). Hierarchical circle graphs of DMN voxels based on directed and undirected SCA results were visualized by the Nested Stochastic Block Model (Peixoto, 2014).
Preprocessing of mouse rs-fMRI data
Awake rs-fMRI data of the mouse were acquired by a Bruker BioSpec 9.4 T MRI machine (Biospin). The experimental settings of the gradient recalled EPI sequence were as follows: flip angle, 90; TR, 1,500 ms; TE, 12 ms; pixel size, 0.24 × 0.24 mm; slice thickness, 0.6 mm; matrix size, 75 × 60 × 25; and frame length, 400.
For our experiments, rs-fMRI NIfTI files of healthy awake mice aged 9 weeks (six males; 22 sessions of fMRI data) were used. Preprocessing and image registration were performed using SPM12 (Penny et al., 2007) and ANTs (Avants et al., 2011). SPM12 performed slice timing correction and motion correction, and ANTs registered NIfTI images to the mouse average template (47 × 42 × 25), downsampled from Allen Mouse Common Coordinate Framework (CCF; Wang et al., 2020). We removed the first 10 frames of the rs-fMRI data, and spatial smoothing of FWHM of 4 voxels (0.96 mm) was applied. Combinations of several nuisance factor removal methods were investigated. The methods were gm, global signal, mean CSF, mean white matter, 6HMP, 24HMP, aCompCor, tCompCor (Behzadi et al., 2007), ICA-AROMA (Pruim et al., 2015), and polynomial detrending (Friman et al., 2004).
Statistical analysis
A mixed-effects model was used for group analysis. For undirected SCA, a one-sample t test in each voxel was done for second-level (group) analysis. For directed SCA, a one-sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test in each voxel was done for second-level (group) analysis. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Bonferroni’s correction was then applied to correct for the FWE rate and a T value or a Z-score threshold was applied to acquire significantly correlated voxels.
Software accessibility
The code used in this study (directed and undirected SCA) is provided as open source and available from https://github.com/takuto-okuno-riken/dirsca.
Comparison between tracer injections and SCAs in the marmoset left cortex
The matrix of 145 retrograde tracer injections and the structural (cellular) connectivity in left cortical voxels (0.7 mm × 0.7 mm × 0.7 mm) of the common marmoset is shown in Figure 1a, top. In a previous study, 97% of all possible corticocortical connections were observed in mouse anatomical results (Gămănuţ et al., 2018). However, we found that only ∼5% (mean value in each injection) of voxels were connected in the common marmoset data. Thus, ROI (region of interest)-level and voxel-level parcellations can give very different results. Directed and undirected SCA from injection voxels to left cortical voxels are shown in Figure 1a, middle and bottom. The cellular connectivity matrix, with specific cell count connection threshold (Fig. 1a), can be used as a ground truth, and the ROC curves of FC–SC (structural connectivity) detection were calculated for directed and undirected SCA matrices. From this we achieved an AUC of 0.95 (Fig. 1b) in the strong cellular connectivity case (a cell count, >100, at a voxel) for undirected SCA and an AUC of 0.942 (Fig. 1c) for directed SCA with an optimal spatial smoothing size (FWHM, 3.4 voxel) and nuisance factor removal (by ICA-AROMA). These results suggest that undirected and directed SCA is very reliable for detecting strong cellular connectivity. However, the correlation coefficient between the structure (cell count, >0, at a voxel) and function (absolute T value of undirected SCA) was not so high (an FC–SC correlation of r = 0.282). This shows that although a strong FC indicates the presence of cellular connectivity, FC is not proportional to SC.
Fig. 1-1
Example of whole brain voxel wise analysis by pairwise Granger Causality. a, Matrix of the mixed-effects (one sample t-test) pwGC(1) result. Noise remains in the vertical direction. b, Matrix of the mixed-effects (one sample t-test) npwGC(1) result. Noise in the vertical direction was removed by normalization. Download Fig. 1-1, TIF file.
Fig. 1-2
Investigating the group analysis test method for directed and undirected SCA. a, ROC curve analysis between tracer injections and undirected SCA (N = 48, smoothing with FWHM = 3.4 voxel and high-pass filtering 1/128 Hz) with a one sample t-test or Wilcoxon signed rank test. The vertical axis is the AUC (higher is better). The horizontal axis is the cell count threshold for the ground truth. The blue line (t-test) shows the mean AUC between 145 injections and undirected SCA, the error bar shows the standard error of 145 AUCs. The t-test showed a higher AUC for undirected SCA. b, ROC curve analysis between tracer injections and directed SCA with one sample t-test or Wilcoxon signed rank test. The Wilcoxon signed rank test showed a higher AUC for directed SCA. Download Fig. 1-2, TIF file.
Fig. 1-3
Investigating optimal spot time-lag for directed SCA. a, ROC curve analysis between tracer injections and directed SCA in the marmoset (N = 48, smoothing with FWHM = 3.4 voxel and ICA-AROMA) for each spot time-lag. The vertical axis is the AUC (higher is better). The horizontal axis is the cell count threshold for the ground truth. The blue line (spot time-lag = 1) shows the mean AUC between 145 injections and directed SCA, the error bar shows the standard error of 145 AUCs. When the spot time-lag was 2 or more, the AUC clearly decreases. b, Canonical hemodynamic response function (HRF) for the marmoset and human. c, Histogram of the Z-score matrix (24860 × 24860 voxels, 1 voxel size: 4 × 4 × 4 mm) of directed SCA (N = 29 [TR = 0.75 s], N = 30 [TR = 1.2 s], N = 29 [TR = 2 s]) for the human brain. 3 to 4 seconds gave an optimal spot time-lag, thus lag = 3 for TR = 1.2 s, and lag = 2 for TR = 2 s. d, Directed SCA matrix of the default mode network for each spot time-lag. Lag = 3 of TR = 2 s clearly loses sensitivity. Download Fig. 1-3, TIF file.
Fig. 1-4
Inter-individual variability of structural connectivity in the common marmoset. a, Cosine similarities of SC (DWI Tractography) matrices among 126 subjects (126 × 126 matrix). SC matrix data was downloaded from the Brain/MINDS data-portal: https://dataportal.brainminds.jp/marmoset-mri-na216). Top upper right of matrix shows inter-individual variability of SC matrices (104 × 104 ROIs) in the common marmoset. The color bar shows the cosine similarity value. b, Box plot of A (left) and thresholded SC (>10 and >100) versions. Higher SC thresholds improve the similarity. c, The two most different SC matrices (subject IDs 9 and 125). The cosine similarity was 0.886. Download Fig. 1-4, TIF file.
Fig. 1-5
Relationship between ROI-based and voxel-based time-series. a, Time-series of Middle Temporal Gyrus (MTG), left ROI (206 voxels), from one subject of the Human Connectome Project. X axis is frame number (TR = 0.72). The light-colored lines are the time-series of each voxel. The black line is the average time-series of the MTG left ROI voxels. Compared to the time-series of each voxel, the ROI time-series had a narrower amplitude range. b, Correlation result between the ROI time-series and each voxel time-series. The correlation with the ROI time-series varied widely, from 0.2 to 0.8, and it may be difficult to say that the ROI time-series was representative for each voxel. c, Correlation result for MTG left (206 voxels) vs. Middle Frontal Gyrus (MFG) left (426 voxels). d, Box plot of C. Compared with the correlation between the MTG left and MFG left ROI time-series (R = 0.435), the correlation coefficients of each voxel varied widely from -0.2 to 0.5. The time series correlation of the ROIs may be too high to be representative of the two ROIs. e, Pairwise Granger Causality result from MTG left to MFG left voxels. Many significant connections (P < .05, Bonferroni corrected) were observed (1965 connections), but not in the ROI-based calculation (P = 0.36). Download Fig. 1-5, TIF file.
Fig. 1-6
Relationship between Euclidean distance and undirected and directed SCA. a, Scatter plot between log10 of undirected SCA |T-value| and Euclidean distance. Correlation R = -0.638. b, ROC curve analysis between tracer injections and undirected SCA (N = 48) for each distance category (≤5 mm, 5 to 10 mm, > 10 mm). The vertical axis is the AUC (higher is better). The horizontal axis is the cell count threshold for the ground truth. The blue line (≤5 mm) is the mean AUC between 145 injections and undirected SCA. The error bar shows the standard error of 145 AUCs at each cell count threshold and distance category. c, Scatter plot between directed SCA Z-value and Euclidean distance. Correlation R = -0.679. d, ROC curve analysis between tracer injections and directed SCA (N = 48) for each distance category (≤5 mm, 5 to 10 mm, > 10 mm). Download Fig. 1-6, TIF file.
Fig. 1-7
FC-SC detection using SC (DWI) and undirected FC and directed FC in the human and marmoset brain. a. Mean SC matrix, generated by 90 ROIs (AALv4 atlas) from 88 human subjects. b. Group analysis (mixed effects model) of undirected FC (Pearson correlation) matrix, generated from 200 sessions of HCP rs-fMRI data. c. Group analysis (mixed effects model) of directed FC (npwGC) matrix, generated from 200 sessions of HCP rs-fMRI data. d. FC-SC detection in the human. The X axis is log10 of the fiber count threshold used for ground truth. As the threshold increased, the ground truth network density decreased (green line, right Y axis). As the threshold increased, the AUC increased (red & blue lines, left Y axis). e. FC-SC detection in the marmoset. The mean SC matrix was generated by 104 ROIs from 126 marmosets. Group analyses of undirected and directed FC were generated from 48 sessions of awake marmoset rs-fMRI data. X and Y axis are the same as d. Download Fig. 1-7, TIF file.
The Euclidean distance versus undirected and directed SCA was also investigated (Extended Data Fig. 1-6). Shorter-distance voxels showed higher FC, as seen in the previous study by Hori et al. (2020). Thus, there was a strong anticorrelation between distance and undirected SCA (R = −0.638) and directed SCA (R = −0.679; Extended Data Fig. 1-6a,c). FC–SC detection was also checked at different distance categories (≤5 mm, 5–10 mm, and >10 mm), and it was observed that the longer the distance, the lower the FC and the lower the detection accuracy (Extended Data Fig. 1-6b,d).
Additionally, we generated the principal gradient of the marmoset left cortex from a mixed-effects model [T value matrix of 9,862 × 9,862 voxels (Fig. 1e). This result is similar to the DMN-like ICA component of the marmoset cortex (Fig. 1f from Okuno et al. (2024)]. This suggests that the DMN region in the marmoset is transmodal, and this result is consistent with human results (Margulies et al., 2016). However, we found some injections in unimodal areas (V1, V2, etc.) showed a low FC–SC correlation, and some injections in transmodal areas (PE, etc.) showed a high FC–SC correlation (Fig. 1g). The correlation between the principal gradient and FC–SC correlation values for 145 injections did not show any significant tendency (R = 0.1; p = 0.23; Fig. 1h). Thus, voxel-based analysis was not consistent with previous studies (Preti and Van De Ville, 2019; Vázquez-Rodríguez et al., 2019). This observation will be explored in the discussion section.
Investigating the optimal spatial smoothing size for group SCAs
Spatial smoothing is typically applied at the preprocessing stage of fMRI dataset analysis (Mikl et al., 2008). Especially, it is useful for suppressing the influence of functional variability within and across individual subjects. We investigated the optimal spatial smoothing size for group SCAs with FWHM by a Gaussian smoothing kernel from 1 voxel (0.7 mm) to 5 voxels (3.5 mm) at 0.2 voxel steps. Figure 2a shows an example of spatial smoothing of rs-fMRI data of the common marmoset. We found that a FWHM of ∼4 voxels gave the highest AUC for group analysis of undirected SCA (s40 in Fig. 2b). We also investigated the FC–SC correlation in each tracer injection; a FWHM from 3 to 4 voxels was optimal for group analysis (Fig. 2c). For directed SCA, a FWHM of ∼4 voxels showed the highest AUC (Fig. 2d) and was optimal for FC–SC correlation analysis (Fig. 2e). Therefore, we applied an FWHM of 3.4 voxels as the optimal spatial smoothing size for subsequent analyses.
Investigating the optimal nuisance factor removal method for group SCAs
Nuisance factor removal is important for removing motion artifacts and physiological noise such as pulsation and respiration. Several studies (Ciric et al., 2017; Parkes et al., 2018; Chuang et al., 2019) provide a comprehensive comparison among nuisance factor removal methods. We also investigated the optimal nuisance factor removal method for group analysis of undirected SCA (Fig. 3a,b) and directed SCA (Fig. 3c,d). We found that most methods improved the AUCs of undirected SCA; the ICA-AROMA (Pruim et al., 2015) and gm combination showed the highest AUC (Fig. 3b, orange dashed line), and ICA-AROMA alone showed the next highest AUC. For directed SCA, ICA-AROMA showed the highest AUC (Fig. 3d, orange dashed line), and the ICA-AROMA and gm combination showed the next highest AUC. On face value, the use of ICA-AROMA alone for both directed and undirected SCA seems ideal, because it showed the highest AUC for directed SCA. The gm and aCompCor (Behzadi et al., 2007) combination appears the next best option because it showed the next highest AUC for directed SCA. Chuang et al. (2019) presented a comprehensive investigation of nuisance factor removal methods for the anesthetized rat brain and concluded that some methods for the human case did not work for the rat brain. For example, motion regression in motionless anesthetized rat may increase artifacts and alone does not contribute to signal detection. Then, we conducted additional experiments in this regard using the awake mouse with skull fixed and anterograde axonal tract tracing (Harris et al., 2012; Oh et al., 2014) data as the ground truth. Anterograde axonal tract tracing data were downloaded from Allen Mouse CCF (Wang et al., 2020). Only the left cortex of the mouse was used, and the injection point located in the left cortex was extracted and used as the ground truth (N = 578). Extended Data Figure 3-1 shows our investigation into the optimal nuisance factor removal method between ground truth tracing data and undirected and directed SCA. FWHM of 4 voxel was used for smoothing. Since anterograde axonal tract tracing highlights axons, it is unclear whether functional connections exist between voxels on the highlighted pathway. Therefore, increasing the intensity threshold increased the accuracy of detecting structural connectivity by FC (Extended Data Fig. 3-1a). At a threshold above 95% of intensity, only very strong tracing signal became the ground truth, and such voxels could be detected with high accuracy in both undirected and directed SCA (AUC, >0.91; Extended Data Fig. 3-1a,b). This result is consistent with previous ROI-based analyses (Stafford et al., 2014). Compared with the anesthetized rat (Chuang et al., 2019), the skull was fixed in the awake mouse and awake marmoset experiments, but this does not mean that the position of the brain tissue was completely fixed; at 6hmp and 24hmp, the AUC was improved. The brain tissue itself is floating in cerebral spinal fluid, suggesting that the regression of positional variability compensates for the shaking of the brain tissue. Additionally, different from the rat brain, the white matter and CSF voxels can be easily separated in the marmoset. Thus, we were able to apply ICA-AROMA and aCompCor and were able to achieve a higher AUC. This supports the use of nuisance factor removal methods used in humans for the analysis of the marmoset brain.
Fig. 3-1
Investigating optimal nuisance factor removal method for directed and undirected SCAs in the mouse left cortex. a. ROC curve analysis between tracer injections and undirected SCA (N = 22) for each nuisance factor removal method. The vertical axis is the AUC (higher is better). The horizontal axis is the percentile threshold for the ground truth. The blue line (raw, smoothing with FWHM = 4 voxel) shows the mean AUC between 578 injections and undirected SCA, the error bar shows the standard error of 578 AUCs for each nuisance factor removal method. b, Box plot of a. The 24hmp, gm & aCompCor combination showed the highest AUC (orange dashed line) for directed and undirected SCA. c, ROC curve analysis between tracer injections and directed SCA for each nuisance factor removal method. d, Box plot of c. Download Fig. 3-1, TIF file.
Investigating the effect of high-pass filtering for group SCAs
A high-pass filter is typically applied to remove motion artifacts and physiological noise from BOLD signals. Thus, this process is essentially redundant if nuisance factor removal is used. Figure 4a shows FC–SC detection by undirected SCA (smoothing with an FWHM of 3.4 voxels and ICA-AROMA) for each high-pass filter setting. The high-pass filter did not show a clear improvement in the AUCs. On the contrary, the high-pass filter destroyed the time dependence of the BOLD signal, resulting in a decrease in the accuracy of directed SCA (Fig. 4b). Therefore, we do not recommend a high-pass or bandpass filter with a nuisance factor removal method in the preprocessing stage for both directed and undirected SCAs.
Investigating optimal spot time lag for directed SCA
Directed SCA requires an appropriate spot time lag to estimate directional influence. Extended Data Figure 1-3a shows FC–SC detection by directed SCA in the marmoset (smoothing with an FWHM of 3.4 voxels and ICA-AROMA) with spot time lags from 1 to 5. Clearly, spot time lags from 2 to 5 lost sensitivity in causality estimation. Since the peak time of the hemodynamic response function (HRF) of the common marmoset is ∼3.1 s (Extended Data Fig. 1-3b; Yen et al., 2018), a spot time lag of 2 or more, which is ∼4 s for TR = 2 s, would exceed the peak HRF time. From these observations it appears that a long time lag reduces the accuracy of causality estimation. For the human case, the peak HRF time is ∼5–6 s (Bonakdarpour et al., 2007), so the lag time should be smaller than this. To further explore this topic, we investigated several spot time lags (1–3) and TRs (0.75, 1.2, 2 s) obtained for the same 10 subjects. Extended Data Figure 1-3c shows a histogram of the Z-score matrix (24,860 × 24,860 voxels; 1 voxel size, 4 × 4 × 4 mm3) of directed SCA [N = 29 (TR = 0.75 s); N = 30 (TR = 1.2 s); N = 29 (TR = 2 s)]. At a shorter time lag (0.75 s), the histogram was shifted in the negative direction, and some voxels were found to be saturated. At a longer time lag (6.0 s), the histogram was close to a normal distribution, but it lost sensitivity in causality estimation (Extended Data Fig. 1-3d, right). Therefore, we recommend using 3–4 s as an optimal spot time lag (lag of 3 for TR of 1.2 s; lag of 2 for TR of 2 s) for the human case.
We also performed FC–SC detection comparing Pearson's correlation (undirected FC) and npwGC (lag of 5 for TR of 0.72 s; directed FC) with SC on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Extended Data Figure 1-7 shows this experimental result. A ground truth SC matrix (Extended Data Fig. 1-7a) was generated by 90 ROIs of the AALv4 atlas from 88 healthy human subjects (Škoch et al., 2022). We calculated the T value matrix (Extended Data Fig. 1-7b) of Pearson's correlation and the Z value matrix (Extended Data Fig. 1-7b) of npwGC from 200 sessions (50 male subjects × 2 sessions and 50 female subjects × 2 sessions) of HCP rs-fMRI data. The npwGC showed similar accuracy to Pearson's correlation for the human brain. We also investigated whether this analysis framework showed a similar trend in marmosets and confirmed that it does (Extended Data Fig. 1-7e). Although the AUC of Pearson's correlation tended to be higher in the marmoset result by DWI SC-based analysis, tracer-based analysis showed a closer result between correlation and npwGC (Fig. 1b,c). This may be because fiber counting from ROI-to-ROI end points generated a more symmetrical SC matrix and the ground truth became advantageous to undirected FC. Summarily, we confirmed the accuracy of npwGC by FC–SC detection using tracer data and DWI data in the marmoset and human.
Functional flat mapping of human brain voxels
Due to the large number of relationships, it is very difficult to visually interpret anything from the full voxel connectivity matrix (Fig. 5a; one voxel was downsampled to 4 × 4 × 4 mm3) in the human brain. Therefore, we developed a novel visualization method called “functional flat mapping” to simplify and display these many relationships. A dimension reduction technique called UMAP (McInnes et al., 2018) was applied to reduce and map the huge matrix (24,860 × 24,860) of relationships to a 2D scatterplot (Fig. 5a, left). One point corresponds to one voxel and close points (voxels) are functionally close. Since close voxels in the human brain also have close features, topological features are well preserved. Figure 5b shows the abbreviated brain region names on top of the functional flat mapping visualization, and from left to right, the cortical, subcortical, and cerebellar region points are shown in color. Interestingly, the topographic nature of the structural and functional relationships is well plotted. For example, the anterior and PCC and precuneus compose the central line through the cortical points, the hippocampal points spread out from the thalamic ones, and the amygdala points are attached to the tip of the hippocampal points. Functional flat mapping has many advantages, including the ability to display subcortical and cerebellar voxel information that is not displayed by surface mapping alone, and the ability to display information from many voxels that are missed when using maximum projection in either the sagittal, coronal, or transverse planes. We used this visualization technique to display our subsequent analysis results in this article.
Analysis of the human DMN using directed and undirected SCA
Figure 6 shows visualizations of the human DMN going from surface mapping to functional flat mapping. Group ICA (MELODIC; Beckmann and Smith, 2004) was used to acquire 15 components from 200 sessions of HCP rs-fMRI data, and the DMN component used in our study was manually selected from them (Okuno et al., 2024). Figure 6a shows a surface mapping of the DMN component. The characteristic positive value regions of the DMN, such as the mPFC, dlPFC, PPC, PCC, and temporal lobe are shown. We manually annotated these regions by ITK-SNAP (Yushkevich et al., 2006; Fig. 6b), and the DMN voxels were plotted on the functional flat mapping (Fig. 6c). Also, the group ICA result can be directly plotted onto the flat map (Fig. 6d), and we could visually confirm the similarity between the original group ICA voxels and the manually annotated voxels. Finally, analysis of the human DMN using directed and undirected SCA is shown in Figure 7. The top row shows the internal DMN voxel connectivity by undirected SCA (Fig. 7a) and directed SCA (outputs-from and inputs-to each voxel; Fig. 7b,c). For visibility, only the most significant connections for the DMN voxels were displayed. To see more detailed connectivity, Extended Data Figure 7-2 shows the max projection of directed and undirected SCA results for voxels from each DMN region. Each region of the DMN is connected, and synchronization between regions, observed by zero-lag FC (undirected SCA) is thought to occur due to the mutual input and output (directed SCA) between regions. The bottom row shows the significant connections from DMN voxels to voxels outside the DMN (Fig. 7d,e) or from voxels outside the DMN to DMN voxels (Fig. 7f). Only the top five most significant connections and a distance limit >3 were displayed for visibility. If there was no distance limit in place then basically the closer points outside the DMN showed the strongest connections (Extended Data Fig. 7-1a). This is probably because the time-series of voxels around the DMN became similar due to spatial smoothing. For this reason, we set a distance limit to examine the connectivity with voxels that were slightly distant (voxels that were not the close neighbors). In each figure of the bottom row, the temporal lobe (red dashed ellipses) showed a different tendency to the other DMN regions. The temporal lobe showed widespread output to regions outside the DMN, and this widespread input/output was also observed in the max projection of directed SCA (Extended Data Fig. 7-2). The PPC, dlPFC, and temporal lobe regions showed strong output to the Crus I-II regions (Fig. 7e, gray dashed ellipses), but there was no strong input from the cerebellar voxels to any DMN voxels (Fig. 7f, gray dashed ellipses). These results indicate that the cerebellum (Crus I-II) may not be a part of but a target of the DMN.
Fig. 7-1
Directed and undirected SCA of the human default mode network. a, Functional flat mapping of eight DMN ROIs. Lines indicate correlations from DMN voxels to other (non-DMN) voxels. Top five most significant connections (T-value > 18.8) and distance > 0 (on UMAP) of undirected SCA are visualized. b, Functional flat mapping of eight DMN ROIs. Lines indicate output from DMN voxels to other (non-DMN) voxels. Top five most significant connections (Z-score > 6) and distance > 0 of directed SCA are visualized. c, Functional flat mapping of eight DMN ROIs. Lines indicate input to DMN voxels from other (non-DMN) voxels. Top five most significant connections (Z-score > 6) and distance > 0 of directed SCA are visualized. Download Fig. 7-1, TIF file.
Fig. 7-2
Max projection of directed and undirected SCAs in the human DMN. a, Undirected SCA of seed voxels in eight DMN ROIs were plotted in the 1st and 2nd rows. The max-projection in each voxel was used on the functional flat mapping. The higher value of two thresholds (P < 0.05 and Bonferroni correction [T > 4.61], and the top 5% of the T-value matrix [T > 18.82] because of 145 retrograde tracer results in the common marmoset) was applied to show the color range. b, Directed SCA results (output) of seed voxels in eight DMN ROIs were plotted in the 3rd and 4th rows. The higher value of two thresholds (P < 0.05 and Bonferroni correction [Z > 4.61], and the top 5% of T-value matrix [Z > 2.33]) was used to show the color range. c, Directed SCA results (input) of seed voxels in eight DMN ROIs were plotted in the 5th and 6th rows. The higher value of two thresholds was applied to show the color range. Download Fig. 7-2, TIF file.
Analysis of the human DMN using graph analytics
Directed and undirected graphs were obtained from the adjacency matrices generated by directed and undirected SCA. Graphs of human DMN voxels were visualized by the SFDP algorithm (Hu, 2005; Fig. 8a,c) and the Nested Stochastic Block Model (Peixoto, 2014; Fig. 8b,d). Results showed interesting relationships among the DMN regions. Firstly, the hierarchical circle graph of undirected SCA (Fig. 8b) did not show a clear separation among DMN regions where large clusters (i.e., DMN-1, DMN-3) contained most of the DMN regions (regional voxels were well clustered into smaller clusters, but for analysis they were combined into one large cluster). Thus, it was difficult to make functional inferences from these clusters. In contrast, the hierarchical circle graph of directed SCA (Fig. 8d) showed three big regional clusters, namely, the PCC–PPC–mPFC, dlPFC R-temporal and dlPFC L-temporal clusters, and regional voxels were mixed into smaller clusters. The SFDP graph also showed a clear separation between PCC–PPC–mPFC and other regions (Fig. 8c). Thus, we think that these clusters might be functionally separated: PCC–PPC–mPFC form the core DMN regions, and dlPFC R-temporal and dlPFC L-temporal are part of the language network, working together with the DMN. We investigate this idea further in the discussion section. For comparison, we also performed the same analysis at the ROI level (Shen 268 parcellation; Shen et al., 2013)—see Extended Data Figure 8-2. This result showed the difference in clustering between voxel-based and ROI-based analyses. The ROI-based analysis showed slightly separated clusters of dlPFC-temp, PCC, and mPFC–PPC as in the voxel-based analysis. However, the PCC cluster was closer to the dlPFC L-temp cluster than to others (Extended Data Fig. 8-2d, red dashed line). Figure 8, c and d, showed a clear separation between PCC–PPC–mPFC and others. Then, which shows the correct result, voxel-based or ROI-based? Extended Data Figure 1-5 shows the difference between voxel-based and ROI-based time-series analysis. Firstly, the ROI-based time-series is not representative of the set of voxel time-series due to their variability (Extended Data Fig. 1-5b). Furthermore, the ROI-based MTG and MTF relationship of R = 0.435 cannot capture the detail of the voxel-level relationships (Extended Data Fig. 1-5c,d). Thus, we believe that the voxel-based result in Figure 8 should be more correct than result shown in Extended Data Figure 8-2, showing the benefit of using our new methodology.
Fig. 8-1
A simplified diagram of the human default mode network and language network. Based on Fig. 7, 8 and Extended Data Fig. 7-2, this diagram depicts the DMN regions (PPC-PCC-mPFC), language network (dlPFC-temporal) and cerebellum (Crus I & II) and their relationships. Download Fig. 8-1, TIF file.
Fig. 8-2
ROI-based Graph analytics of directed and undirected SCA of the human DMN. a, Graph visualization of an adjacency matrix (DMN ROIs) from undirected SCA. The matrix was acquired by taking a threshold of T > 4.82. A directed graph was visualized by the Scalable Force-Directed Placement (SFDP) algorithm. Node color is the same as Fig. 6. b, Hierarchical circle graph of DMN ROIs based on undirected SCA result was visualized by the Nested Stochastic Block Model. c, Graph visualization of an adjacency matrix (DMN ROIs) of directed SCA. The matrix was acquired by taking a threshold of Z > 3.56. A directed graph was visualized by the Scalable SFDP algorithm. d, Hierarchical circle graph of DMN ROIs based on directed SCA was visualized by the Nested Stochastic Block Model. nine clusters were observed in this analysis. Download Fig. 8-2, TIF file.
Elucidating the relationship between the brain's structural and FC (SC and FC, respectively) is a major issue in the field of neuroscience. Stafford et al. (2014) carried out FC–SC (in this case cellular connectivity) detection for 168 mouse cortical regions and obtained 78.26% sensitivity and 81.69% specificity for the top 1% of SC. Hori et al. (2020) also investigated FC–SC detection for 55 cortical regions of the marmoset brain left hemisphere, achieving an AUC of 0.72. We used the same dataset of cellular connectivity (Majka et al., 2020) and were able to improve on the AUC [0.832 (>0 connections)] for FC–SC detection at the voxel level. There are several reasons why we were able to achieve a higher AUC: our spatial smoothing and nuisance factor removal methods were more optimized than in the previous studies, and awake marmoset data were used instead of anesthetized marmoset or mouse data. Figure 2a in Stafford et al. (2014) showed that a higher SC threshold could achieve a higher detection accuracy, and our results were consistent with it. We found that the stronger cellular connections were more accurately detected by directed and undirected SCA [Fig. 3a,c; AUC, 0.95 (with cell count of >100 at each voxel)]. Our results suggest that the weaker connections may be confused with indirect connections or weaker cellular connections have more interindividual variability (Extended Data Fig. 1-4b) and such connections may not correlate with mixed-effects (group) FC results.
Another issue arises when studying the correlation between FC and SC. Honey et al. (2010) made a direct comparison between SC derived from DWI and FC derived from rs-fMRI for the same set of five human subjects. Scatterplots of SC and the corresponding FC, with 998 ROI parcels, showed a strong correlation of r = 0.54 (p << 10−6). Baum et al. (2020) also calculated the FC–SC correlation using DWI and n-back task fMRI data from a sample of 727 human individuals. The Spearman rank correlation was calculated in 400 cortical region parcellations, and the mean coupling correlation coefficient (727 individuals), in each parcellation, ranged from 0 to 0.42. These two studies used different types of FC, namely, rs- and n-back task–state FC, and their results were noticeably different. Basically, the FC–SC correlation may vary depending on FC state, as FC essentially changes depending on task state or rs, and the SC is thought to be invariant. In our study, we investigated the FC–SC correlation between cellular connectivity and FC in the marmoset left cortex at the voxel level. The full scatterplot of cellular connectivity (cell count of >0 at each voxel) and corresponding FC in 145 injections × 9,862 voxels showed a weak correlation of r = 0.282 (Fig. 1d). Because tracer injections were made into a small portion of a region and into various cortical layers, it appears that results were scattered for each region (Fig. 1g). We consider these results (a weak FC–SC correlation and discrepancies in gradient) will be limited by group comparisons. The invasive tracer dataset was obtained from tracer injections in a cohort of 52 marmosets (Majka et al., 2020), and noninvasive FC and gradient results were obtained from the mixed-effects of 48 sessions in four marmosets. Therefore, when comparing between cellular connectivity which has interindividual variability (Extended Data Fig. 1-4) and mixed-effects FC results, the correlation might become low (Fig. 1d). Although invasive tracer injection data is reliable, group comparisons will be affected due to interindividual variability. Next, we calculated the principal gradient of the marmoset left cortex (Fig. 1e), and the relationship between FC–SC correlation and gradient value was investigated (Fig. 1g,h). Although previous studies (Preti and Van De Ville, 2019; Vázquez-Rodríguez et al., 2019; Baum et al., 2020) showed that “structure and function are closely aligned in unimodal cortex, but diverge in transmodal cortex,” the results of voxel-based analysis did not show this tendency. However, we found a strong connection between our marmoset results and human studies. Baum et al. (2020) showed transmodal and strong SC–FC coupling in the PCC region (Brodmann 23, 31 areas), and this result is consistent in the marmoset. On the other hand, many regions (B20, 21, 39, 45, 47 areas) showed transmodal and SC–FC decoupling in the human cortex, consistent with regions extended by evolution (Baum et al., 2020; Fig. 2e). The marmoset has smaller temporal regions (B20, 21) and does not have B39, 45, and 47 areas. An anticorrelation between the gradient and SC–FC coupling is caused by regions extended by evolution, and in the marmoset there was no such relationship like in the human PCC region.
There are several existing directional analysis studies of the human DMN. Miao et al. (2010) and Jiao et al. (2011) used pwGC to investigate the directional influence among DMN regions. Their results suggest that the PCC is strongly targeted from the temporal cortex but is not targeted from the inferior parietal cortex (IPL) or angular gyrus. However, multivariate Granger causality analysis showed strong directional influence from the left IPL to PCC and from the PCC to right IPL (Cao et al., 2012). Dynamic causal modeling analysis showed positive effective connectivity from the PCC to the left and right IPL (Esménio et al., 2019). Our study showed that many DMN regions were highly interconnected (both input and output), and voxels in the temporal lobe had stronger inputs than outputs. Unfortunately, these previous studies showed different trends. Therefore, in this research, we performed a more detailed analysis at the voxel level rather than at the regional level. Since time-series at a regional level are computed by averaging over several hundred or thousand voxels, it is likely that many time-dependent data points would be missed (Extended Data Fig. 1-5). Therefore, in a validation experiment using tracer injection as the ground truth, our directed SCA method was able to achieve a high accuracy of AUC, 0.942 (Fig. 1c), over previous studies. Additionally, previous studies only treated four to eight nodes inside the DMN, but our study comprehensively investigated 24,860 voxels inside and outside the DMN. We believe that our method provides a more accurate and detailed estimation of directional influence.
The temporal lobe, especially in Brodmann areas (BA) 21 and 22 (Fig. 6a), is also involved in the human DMN (Buckner et al., 2008; Yeo et al., 2011). However, BA22 contains Wernicke's area (Friederici, 2011) and is included in the brain's language network (Mineroff et al., 2018; Lipkin et al., 2022). Additionally, the dlPFC region contains part of Broca's area (BA44, 45; Fig. 6a), and Broca's area is included in the language network (Friederici, 2011; Mineroff et al., 2018; Lipkin et al., 2022). Mineroff et al. (2018) showed that language localizer tasks strongly activated the temporal lobe and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG, BA44, 45), but other DMN regions were not activated. On the other hand, in spatial working memory tasks, the DMN regions were strongly suppressed, but IFG was not suppressed, and the temporal lobe was weakly suppressed. Therefore, we can assume that the function of the temporal lobe and dlPFC regions differ from the other DMN regions. Interestingly, Mineroff et al. defined only PCC–PPC–mPFC as the DMN, while the temporal lobe and dlPFC were defined as the language network and several studies have incorporated this definition (Ji et al., 2019; Gordon et al., 2020). Even in our graph analysis of directed SCA (Fig. 8c,d) using rs-fMRI data, a clear separation was observed between PCC–PPC–mPFC and other regions. Thus, we think PCC–PPC–mPFC forms the core DMN, and dlPFC-temporal is part of the language network, working together with the core DMN regions (Fig. 7a). Extended Data Figure 8-1 summarizes this and the results of Extended Data Figure 7-2 in a simplified diagram. In this way, directional, asynchronous analysis using a time lag can capture features that cannot be separated by synchronous analysis using zero-lag (Fig. 8). These complementary techniques can be used together to provide a more in-depth analysis.
The cerebellum has long been known to be involved in the human DMN (Krienen and Buckner, 2009; Fig. 6d). Gordon et al. (2020) divided the DMN into nine subnetworks, and they showed that the left dlPFC, left PPC, and right Crus I-II constituted one subnetwork, and the right dlPFC, right PPC, and left Crus I-II constituted another subnetwork. Krienen and Buckner (2009) showed bilateral seed regions in the dlPFC correlated with the opposite hemisphere regions in Crus I-II of the posterior cerebellum. Additionally, a reading task activated the language network (dlPFC-temporal) and Crus I-II regions (Lesage et al., 2017). Our results were very consistent with these prior works, and the strong output was observed from the PPC and dlPFC voxels to Crus I-II on the opposite left and right hemispheres (Fig. 7e). However, we could not observe strong inputs from cerebellar voxels to any DMN and language network voxels (Fig. 7f), and they did not have reciprocal connections as other DMN regions often show. This unidirectional nature is also supported from anatomical perspective: cortical output directly affects the cerebellar cortex via the Pons; however, the output of the cerebellar cortex is sent to the dentate nucleus and then to the thalamus (Clark et al., 2020). Thus, we conclude that Crus I-II could be the output target of the DMN and language networks but may not be part of them.
Finally, our directed SCA and functional flat mapping toolbox is implemented as open-source code and downloadable from https://github.com/takuto-okuno-riken/dirsca. We believe that our analysis toolbox will be useful for future research into elucidating the functional properties of the brain.
This research was supported by the program for Brain Mapping by Integrated Neurotechnologies for Disease Studies (Brain/MINDS) from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED, Grant Numbers JP15dm0207001 and JP24wm0625408 to T.O., JP23wm0625001 to H.O., and JP24bm1223008 to J.H. Data were provided (in part) by the Human Connectome Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators, David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research and by the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience at Washington University.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Takuto Okuno at takuto.okuno{at}riken.jp.