RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Damage to the Salience Network and Interactions with the Default Mode Network JF The Journal of Neuroscience JO J. Neurosci. FD Society for Neuroscience SP 10798 OP 10807 DO 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0518-14.2014 VO 34 IS 33 A1 Jilka, Sagar R. A1 Scott, Gregory A1 Ham, Timothy A1 Pickering, Alan A1 Bonnelle, Valerie A1 Braga, Rodrigo M. A1 Leech, Robert A1 Sharp, David J. YR 2014 UL http://www.jneurosci.org/content/34/33/10798.abstract AB Interactions between the Salience Network (SN) and the Default Mode Network (DMN) are thought to be important for cognitive control. However, evidence for a causal relationship between the networks is limited. Previously, we have reported that traumatic damage to white matter tracts within the SN predicts abnormal DMN function. Here we investigate the effect of this damage on network interactions that accompany changing motor control. We initially used fMRI of the Stop Signal Task to study response inhibition in humans. In healthy subjects, functional connectivity (FC) between the right anterior insula (rAI), a key node of the SN, and the DMN transiently increased during stopping. This change in FC was not seen in a group of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients with impaired cognitive control. Furthermore, the amount of SN tract damage negatively correlated with FC between the networks. We confirmed these findings in a second group of TBI patients. Here, switching rather than inhibiting a motor response: (1) was accompanied by a similar increase in network FC in healthy controls; (2) was not seen in TBI patients; and (3) tract damage after TBI again correlated with FC breakdown. This shows that coupling between the rAI and DMN increases with cognitive control and that damage within the SN impairs this dynamic network interaction. This work provides compelling evidence for a model of cognitive control where the SN is involved in the attentional capture of salient external stimuli and signals the DMN to reduce its activity when attention is externally focused.