In the article “Diurnal Fluctuations in Steroid Hormones Tied to Variation in Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in a Densely Sampled Male” by Hannah Grotzinger, Laura Pritschet, Pavel Shapturenka, Tyler Santander, Elle M. Murata, and Emily G. Jacobs which appeared in the May 29, 2024 issue, the mean and standard deviation values in the “Functional preprocessing” subsection of the Materials and Methods appeared incorrectly. The authors report that “the average FWD was exceedingly minimal (M = 8 microns; SD = 4 microns);” however, the correct statement should read “the average FWD was exceedingly minimal (M = 80 microns; SD = 40 microns)”. These errors do not affect the conclusions of the paper, and the authors apologize for this error. The online version has been corrected.