PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Souza, George M.P.R. AU - Stornetta, Daniel S. AU - Abbott, Stephen B.G. TI - Interactions between arousal state and CO₂ determine the activity of central chemoreceptor neurons that drive breathing AID - 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1587-24.2024 DP - 2024 Nov 04 TA - The Journal of Neuroscience PG - e1587242024 4099 - 4100 - AB - The homeostatic regulation of pulmonary ventilation, and ultimately arterial PCO2, depends on interactions between respiratory chemoreflexes and arousal state. The ventilatory response to CO2 is triggered by neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) that function as sensors of central pH, which can be identified in adulthood by expression of Phox2b and Neuromedin B. Here we examine the dynamic response of genetically-defined RTN neurons to hypercapnia and arousal state in freely-behaving adult male and female mice using the calcium indicator jGCaMP7 and fiber photometry. We found that hypercapnia vigorously activates RTN neurons with a low CO2 recruitment threshold and with response kinetics that match respiratory activity whereas hypoxia had little effect. RTN activity increased transiently during wakefulness and respiratory-related arousals, rose persistently during REM sleep and their CO2 response persisted under anesthesia. Complementary studies using inhibitory optogenetics show that RTN activity supports eupneic breathing under anesthesia as well as during states of high arousal, but their activity is redundant for voluntary breathing patterns. Collectively, this study demonstrates that CO2-activated RTN neurons are exquisitely sensitive to arousal state, which determines their contribution to alveolar ventilation in relation to arterial PCO2.Significance statement Respiratory chemoreceptors stimulate neural respiratory motor output to regulate arterial PCO2 and PO2, thereby maintaining optimal gas exchange. Central chemoreceptor neurons expressing Phox2b and Neuromedin B in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus (RTN) are required for the hypercapnia ventilatory response. However, the dynamic activity of RTN neurons in conditions of normal and elevated carbon dioxide has not been described in unanesthetized conditions. Here, we use a genetically-encoded calcium indicator to demonstrate that RTN neurons exquisitely sensitivity to hypercapnia and variations in arousal and sleep-state in freely-behaving mice. This work has implications for understanding the central control of breathing across arousal-states, particularly during sleep and anesthesia.