In the article “Role of the STING→IRF3 Pathway in Ambient GABA Homeostasis and Cognitive Function,” by Chiranjivi Neupane, Ramesh Sharma, Fei Fei Gao, Thuy Linh Pham, Yoo Sung Kim, Bo-Eun Yoon, Eun-Kyeong Jo, Kyung-Cheol Sohn, Gang Min Hur, Guang-Ho Cha, Sun Seek Min, Cuk-Seong Kim, and Jin Bong Park, which appeared in the October 9, 2024 issue, incorrect punctuation was used in the notation of pathways throughout the paper. Hyphens should be used rather than arrows; for example, “STING→TBK1→IRF3” should appear as “STING-TBK1-IRF3.”
This notation has been corrected throughout the online version. These errors do not affect the conclusions of the paper.