In the article “Expression of Human Apolipoprotein E3 or E4 in the Brains of Apoe−/− Mice: Isoform-Specific Effects on Neurodegeneration,” by Manuel Buttini, Matthias Orth, Stefano Bellosta, Hassibullah Akeefe, Robert E. Pitas, Tony Wyss-Coray, Lennart Mucke, and Robert W. Mahley, which appeared on pages 4867–4880 in the June 15, 1999 issue, Figure 4 contained an error. Specifically, the middle panel in the bottom row (labeled “Cerebellum”) partly overlaps with the left-most panel in that row. The authors provided the following remarks:
“We presume that this error resulted from an inadvertent mix-up of photomicrographs when the figure was prepared over 25 years ago. Because it will be impossible for us to locate the correct image after so many years, we think that the most pragmatic approach would be to publish an Erratum featuring a revised version of Figure 4 that lacks the three cerebellum images in the bottom row. We are certain that this correction will have no impact on the findings or conclusions of our paper, which did not specifically address or even mention the cerebellum in the text.”
The corrected Figure 4 appears below. This error does not affect the conclusions of the paper.