Sensory experience and learning are thought to be associated with plasticity of neocortical circuits. Repetitive sensory stimulation can induce long-term potentiation (LTP) of cortical excitatory synapses in anesthetized mice; however, it is unclear if these phenomena are associated with sustained changes in activity during wakefulness. Here we used time-lapse, calcium imaging of layer (L) 2/3 neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), in awake male mice, to assess the effects of a bout of rhythmic whisker stimulation (RWS) at a frequency by which rodents sample objects. We found that RWS induced a 1h-increase in whisker-evoked L2/3 neuronal activity in most cells. This was not observed for whiskers functionally connected to distant cortical columns. We also found that RWS could heterogeneously recruit or suppress whisker-evoked activity in different populations of neurons. Vasoactive intestinal-peptide-expressing (VIP) interneurons, which promote plasticity through disinhibition of pyramidal neurons, were found to exclusively elevate activity during RWS. These findings indicate that cortical neurons’ representation of sensory input can be modulated over hours through repetitive sensory stimulation, which may be gated by activation of disinhibitory circuits.
Significance statement Sensory experience and learning are thought to be associated with the plasticity of cortical synaptic circuits. Here, we tested how repeated sensory stimulation changes subsequent sensory-evoked responses, using the mouse somatosensory cortex as a model. This cortical area processes, among others, sensory information from the whiskers. We found that rhythmic whisker stimulation potentiated excitatory neuronal activity for an hour, and identified a disinhibitory interneuron-mediated mechanism that could gate this plasticity. This work increases our understanding of sensory learning and experience-dependent plasticity processes by demonstrating that cortical representations of sensory input are dynamic and are effectively modulated by repeated sensory stimulation.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
We thank Ronan Chéreau, Céline Dürst, and Foivos Markopoulos for their technical assistance and critical evaluation of the experimental design; and Ronan Chéreau for help with software and comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grants # 31003A_153448 and 31003A_173125, 31003A_204562 to A.H.), and the International Foundation for Research in paraplegia (A.H.), and the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (NARSAD YIG #28782 to L.E.W), and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/V005405/1 to L.E.W).