In the article “Life Extension Factor Klotho Prevents Mortality and Enhances Cognition in hAPP Transgenic Mice,” by Dena B. Dubal, Lei Zhu, Pascal E. Sanchez, Kurtresha Worden, Lauren Broestl, Erik Johnson, Kaitlyn Ho, Gui-Qiu Yu, Daniel Kim, Alexander Betourne, Makoto Kuro-o, Eliezer Masliah, Carmela R. Abraham, and Lennart Mucke, which appeared on pages 2358–2371 in the February 11, 2015 issue, there was a duplication present in Figure 4A. The Western blot of representative examples in Figure 4A mistakenly showed the same hAPP bands in hAPP mice with and without KL overexpression. The corrected figure appears below. This error does not affect the conclusions of the paper.