Figure 8. Changes in coherence within the lPFC and PPC, measured as debiased weighted phase lag index (dWPLI), following ketamine treatment. A, Within the lPFC, in Monkey A: Left, In the RV task, delay-period coherence did not increase (positive numbers) or decrease (negative numbers) significantly following ketamine injections in Monkey A, in either pro- (blue) or antisaccade (red) trials. Right, In the RM task, intra-lPFC coherence decreased in the gamma band ∼50 Hz under both rules. The blue and red horizontal bars indicate p < 0.05 for pro- and antisaccade rules, respectively, after family-wise error adjustment. B, Within the lPFC, in Monkey C: Left, In the RV task, ketamine had no effect. Right, In the RM task, under the prosaccade rule, ketamine increased the coherence in high gamma. C, Within the PPC, in Monkey A: under both rules and tasks, ketamine reduced coherence in beta frequencies. It also increased coherence in the low gamma band in RV prosaccade trials. D, Within the PPC, in Monkey C: ketamine reduced coherence in both tasks and rules across several frequency bands.