Individuals avoid spending cognitive effort unless expected rewards offset the perceived costs. Recent work employing tasks that provide explicit information about demands and incentives, suggests causal involvement of the Frontopolar Cortex (FPC) in effort-based decision-making. Using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), we examined whether the FPC’s role in motivating effort generalizes to sequential choice problems in which task demand and reward rates vary indirectly and as a function of experience. In a double-blind, within-subject design, 46 participants (36 female, 8 male, 1 ‘neither/other’) received anodal (i.e., excitatory) or sham stimulation over the right FPC during an Effort Foraging Task, which required choosing between harvesting patches for successively decreasing resources or traveling to replenished patches by performing a cognitive task with environment-specific difficulty. As expected, participants exited patches later (i.e., exhibited lower exit thresholds) when travelling required greater (versus less) effort, indicating increased travel costs in high-effort environments. Under anodal tDCS, the difference in exit thresholds between environments was significantly smaller relative to sham. Finally, individual differences analyses hint that participants with lower self-reported motivation to exert effort exhibited greater travel cost reductions following tDCS. Together, these findings support the theorized causal role of the FPC in motivating cognitively effortful behavior, expand its role to more ecologically valid serial decisions and highlight the potential for tDCS as a tool to increase motivation with potential clinical applications.
Significance statement Uncovering the neural mechanisms regulating engagement in effortful behavior is crucial, as it will improve our understanding and treatment of conditions characterized by reduced motivation, e.g., apathy and anhedonia. The Frontopolar Cortex (FPC) has been implicated in increasing effort exertion in settings that provide explicit information about effort demand and reward. Using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), we investigated whether the FPC retains its motivating capacity in sequential choice problems that vary effort and reward indirectly. We demonstrate that FPC stimulation decreases cognitive effort-based travel costs in an Effort Foraging Task, indicating a causal and general involvement of the FPC in motivating effortful behavior, highlighting the potential of tDCS as a new avenue for increasing motivation with potential clinical applications.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
The research was supported by funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG, grant BO 5457/1-1), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and the Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, grant T32DA007261). We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Marin Bergeron, Yiwei Cao, and Echo Wang in data collection and Nathaniel Daw for helpful discussions during the development of the computational model.