Production of rapid movement sequences relies on preparation before (preplanning) and during (online planning) movement. Here, we compared these processes and asked whether they recruit different cortical areas. Human participants performed three single-finger and three multifinger sequences in a delayed-movement paradigm while undergoing a 7 T functional MRI. During preparation, primary motor (M1) and somatosensory (S1) areas showed preactivation of the first movement, even without increases in overall activation. During production, the temporal summation of activity patterns corresponding to constituent fingers explained activity in these areas (M1 and S1). In contrast, the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) and anterior superior parietal lobule (aSPL) showed substantial activation during the preparation (preplanning) of multifinger compared with single-finger sequences. These regions (PMd and aSPL) were also more active during production of multifinger sequences, suggesting that pre- and online planning may recruit the same regions. However, we observed small but robust differences between the two contrasts, suggesting distinct contributions to pre- and online planning. Multivariate analysis revealed sequence-specific representations in both PMd and aSPL, which remained stable across both preparation and production phases. Our analyses show that these areas maintain a sequence-specific representation before and during sequence production, likely guiding the execution-related areas in the production of rapid movement sequences.
- functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
- hand control
- motor planning
- multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA)
- sequential movements
Significance Statement
Understanding how the brain orchestrates complex behavior remains a core challenge in human neuroscience. Here, we combine high-resolution neuroimaging and a carefully crafted design to study the neural control of rapid sequential finger movements, like typing or playing the piano. Advancing prior research, we show that the brain areas involved in planning these movements maintain those representations throughout the execution of the sequence. This representational stability across planning and execution suggests an intricate connection between these processes. Our results shed light on the nuanced contributions of different cortical areas to different aspects of coordinating skilled movement. This work is well placed to inform future research in animal models and the development of targeted interventions against movement disorders.
From buttoning a shirt to texting with a smartphone, many everyday actions depend on the brain’s ability to coordinate rapid sequences of finger movements. Behavioral studies have demonstrated that, when tasked to produce a sequence of multiple finger presses, participants preplan the first two or three elements before sequence production starts (Ariani and Diedrichsen, 2019; Ariani et al., 2021). Once the sequence starts, planning the upcoming movements continues throughout sequence production, a process called online planning. Most behavioral improvements during motor sequence learning can be explained by participants becoming faster at pre- and online planning (Ariani and Diedrichsen, 2019). Which, and how, different cortical motor areas contribute to these different aspects of motor sequence planning, however, is poorly understood.
Previous neuroimaging studies of motor sequences have used multivariate analysis of fMRI data to reveal a hierarchy of sequence representations across cortical motor areas (Yokoi et al., 2018; Yokoi and Diedrichsen, 2019; Berlot et al., 2020). The dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) and the superior parietal lobule (SPL) exhibit sequence-specific representations, i.e., activity patterns that encode the specific sequence of actions, not just the individual movements themselves. Sequence-specific representations in association cortex have also been shown using electrophysiology in nonhuman primates (Tanji and Shima, 1994; Shima et al., 2006; Russo et al., 2020). In contrast, activity patterns in the primary motor (M1) and somatosensory cortex (S1) could be explained by a summation of the patterns related to the individual finger presses (Yokoi et al., 2018; Berlot et al., 2021). Due to the limited temporal resolution of fMRI, however, this work did not distinguish between activity arising from sequence planning or execution. A study by Gallivan et al. (2016) showed that coarse sequences of upper-limb actions (e.g., reaching-grasp-place vs reach-grasp-hold) can be decoded using preparatory fMRI activity patterns, but the nature of these preplanning representations and the link to online planning remain unknown.
Here, we used high-field (7 T) fMRI while human participants planned and executed multi- and single-finger sequences (same number of keypresses across sequence types) on a keyboard device. A delayed-movement paradigm with no-go trials (Ariani et al., 2018) allowed us to isolate brain activity related to planning or execution and examine the role of cortical areas in sequential movements.
First, we investigated brain responses in the primary sensorimotor cortex (M1 and S1) during the preparation of a sequence. For single-finger actions, we have previously shown that movement planning preactivates the relevant finger-specific activity pattern in both M1 and S1 (Ariani et al., 2022). But what is the preparatory state in M1 for multifinger movements?
Second, we tested to what degree pre- and online planning engage the same cortical areas by contrasting multi- and single-finger movements during preparation and production. Recent behavioral studies suggest that online planning of movement sequences shares important behavioral features with sequence preplanning—both exhibit a similar planning horizon and contribute to performance improvements in sequence learning (Ariani and Diedrichsen, 2019; Ariani et al., 2021).
Third, combined with multivariate analysis, our paradigm allowed us to ask (1) whether sequence-specific representations previously found in PMd and SPL (Yokoi and Diedrichsen, 2019; Berlot et al., 2021) emerge only during preparation or whether they persist throughout movement production and (2) to what degree the sequence-specific representations underlying pre- and online planning are the same or whether they dynamically change from preparation to production.
Materials and Methods
Twenty-three right-handed neurologically healthy participants volunteered to take part in the experiment (13 F, 10 M; age, 20–31 years; mean, 23.43 years; SD, 4.08 years). Criteria for inclusion were right-handedness and no prior history of psychiatric or neurological disorders. Handedness was assessed with the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (mean, 82.83; SD, 9.75). All experimental procedures were approved by the Research Ethics Committee at Western University. Participants provided written informed consent to procedures and data usage and received monetary compensation for their participation. One participant withdrew before study completion and was excluded from data analysis (final N = 22). A part of the data used in the current paper was previously published (Ariani et al., 2022).
Sequences of right-hand finger presses were performed on a custom-made MRI-compatible keyboard device (Fig. 1A). Participants used their fingers to press the keys. The keys of the device did not move, but force transducers underneath each key measured isometric force production at an update rate of 2 ms (Honeywell FS series; dynamic range, 0–25 N). A keypress/release was detected when the force crossed a threshold of 1 N. The forces measured from the keyboard were low-pass filtered to reduce noise induced by the MRI environment, amplified, and sent to the PC for online task control and data recording.
Sequence conditions and task timing. A, Response keyboard with mapping between numbers and fingers. Numbers were not visible on the keys. B, Digits presented on the screen for single-finger (red) and multifinger sequences (blue). C, Temporal structure of a trial. During the preparation phase, a sequence of six numbers was displayed within a box at the top of the screen. With a probability of 0.6, the box frame then changed to a blue color, instructing participants (N = 22) to produce the memorized sequence as fast as possible (go trials). Each correct press caused an asterisk to turn green. With a probability of 0.4, the box frame turned orange, signaling participants to withhold the response (no-go trials). ITI, intertrial interval.
We used a task in which participants produced sequences of keypresses with their right-hand fingers in response to numerical cues (Fig. 1B) presented on a computer screen that was visible to the participants lying in the scanner through an angled mirror. On each trial, a string of six numbers (instructing cue) instructed which sequence to plan (Fig. 1C, white outline).
The length of the preparation phase was randomly sampled to be 4 s (56% of trials), 6 s (30%), or 8 s (14%). To control for involuntary overt movements during the preparation phase, we required participants to maintain a steady force of ∼0.25 N on all the keys during the delay, which was closely monitored online. As a visual aid, we displayed a red area (between 0 and 0.5 N) and asked participants to remain in the middle of that range with all the fingers (touching either boundary of the red area would count as unwanted movement, thus incurring an error).
At the onset of the production phase, participants received a color cue (go/no-go cue) indicating whether to perform the planned finger presses (blue outline, go; p = 0.6) or not (orange outline, no-go; p = 0.4). The role of no-go trials was to dissociate the hemodynamic response to the successive preparation and production events, which would otherwise always overlap in fast fMRI designs due to the sluggishness of the fMRI response. To encourage planning during the delay period, at the go cue, the digits were masked with asterisks at go-cue onset, and participants had to perform the presses from memory. Participants had 2.5 s to complete the sequence of six presses, and a vanishing white bar under the asterisks indicated how much time was left. Participants received online feedback on the correctness of each press with asterisks turning either green, for a correct press, or red, for incorrect presses. As long as the participants remained within task constraints (i.e., six keypresses in <2.5 s), an exact movement speed was not enforced. In no-go trials, participants were instructed to remain as still as possible, maintaining the finger preactivation until the end of the production phase (i.e., releasing any of the keys would incur an error).
During the reward phase (0.5 s), points were awarded based on performance and according to the following scheme: −1 point in case of no-go error or go-cue anticipation (timing errors); 0 point for pressing any wrong key (press error); 1 point in case of a correct no-go trial; and 2 points in case of a correct go trial.
Intertrial intervals (ITI, gray background) were randomly drawn from (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 s) with the respective proportion of trials (52, 26, 13, 6, 3%).
Experimental design and structure
Our chosen distribution of preparation times, intertrial intervals, and no-go trials was determined by minimizing the variance inflation factor (VIF, O’brien, 2007). VIF is the ratio of the mean estimation variance of all regression weights (preparation- and production-related regressors for each sequence) to the mean estimation variance had these regressors been estimated in isolation. Therefore, VIF quantifies the severity of multicollinearity between model regressors by providing an index of how much the variance of an estimated regression coefficient is increased because of collinearity. Large values for VIF mean that model regressors are not independent of each other, whereas a VIF of 1 means no inflation of variance. After optimizing the design, VIF was on average 1.15, indicating that we could separate planning and execution-related activity without a large loss of experimental power.
Participants underwent one fMRI session consisting of 10 functional runs and 1 anatomical scan. In an event-related design, we randomly interleaved three types of repeated single-finger presses involving the thumb (1), the middle (3), and the little (5) fingers (e.g., 111111 for thumb presses, Fig. 1B) and three types of multifinger sequences (e.g., 135315). The day before the fMRI scan, participants familiarized themselves with the experimental apparatus and the go/no-go paradigm in a short behavioral session of practice outside the scanner (five blocks, ∼15–30 min in total). For the behavioral practice, intertrial intervals were kept to a fixed 1 s to speed up the task, and participants were presented with different sequences from what they would see while in the scanner. These six-item sequences were randomly selected from a pool of all possible permutations of Numbers 1, 3, and 5, with the exclusion of sequences that contained consecutive repetitions of the same number. Each sequence trial type (e.g., 111111) was repeated five times (2 no-go and 3 go trials), totaling 30 trials per functional run. Two periods of 10 s rest were added at the beginning and at the end of each functional run to allow for signal relaxation and provide a better estimate of baseline activation. Each functional run took ∼5.5 min, and the entire scanning session (including the anatomical scan and setup time) lasted for ∼75 min.
Imaging data acquisition
High-field functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were acquired on a 7 T Siemens Magnetom scanner with a 32-channel head coil at Western University. The anatomical T1-weighted scan of each participant was acquired halfway through the scanning session (after the first five functional runs) using a magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo sequence (MPRAGE) with a voxel size of 0.75 × 0.75 × 0.75 mm isotropic (field of view, 208 × 157 × 110 mm; encoding direction coronal). To measure the blood oxygenation level–dependent (BOLD) responses in human participants, each functional scan (330 volumes) used the following sequence parameters: GRAPPA 3; multiband acceleration factor 2; repetition time (TR), 1.0 s; echo time (TE), 20 ms; flip angle (FA), 30°; slice number, 44; and voxel size, 2 × 2 × 2 mm isotropic. To estimate and correct for magnetic field inhomogeneities, we also acquired a gradient echo field map with the following parameters: transversal orientation; field of view, 210 × 210 × 160 mm; 64 slices; 2.5 mm thickness; TR, 475 ms; TE, 4.08 ms; FA, 35°.
Preprocessing and first-level general linear model
Preprocessing of the functional data was performed using SPM12 (fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm) and custom Matlab code. This included correction for geometric distortions using the gradient echo field map (Hutton et al., 2002) and motion realignment to the first scan in the first run (three translations: x, y, and z; three rotations: pitch, roll, and yaw). Due to the short TR, no slice timing corrections were applied. The functional data were coregistered to the anatomical scan, but no normalization to a standard template or smoothing was applied during preprocessing. To allow magnetization to reach equilibrium, the first four volumes of each functional run were discarded. The preprocessed images were analyzed with a general linear model (GLM). We defined separate regressors for each combination of the 6 finger actions (single, multi) × 3 phases (preparation go, preparation no-go, production), resulting in a total of 18 regressors (12 go + 6 no-go), plus the intercept, for each run. We also conducted an analysis where the same preparation regressor was used in go and no-go, which resulted in qualitatively similar as reported here. For the main text, however, we decided to be conservative and not use the regressors for the preparation of go trials, thereby controlling for a residual bias from the execution-related activity onto the preceding planning-related activity. Each regressor consisted of boxcar functions of length 2 s convolved with a two-gamma canonical hemodynamic response function with a peak onset of 5 s and a poststimulus undershoot minimum of 10 s. Given the relatively low error rates (i.e., number of error trials over the total number of trials; timing errors, 7.58 ± 0. 62%; press errors, 1.18 ± 0.26%; see above, Task ), all trials were included to estimate the regression coefficients, regardless of whether the execution was correct or erroneous. Ultimately, the first-level analysis resulted in activation images (beta maps) for each of the 18 conditions per run, for each of the participants.
Surface reconstruction and normalization
Based on the 0.75 mm anatomical scan, we reconstructed each individual cortical surface using FreeSurfer (Dale et al., 1999). The reconstructed white–gray matter and pial surfaces for each individual were inflated into a sphere and aligned using sulcal depth and curvature information to the FreeSurfer average atlas (Fischl et al., 1999). This approach is currently the state of the art in imaging analysis to achieve the best regional specificity of group analysis despite the considerable intersubject variability in cortical folding. Subsequently, surfaces were resampled to a left–right symmetric template (fs_LR.164k.spec; Van Essen et al., 2012) included in the connectome workbench distribution (Marcus et al., 2011). The functional imaging data (2 mm resolution) were then mapped onto each individual surface. In this analysis, we excluded voxels that lay within the sulci and touched both banks (with >25% of the voxel volume in the gray matter on both sides sulcus). This approach effectively prevents any mixing of BOLD signals originating from M1 and S1 across the central sulcus (CS).
Profile and ROI analysis
We focused our imaging analysis on the dorsolateral aspect of the contralateral (left) hemisphere (Fig. 2A, purple area), including the motor regions of the medial wall. Data from this area are displayed in the surface maps presented in Figures 2C–F, 3A–D, and 4.
Average activity during sequence preparation and production (univariate analysis). A, Inflated cortical surface of the contralateral (left) hemisphere, highlighting the displayed areas (B–F, purple). B, Flat representation of the neocortex with major sulci indicated by white dotted lines and the boundaries of different regions indicated by black dashed lines. The strip highlighted in white was used for the profiles (G, H) and region-of-interest definition. C, Group-averaged percent signal change during preparation and (D) production of single-finger sequences. E, F, Same as C and D but for multifinger sequences. G, Profile ROI analysis (see Materials and Methods, Fig. 2B) of the mean percent signal change [± standard error of the mean (SEM)] during the preparation and (H) production of single-finger (red) and multifinger sequences (blue). The x-axis corresponds to Brodmann areas (BA) shown in B. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 in a two-sided one-sample t test versus zero for selected ROIs. The vertical black lines mark the approximate boundaries between the BAs (see Materials and Methods). The black triangles point to the approximate location of the main anatomical landmark. Sulci: superior frontal sulcus (SFS), inferior frontal sulcus (IFS), precentral sulcus (pre-CS), central sulcus (CS), postcentral sulcus (post-CS), intraparietal sulcus (IPS), lateral occipital sulcus (LOS), superior temporal sulcus (STS). ROIs: anterior superior–parietal lobule (aSPL, BA 5), primary somatosensory cortex (S1, BA 3, 1, 2), primary motor cortex (M1), dorsal premotor cortex (PMd, BA 6), secondary motor area (pre-SMA and SMA, BA 6).
To summarize data from the hand areas of the premotor, motor, and sensorimotor cortex (i.e., our core regions of interest) in a continuous manner, we adopted here a region profile approach (Fig. 2G,H): We defined a line through the anatomically defined hand knob (Yousry et al., 1997) that ran in anteroposterior direction, approximately orthogonal to the boundaries between different Brodmann areas (BA; Fischl et al., 2008). By extending the line ±20 mm above and below the line, we defined a strip of surface area in each hemisphere that mainly captures the hand area of M1 and S1 (Fig. 2B, white area). We subdivided this area into 50 vertical sections running from anterior to posterior, allowing us to summarize the result on a one-dimensional profile view (Figs. 2G,H, 3E,F).
For statistical analysis only, we subdivided this strip into major regions (grouping vertical sections together) according to a cytoarchitectonic probabilistic atlas, which was based on the postmortem cytoarchitectonic analysis of 10 human brains (Fischl et al., 2008). The individual maps from these brains were normalized into the spherical (surface-based) group atlas. In comparison to a volume-based normalization of the same maps (Eickhoff et al., 2007), this approach leads to a cleaner separation of cortical areas. We defined regions of interest for the primary motor cortex (M1; BA4), primary somatosensory cortex (S1; BA 1, 2, and 3), dorsal premotor cortex (PMd; BA 6), and the anterior parietal lobules (aSPL; BA 5) by selecting the strips that had the highest probability (averaged over all vertices within the strip) as determined by a probabilistic cytoarchitectonic atlas (Fischl et al., 2008) belonging to their respective BA. The supplementary motor areas (SMA) lay outside of the defined strip of surface area. We therefore defined the SMA ROI by choosing the part of BA6 that was situated in the medial wall.
ROI-based analyses were conducted in the space of the individual data acquisition for each individual participant by determining the voxel that would be projected onto the set of surface nodes associated with each ROI. In this analysis (as well as for surface-based mapping), we excluded voxels with >25% of their volume in the gray matter on the opposite side of a sulcus. This avoided cross-contamination of activity measured in M1 and S1, as well as across the precentral and postcentral sulcus. No smoothing of functional activity in the volume was applied. This approach has allowed us in one previous paper to carefully analyze the specialization of subregions of human S1 and M1 (Arbuckle et al., 2022).
Univariate analysis of average activations
We calculated the percent signal change for each condition relative to the baseline activation for each voxel, by averaging the estimates from the first-level GLM (see above) across runs. For ROI analysis, these values were averaged across all voxels in the native volume space of each participant selected for the respective ROI. For surface-based group maps, individual data were projected onto the group map via the individual surfaces, using all voxels touching the line that connected corresponding nodes on the pial and white-matter surfaces.
Statistical analyses to assess the cortical activity of each sequence type during each phase of preparation or production included a two-sided one-sample t test versus zero. For statistical tests on the surface, we used an uncorrected threshold of p = 0.001 and controlled the familywise error by calculating the size of the largest suprathreshold cluster across the entire cortical surface (estimated smoothness of FWHM, 7.9 mm) that would be expected by chance (p = 0.05) using Gaussian field theory as implemented in the fmristat package (Worsley et al., 1996).
Multivariate pattern analysis of sequence-specific representations
To evaluate which brain areas displayed sequence-specific representations, we used representational similarity analysis (Kriegeskorte and Diedrichsen, 2019). We calculated the cross-validated Mahalanobis distances (Walther et al., 2016) between evoked regional patterns (beta estimates from first-level GLM) of different pairs of conditions, 6 sequences (3 single, 3 multi) × 2 phases (preparation no-go, production). Prior to calculating the distances, beta weights for each condition were spatially prewhitened (i.e., weighted by the matrix square root of the noise covariance matrix, as estimated from the residuals of the GLM). The noise covariance matrix was slightly regularized toward a diagonal matrix (Ledoit and Wolf, 2003). Multivariate prewhitening has been shown to increase the reliability of dissimilarity estimates (Walther et al., 2016).
The distances were estimated using cross-validation by multiplying the difference between the activity pattern of two conditions in one imaging run with the difference computed on any other imaging run. This procedure ensures the distance estimates are unbiased, such that if two patterns differ only by measurement noise, the mean of the estimated value would be zero (Diedrichsen et al., 2021). This also means that estimates can sometimes become negative. Therefore, dissimilarities significantly larger than zero indicate that the two patterns are reliably distinct, akin to an above-chance performance in a cross-validated decoding analysis.
Multivariate analysis was conducted for all voxels within each ROI (see above) and also continuously on the cortical surface. For surface-based maps, we conducted a searchlight analysis (Fig. 3A). For each surface node, we selected a circular region of 100 voxels (with a maximal radius of 12 mm) and assigned the result to the central node of the searchlight.
Distance between sequence-specific activity patterns during preparation and production (multivariate analysis). A, Group-averaged multivariate searchlight map of the crossnobis distance between the preparation and (B) production of the three single-fingersequences. C, Same as A but for mean crossnobis distance between the preparation and (D) production of three multifinger sequences. E, Profile ROI analysis along strip indicated in Figure 2B of the mean crossnobis distance (±SEM) during the preparation of single-finger (light red line) and multifinger (light blue) sequences. (F) Same as E but for the production of single-finger (dark blue) and multifinger (dark red) sequences. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 in a two-sided one-sample t test versus zero for selected ROIs.
Dispersion metric
To determine whether there were significant differences in the dispersion of the representations for multi- and single-finger sequences during preparation, we first set all negative dissimilarity values to 0. We then normalized the dissimilarities for each sequence type such that all vertices’ dissimilarities in the white strip (Fig. 2A) summed up to 1. This defined the weight of each surface vertex. The center of gravity (COG) per participant was then the weighted average of the x and y coordinates of these vertices on the flat map. Then, we calculated the dispersion (d) around this COG by calculating the squared distance between each vertex and COG and averaging them weighted by wi:
Correlation analysis
To assess the relationship between planning and execution-related activity, we estimated the correlation between them. For estimation, we employed two different approaches. First, we used simple Pearson’s correlation. When estimating the correlation between sequence-specific activity patterns, we first removed the mean pattern for the preparation and production phase. We then stacked the three activity patterns into a single vector. The average (across runs) activity patterns for preparation and production were correlated directly. When estimating the correlation between multi versus single contrasts across preparation and production, we first calculated the difference between activity patterns of three multifinger sequences and the corresponding single-finger movements (i.e., sequence 135351 with 111111, etc.) and then averaged the three maps. The average (across runs) difference maps for preparation and production were then correlated directly. Correlations were calculated separately within each participant. To test for a positive correlation, we performed a two-sided paired t test against zero.
To obtain an estimate of the correlation, corrected for the level of measurement noise, we used pattern component modeling (PCM, Diedrichsen et al., 2018). The problem with Pearson's correlations estimated on the noisy data is that they are always smaller than 1, even if the underlying patterns are identical. PCM solves this issue by modeling the noise and true pattern separately and estimating the likelihood of the data given any value of correlation (Diedrichsen et al., 2023). We created 100 correlation models with correlations in the range (0–1) in equal step sizes and assessed the likelihood of the observed data from each participant under each correlation model (Fig. 4C). First, we used the winning model as an estimate of the noise-corrected correlation (maximum likelihood estimate). To test whether two sets of activity patterns are identical, we compared the likelihood of the best-fitting model within each participant to the likelihood of a competing correlation model (r = 1), using a two-sided paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The choice of the best-fitting model was acquired using a cross-validated approach, estimating the group-winning model from n−1 participants, and determining the log likelihood of this model for the left-out participant (for whom this model may not be the best one).
Activation maps for pre- and online planning are positively, but not perfectly, correlated. A, The difference in evoked activation between multifinger and single-finger sequences during the preparation and (B) production. C, PCM evaluation of models assuming a correlation between the sequence–general activity patterns shown in A and B of 0 to 1. The group average (black line) and individual curves (thin gray lines) express the difference between the log likelihood from the mean value (i.e., zero on the y-axis). The red dots indicate the best-fitting correlation model for each participant, and the red solid line cross-validated best-fitting model across all participants. The yellow-shaded area indicates the models that perform significantly worse than the best-fitting correlation model (p < 0.05). D, Similar to C, but for the correlation between sequence-specific activity patterns evoked during preparation and production of multifinger sequences in PMd and aSPL. For each participant, we averaged the curve corresponding to each of the two areas. E, Voxel-wise values of the preparation multisingle contrast, plotted against the voxel-wise values of the production multisingle contrast, for all the voxels included in maps A and B. Two principal components (PCs) of the data are shown. The voxels in the red area (positive PC2) show a preference for online planning, whereas the voxels in the blue area (negative PC2) show preplanning. Data from a single example participant are shown. F, Group t-value for the second PC projected on the flat map. The areas with black solid outlines represent significant clusters. Note that for this surface-based (rather than ROI-based) analysis, there is no strict correspondence between the clusters on the map and our predefined ROIs. The labels next to the significant clusters correspond to the more closely matching ROI.
Analysis of preferential activation for planning before and during movement
To test if the activity patterns for the difference between multi- and single-finger sequences across preparation and production are systematically different in some brain regions, we employed principle component analysis (PCA). The simple contrast between the two difference maps could not answer this question because they have different scales. We obtained the multi versus single contrast during preparation and production averaged across sequences for all voxels within the region of interest (Fig. 2A, purple area). For each individual, we then conducted a singular value decomposition on the 2 × P matrix, in which the two rows represented the preparation and production contrasts. The first PC captured the common neural activity shared by processes happening during preparation and production while accounting for the differing degrees of activation in specific voxels. The second PC represented the tendency of each voxel to be relatively more engaged during one process than the other. We ensured that for each participant the positive value on the second PC represented relatively more engagement during the production phase. Lastly, we projected the value for each voxel to the nearest vertex and created a preference map. These maps were then submitted to a surface-based group analysis (see above).
Behavioral performance
Overall, the behavior during scanning was well matched: Neither the peak force nor the time between presses differed significantly between single-finger and multifinger conditions (Table 1). False starts in no-go trials were extremely rare (<2%, on average). As expected, the number of trials in which participants pressed an incorrect key was significantly higher for multifinger than for single-finger sequences. However, because participants were instructed to complete the sequence even when they made one mistake, the majority of presses in these trials were still correct. We therefore included all trials in the imaging analysis. In previous papers (Yokoi and Diedrichsen, 2019, Berlot et al., 2020), we found that the imaging results were very similar, regardless of whether error trials were included or excluded (i.e., regressed out).
Average peak force across the six presses, average interpress interval (IPI, time between subsequent key presses) for single-finger and multifinger sequences, and standard error across participants
Preplanning of multifinger sequences activates the first finger in M1 and S1
We then asked what processes occur during sequence preparation in the core sensorimotor areas S1 and M1. For single-finger movements (Fig. 2C), BOLD activity in these regions was suppressed relative to rest (Fig. 2G; M1, t21 = −6.939, p = 7.4 × 10−7; S1, t21 = −5.508, p = 1.8 × 10−5). For multifinger movements (Fig. 2E), we also observed some suppression deep in the central sulcus; however, averaged across the ROI, the activation was not different from the resting baseline (M1, t21 = −0.692, p = 0.496; S1, t21 = −0.523, p = 0.606).
We then used multivoxel pattern analysis to examine whether the fine-grained pattern of activity in these areas differed between the planned sequences. To this end, we calculated cross-validated Mahalanobis distances (Walther et al., 2016; Diedrichsen et al., 2021) between the activity patterns associated with the three sequences. Systematically positive values of this measure indicate reliable multivariate pattern differences. As previously reported (Ariani et al., 2022), we found that during the preparation of single-finger movements (Fig. 3A), the core hand areas of M1 and S1 exhibited finger-specific activity patterns (M1, t21 = 2.343, p = 0.029; S1, t21 = 3.137, p = 0.005). Analysis of multifinger sequences revealed a similar result: Although M1 and S1 were not activated overall, there were significant differences between activity patterns for three sequences (Fig. 3E; M1, t21 = 2.991, p = 0.007; S1, t21 = 2.829, p = 0.010) during preparation.
What do these activity differences for multifinger sequences reflect? One possibility is that during sequence preparation, the first element of the sequences is preactivated in M1. Because each sequence started with a different finger, this would cause differences between the activity patterns—without constituting a sequence representation as we define it. This idea predicts that the activity pattern during preparation should correlate with the activity pattern observed when only the first finger movement is pressed. To test this, we correlated the preparation activity of three multifinger sequences with the production activity of the corresponding single-finger sequences (i.e., sequence 135351 with 111111, etc.) after subtracting the mean activity pattern. This analysis revealed a significant correlation in both M1 (average r = 0.043, t21 = 2.366, p = 0.027) and S1 (r = 0.047, t21 = 2.285, p = 0.032) but not in PMd (t21 = −1.227, p = 0.233) and aSPL (t21 = −0.242, p = 0.811) with the values of correlation being significantly larger in M1/S1 than PMd/aSPL (t21 = 3.068, p = 0.005). While these correlations are very small, correlations estimated on noisy data consistently underestimate the true correlation (Diedrichsen et al., 2023). To account for measurement noise in a principled way, we used pattern component modeling (PCM, see Materials and Methods) to build potential models of the correlation between activity patterns for the preparation of multifinger sequences and production of single-finger sequences and evaluate the likelihood of the data given each model. We removed the average activity pattern common to all sequences from the patterns (separately for multi- and single-finger sequences) and then correlated the patterns across the two conditions. The group maximum-likelihood estimates of correlation indicated substantial correspondence with r = 0.40 for S1 and r = 0.34 for M1. Thus, there is a substantial overlap between the patterns during the preplanning of multifinger sequences and the patterns during the execution of the first finger in the sequence.
In previous studies, we have found that the activity patterns in M1 and S1 (averaged over preparation and production phases) can be explained by a temporal summation of the patterns related to the individual finger presses, with an especially high weight from the first finger in the sequence (Yokoi et al., 2018; Berlot et al., 2021). If this weighting is due to the preactivation of the first finger during movement preparation, we would predict that the pattern differences between sequences should disappear during the execution phase, as all three involved the same three fingers (albeit in a different order). Indeed, the pattern differences were significantly attenuated during the production phase (Fig. 3D, planning versus execution in M1, t21 = 2.123, p = 0.0458, and S1, t21 = 2.305, p = 0.0345), with a small pattern difference remaining only in M1 (t21 = 2.814, p = 0.0104).
In sum, these results are consistent with the idea that the first finger in a sequence is preactivated during the preparation phase and that, after production starts, the activity pattern in M1 and S1 are determined by a temporal summation of the patterns related to the individual finger presses (Yokoi et al., 2018).
Pre- and online planning engage a highly overlapping set of cortical areas
If the activity patterns in the M1 and S1 are related to the individual finger presses, then continuous input from higher-level regions that retain a representation of the entire sequence is required to move reliably from finger to finger. We refer to this process as planning, whether it occurs before (preplanning) or after movement onset (online planning; Ariani and Diedrichsen, 2019; Ariani et al., 2021). Here, we investigate whether pre- and online planning engage exactly the same or different sets of cortical areas. Given that the number, speed, and force of the finger presses were closely matched across single and multifinger movements (Table 1), we assumed that both conditions involve similar execution-related processes. Therefore, the difference between the production of single-finger and multifinger sequences should mostly reflect activity related to online planning. If preplanning and online planning involve the exact same cortical areas, then this difference should be similar to the difference between single-finger and multifinger movement during preparation (reflecting the need for increased preplanning).
In contrast to single-finger movements (Fig. 2C), preparation of multifinger sequences (Fig. 2E) strongly activated the dorsal premotor cortex (Fig. 2G; PMd, t21 = 5.125, p = 4.4 × 10−5), the supplementary motor areas (SMA/pre-SMA, t21 = 4.016, p = 2.3 × 10−4), and the anterior part of the superior parietal lobule (aSPL, t21 = 7.482, p = 2.3 × 10−7). Thus, the demands of planning multiple different finger movements evoked significant brain activation in premotor and parietal areas.
During the production, we found widespread activity in both primary sensorimotor, parietal, and premotor areas for both sequence types (Fig. 2D,F). The contrast between these two conditions revealed higher activity for multifinger over single-finger sequences in PMd (Figs. 2H, 4B; t21 = 6.022, p = 5.6 × 10−6) and aSPL (t21 = 8.264, p = 4.8 × 10−8). In contrast, in caudal M1 and rostral S1, the same two conditions elicited very similar activity levels, consistent with the idea that the basic motor requirements were well matched between single- and multifinger sequences.
Importantly, the spatial distribution of the multi versus single contrast during production was very similar to the multi versus single contrast during preparation (Fig. 4A,B). When we correlated the unsmoothed voxel-wise activity maps in our window of interest within each participant, we found a highly significant correlation between the brain activity patterns under these two conditions (average r = 0.12, SE = 0.011, t21 = 10.796, p = 4.9 × 10−10). Thus, pre- and online planning activated overlapping cortical areas.
Preferential activation for planning before and during movement
The strong overlap between the activity maps for pre- and online planning, however, does not tell us whether the two maps were identical (in other words, pre- and online planning activated—within each participant—exactly the same voxels) or whether there were true differences between the maps. This is because measurement noise will lead to an observed correlation smaller than 1, even if two maps are identical (Diedrichsen et al., 2023). Again, we applied PCM to model the correlation between multisingle contrast activity patterns in both preparation and production, followed by an assessment of data likelihood for each model (Fig. 4C). The group maximum likelihood estimate of correlation was r = 0.65 with strong evidence that the patterns were not identical (against 1-corr model: z = 3.815, p = 0.0001).
Given that this analysis indicated some differences between the activity patterns for pre- and online planning, we asked whether different regions showed a systematic preference toward either process. Because the contrast during preplanning was generally larger than during execution, we could not simply subtract the two difference maps. Instead, we plotted the multisingle difference for each voxel during preparation (Fig. 4E, x-axis) against the difference during production (y-axis). We then estimated the average relationship between the two contrasts using principal component analysis (PCA) within each participant. The first principal component (PC1) captured the tendency of voxels to be similarly responsive for pre- or online planning. The loading on the second principal component captured the deviation from this lawful relationship, with positive values indicating relatively more activity during online planning and negative values more activity during preplanning. By mapping the voxel preferences back to the surface, we created an average preference map across participants within our window of interest (Fig. 4F). This map revealed that clusters (Fig. 4F, solid outlines) in PMd (p = 5.9 × 10−7, corrected for multiple comparisons, see Materials and Methods), M1/S1 (p = 8.8 × 10−6), and aSPL (p = 5.9 × 10−7) were more active during online planning, while clusters in SMA (p = 3.1 × 10−6), the ventral premotor cortex (PMv, p = 7.2 × 10−7 and p = 0.0096), and the inferior parietal lobule (IPL, p = 0.0492) were relatively more active during preplanning (Fig. 4F). This set of results indicates that preplanning and online planning of movement sequences preferentially activated slightly different sets of cortical areas.
PMd and SPL maintain sequence-specific representations both during preparation and production
If the increased activation for multifinger sequences in PMd and SPL (Fig. 4A,B) was related to preplanning and online planning, then these areas should exhibit sequence-specific representations during both the preparation and production phases.
Indeed, for the preparation phase, multivariate analysis (Fig. 3C) revealed that both areas showed sequence-specific representations of multifinger sequences. We found significant pattern differences in PMd (Fig. 3E, t21 = 2.266, p = 0.034) and aSPL (t21 = 3.491, p = 0.002). In contrast to the preparation of single-finger movements (Fig. 3A), the representations of multifinger sequences appeared to be more widespread on the cortical sheet. To quantify this observation, we calculated a spatial dispersion metric, which reflects the spatial variance of pattern dissimilarities (see Materials and Methods). This analysis confirmed that the planning of multifinger sequences was associated with a more widespread representation across the sensory–motor network compared with single-finger sequences (t21 = 3.542, p = 0.002). Therefore, premotor and parietal areas were not only more active during the preparation of multi- than single-finger sequences (Fig. 4A)—they also represented the identity of the sequence.
Importantly, we also found that these representations were maintained during the execution phase (Fig. 3D; PMd, t21 = 3.221, p = 0.004; aSPL, t21 = 2.490, p = 0.021). When comparing the multivariate distances between preparation (Fig. 3C) and execution (Fig. 3D), we found a strong reduction in M1 (t21 = 2.123, p = 0.045) and S1 (t21 = 2.305, p = 0.0314). In contrast, the pattern differences in PMd and aSPL did not attenuate from the preparation to the execution phase (PMd, t21 = 0.271, p = 0.7889; aSPL, t21 = 1.895, p = 0.0719). Note that the estimates of the multivariate distances are quite noisy, so differences in the patterns in premotor and parietal areas between Figure 3, C and D, should not be overinterpreted. When conducting a mapwise comparison, no significant differences between the maps were found after controlling for multiple comparisons. We therefore chose an ROI approach to increase our statistical power. These results are consistent with the idea that premotor and parietal areas are involved in the planning of movement sequences both before and during sequence production.
Finally, we asked whether the sequence-specific representations in these areas remained stable or whether they changed dynamically from preparation to production. To address this question, we again used PCM. We removed the average activity pattern common to all multifinger sequences from the patterns (separately for the preparation and production phase) and then correlated these sequence-specific pattern differences between sequences across the two phases. Figure 4D shows the likelihood curves for different correlation models averaged across PMd and aSPL. The small signal-to-noise ratio for relatively subtle differences between multifinger sequences resulted in small model evidence for almost all participants. The cross-validated group-winning model predicted that sequence-specific activity patterns were perfectly correlated with strong evidence that patterns were not uncorrelated (against 0-corr model: PMd, z = 2.646, p = 0.008; aSPL, z = 2.873, p = 0.004). These results suggest that sequence-specific representations remain stable across preplanning and execution.
We used 7 T fMRI and multivariate analyses to investigate the role of human cortical areas in the preparation of movement sequences, separating processes that occur before and during movement production. We found that primary sensorimotor cortices (M1, S1) showed activity patterns resembling the first movement in the sequence during preparation and of a temporal summation of individual movements during production. In contrast, secondary sensorimotor areas (PMd, SMA, SPL) were more activated during both pre- and online planning of motor sequences. These regions also maintained a stable representation of the sequence across the preparation and production phases.
In previous fMRI studies, we found that the activity patterns in M1 and S1 during sequence production can be explained by the linear combination of the patterns associated with the individual movements (Yokoi and Diedrichsen, 2019; Berlot et al., 2021). The pattern for the first finger in the sequence contributed substantially more to the overall pattern (average over preparation and execution) than all the subsequent fingers (Yokoi et al., 2018). Our results now provide evidence that this “first finger effect” was caused by the preactivation of the first sequence element during preparation rather than by the transition from planning to execution state space (Kaufman et al., 2016; Yokoi et al., 2018): The preplanning of a multifinger sequence activated a pattern similar to that observed during the execution of the first movement in that sequence.
In a study using sequences of object-directed reach-to-grasp movements, Gallivan et al. (2016) found that the activity patterns in M1 were also slightly different between two action sequences that started with the same movement (reach to grasp) but differed in the second movement (place vs hold). This suggests that not only the first but possibly also the second movement may be reflected in M1 preparatory activity patterns. This observation would be consistent with the “competitive queuing” hypothesis (Averbeck et al., 2002), the idea that the first movement in a sequence is most, the second less, and subsequent movements even less activated (Kornysheva et al., 2019). However, because the first reach-to-grasp movement was always the same across conditions, it was unclear whether these findings would generalize to longer and more complex sequences where every sequence element is different and needs to be planned anew from trial to trial.
After sequence production began, the pattern differences in M1 and S1 between the three multifinger sequences were strongly attenuated. This is likely due to the fact the pattern corresponding to the single-finger movements was sequentially activated. Due to the low temporal resolution of fMRI, these patterns combined additively, such that the three multifinger sequences (which were matched in terms of the involved fingers) elicited an overall similar activity pattern when we isolated the activity during the production phase. These results also suggest that the production of the sequence cannot be maintained autonomously by primary motor areas, but it depends on input from secondary motor areas (Tanji and Shima, 1994; Yokoi and Diedrichsen, 2019; Russo et al., 2020). Consistent with this idea, we found that PMd, SMA, and SPL (but not caudal M1 and rostral S1) were more activated during the preparation and production of multifinger as compared with single-finger movements. We also found sequence-specific activity patterns in these areas, which were correlated across the preparation and production phases. This suggests that premotor and parietal areas maintain a stable representation of the sequence throughout, likely to drive the next movements in M1.
As shown in recent behavioral studies (Ariani and Diedrichsen, 2019; Ariani et al., 2021; Kashefi et al., 2023), even relatively short five-item sequences cannot be fully preplanned. Instead, planning of remaining items needs to continue throughout sequence production. To determine if the same areas are involved in the pre- and online planning, we contrasted the univariate multifinger to single-finger activity maps. Because behavioral execution measures were matched between conditions, we interpreted these contrasts as reflecting the increased need for planning. We found that the contrast maps were highly correlated across preparation and production phases (Fig. 4C), indicating that preplanning and online planning activated similar regions. Within two of these regions, the PMd and aSPL, we also found that the sequence-specific activity patterns were highly correlated across preparation and production (Fig. 4D), suggesting that the sequence-specific representations remained stable. Together these two findings are evidence that the processes involved in online planning are similar to those involved in preplanning.
Despite considerable overlap in brain activation between pre- and online planning (Fig. 3A,B), however, further analysis revealed small but systematic differences in the involvement of different brain areas: PMd, S1, and SPL tended to be more active during online planning, and SMA and ventral premotor cortex (PMv) more during preplanning. This indicates that the two processes are not exactly identical. Given that the sequence cues were only presented during the preparation phase, one possible explanation is that preplanning also involved memory encoding, whereas online planning involved memory retrieval processes. The exact nature of these differences, however, remains to be tested in future studies.
Making strong inferences about the dynamic processes taking place in these brain areas during online planning is not possible with current fMRI-MVPA methods, which rely on a relatively slow and indirect measure of brain activity. More detailed insights may require the high temporal resolution and spatial precision offered by direct recordings of neuronal activity. Nonetheless, our results offer testable predictions for future electrophysiology work in sensorimotor areas of nonhuman primates. They predict that M1 should show fast dynamics related to each individual movement, with linear superposition of subsequent movements (Zimnik and Churchland, 2021). Additionally, they predict the presence of sequence-specific representation in premotor and superior parietal areas both during preparation and production. The observed consistency of these representations during preparation and production suggests that these representations have slow dynamics and change very little from preparation to production. However, it is also possible that these patterns are stable at a voxel level—i.e., pre- and online planning activate the same cortical columns—but show faster dynamics at the single neuron level. Studying these representations at a neuronal level at high temporal resolution will provide additional insight into how the motor system solves the fundamental problem of serial order in behavior (Lashley, 1951).
This work was supported by a discovery grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, RGPIN-2016-04890) and a project grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR, PJT-175010) to J.D. and the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (BrainsCAN).
↵*G.A. and M.S. contributed equally to this work.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
- Correspondence should be addressed to Jörn Diedrichsen at jdiedric{at}uwo.ca.